Keep up the great work Judd! This is REAL journalism. Truth and sunlight is the greatest threat to budding fascism in America. I encourage everyone to subscribe

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Thank you Joseph!

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I can’t stop thinking about the complete failure of absolutely everyone to vet George Santos. What is the point of journalism if no one is bothering to unearth these kinds of details until after an election? The whole story seemed like low hanging fruit given the breadth and volume of his lies and yet he managed to con his way into elected office, now with 2 committee assignments.

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There are a number of factors:

1. The hollowing out of local news outlets

2. The lack of resources for investigative journalism overall

3. The inordinate amount of time and resources devoted to horserace coverage of political campaigns.

That said, some local outlets did a good job of highlighting Santos' deceptions. It just didn't garner a huge amount of attention. The focus was on the "red wave" (which never materialized) rather than the pros and cons of each candidate.

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"That said, some local outlets did a good job of highlighting Santos' deceptions. It just didn't garner a huge amount of attention. The focus was on the "red wave" (which never materialized) rather than the pros and cons of each candidate."

Jeebus, what an indictment of the media writ large!

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Elise Stefanik's "top political aide was assisting his [Santos] campaign" (NYT) The aide was probably Alex DeGrasse. He has known ties to extremists in #NY21. The man is sloppy. A little digging would probably uncover a lot.

Other dicey activity is all the gun industry $$$ funneled to Stefanik via her husband Matthew Manda.

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Yes, I second. this. Stefank needs a bright light shined on her.

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I third this! I’d out Stefanik as the totally sloppy, incompetent rube she is! She’s a race baiting, power hungry, con.

I’m angry at the Democrats also for not doing a little digging on their opponent. That was also sloppy.

FL is just revolting period. We have friends there who keep inviting us 🤢🤮, they don’t like the cold here in Pittsburgh. We don’t care for the Nazis in Ft. Lauderdale.

Never been to Disney. I used to feel kinda bad I missed out on spending a 3rd of my yearly income at The Happiest Place on Earth! Not anymore! Family members went back in May, they returned disappointed and broke. Same with friends at the hair salon I go to, they said never again! Disney is a racket now. They felt very uncomfortable spending money on stuff that used to be included in park fees.

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Donald Hodgins <silencenotbad@gmail.com>

11:08 AM (0 minutes ago)


In life, there is a distinction between losing and failure. When you enter a competition one of three results will reveal the extent of your efforts. You may win, lose, or there may be a draw. To me, the idea of failure has no part in any of the three. If you view not winning as a form of failure you had better have a pretty good pair of shoes on your feet because the ones you're wearing aren't big enough. What you pour from yourself onto an athletic field, or any other effort you attempt, should represent the best you have to offer. Win or lose there is always someone out there that is better than you are, except if you are Tom Brady. I had an All-American from Michigan State teach the members of my high school football team a very valuable lesson. There are no losers on the football field, one team just simply runs out of time. Do your best and no matter what the outcome in life, there are only winners. On the other hand, failure is a totally different experience. This complete lack of success has some real-life consequences. Try swimming across a body of open water, failure here will result in tears being shed by those who loved you as they endeavor to recover your body. Taking a class and getting an "F" means one of two things, you either didn't apply yourself or the subject material was over your head. NASA suffered a failure when the space shuttle Columbia exploded shortly after takeoff, killing all 7 on board. A divorce is a form of failure that destroys families and scars the lives of those the group formally embraced. For Mr. Brady to express the desire that his children should know failure is to me cruel. Losing is a valuable lesson for kids to understand but it's vastly different from experiencing failure. Brady's expertise on the football field has given him a distorted view surrounding the essence between losing and the "F" word, ya there is more than one of those things. I would hope Tom's children, no matter if they win or lose, are spared the gut-wrenching emotion found in personal failure. To understand the true meaning of competition I see no room for the term. Failure stems from an egocentric view of one's personal self-image and the fact you feel no matter what happens on the field the other guy shouldn't win. That scenario sets the stage for personal failures on so many levels. Mr. Brady, you never failed in your endeavors on the football field you just found occasions when you didn't win. Nothing can ever take your greatness from you. I also hope your kids never fail at whatever they choose to do. That's a character-building exercise I would hope we all can skip

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The news was out there! The major newspaper in the Long Island district Santos ran in exposed much of his deceit. Zimmerman, the incumbent who ran against him said that his campaign was low on funds, and he was advised that Santos was not the threat he turned out to be. IT TAKES MONEY TO DO THIS DIGGING RESEARCH THAT EVERYONE IS DEMANDING.

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That is insane. I mean, he made nominal efforts to cover his tracks but a real journalist would have sussed him out toot sweet. Hell, as soon you get him underneath the lightest scrutiny, he starts unravelling.

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It's not true that "no one" in journalism caught him, it's that the journalist and outlet in particular were small and nobody else paid attention. At the same time, that media outlet could have done a better job trumpeting their findings. And the opposition was either underfunded or incompetent.

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What about the Democrats with all of their hand-wringing and alligator tears about needing seats in the House? The Wasserman-Schultz, Podesta and Clintocrats tried to dig up dirt and considered employing anti-semitism against Bernie Sanders and they waved this crackpot Republican in?? Corporate Democrats must have wanted this to happen.

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DeSantis is an autocrat and seeks to have the government involved and controlling all aspects of our lives. What we read, what we say, who we love, whether we want to have children. This is not freedom, this is fascism and the people of Florida support it. He will likely be the GOP pick. Is this America or Russia?

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DeSantis believes that LGBTQ+ is a lifestyle choice, not a natural human condition that has always existed. This is compounded by his belief that the choice is amoral and that amoral people are influencing children.

When our son was a child, we took him to a Turkish restaurant. The restaurant included entertainment and we stuck around to see the show. The belly dancers and musicians were excellent and very talented.

Any thinking person knows that there is a big difference between belly dancing at bachelor parties and belly dancing at restaurants or other venues open to all the public. But, to people with DeSantis' viewpoint, there is no difference. Although I haven't been, I imagine the same could be said with drag shows. Do some take it too far? Perhaps and those that do are fodder for Fox News. But, geez, is it few and far between?

Are kids being influenced? While there have been videos of some library drag shows with kids stating they want to be drag queens when they grow up, take those same kids to an MMA fight the next day and they will want to be MMA fighters. That is just how kids think. They live in the moment.

Whether belly dancing, drag shows or LGBTQ+ just existing, kids are being influenced to be tolerant of people's differences. They are not being influenced to be anything they are not.

There is a reason Baskin Robbins makes 31 flavors.

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I am sorry but all this projection from the GOP is vile. Children are notoriously violated and groomed by their immediate and extended families. Not some LGBTQ+ neighbor. Jesus all you have to do is research and the truth will lay bare. How many GOP pro-family, life, etc ++ do we have to indict for people to see. Think of the extreme religious sects that actually give their daughters promise rings and take photos as if she is a bride after her menses begins. All sick people. leave the children alone, they, more than these idiots stealing books have the intelligence to decide what they like. these laws are doing the grooming. DiSANTIS' ridiculous unconstitutional "laws" IS GROOMING.

From Stephen King, on TwitterMonster "

"Hey Kids! It's your old buddy Steve King telling you that if they ban a book in your school, haul your ass to the nearest bookstore or library ASAP and find out what they don't want you to read"

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And those MMA fights are just as much homoerotic theater as anyone can imagine. Nevermind the kids, it is those impressionable uncles one might be concerned for.

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Is it Florida or DeSantistan?

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I think DeSatan is Hitler reincarnated and his actions terrify me. I am planning to leave Florida as fast as I can sell my home and clear the border. He is a monster and what he is doing to public education is designed to create a generation of automatons who only believe the lies being fed to them by a fascist, authoritarian party.

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The definition of "indoctrination"

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Yes. The use of the word indoctrination, is a wholesale gaslighting strategy.

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"Grooming" even

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he IS the groomer

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Why doesn't the US just apply the 2nd Amendment fully and make everyone with a gun serve a minimum 2 years in our well regulated militia? Older gunners would do clerical and maintenance work. Cheaters get prison time. Bullets are also regulated.

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Every year my 75 year old cousin in Austria who owns a handgun is visited by the police to inspect where he is keeping the weapon, and to ensure he is still competent to use it properly.

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That's a clever solution.

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DeSantis was elected by voter suppression and intimidation, a big issue that needs more coverage. His election police are his personal gestapo. Governors in other states such as Texas have used these same tactics for years. The DOJ has done nothing about this at all. Any legal action has been heroically under taken by Marc Elias and his firm Elias Law Group: https://www.elias.law/team

I highly recommend subscribing to Marc’s newsletter, Democracy Docket. He also has an excellent podcast, Defending Democracy, weekly on Fridays. Last Friday he was joined by Senator Sheldon Whitehouse. The main subject was the Federalist Society, Leonard Leo, and dark money in politics. What I learned was truly very alarming, frightening actually.

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I concur. Marc is in my info-source list as well.

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Thank you, Marc Elias deserves a follow.

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Voter suppression is a real issue and it deserves to have a bright light directed at it. I don't think we can attribute DeSantis's landslide victory solely to voter suppression, though. He tapped into something in the Florida electorate. He is a bully, he punches down, and he hates the same people they hate. I do not think his act will translate well to the national stage, though. Presidential politics are different ... you can't just be against leftism. You have to be FOR something.

Also, +1 on Elias.

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If your area of concern and coverage is Florida consider climate change as a topic. It won't be too long before southern Florida will submerged under a rising sea. The time to stop speculative investment in this doomed area is now. High tide in Miami is already a problem. When will it become a very expensive problem?

Ron DeSantis seems determined to further dumb-down the country's most ignorant populations. That he is the Florida governor says that state may be beyond salvation. It's disappearance under the waves might be a good thing. In the meantime thanks for exposing his fascist tendencies to the rest of us.

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We do cover climate issues on a fairly regular basis. For weekly coverage I recommend heated.world. We sometimes collaborate with them as well.

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I am a teacher in Florida and my students and I have been directly impacted by the new laws. I really appreciate your reporting and believe that it will make a difference. I would love to hear more about efforts (especially effective ones) to counter the attacks on students and teachers. Thanks for all the work you do!

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Thank you Beck.

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Perhaps some reporting on states that have a teacher shortage would be useful. Florida teachers should not be wasted. Perhaps they can move and be certified somewhere where they will be allowed to teach.

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I have read that the Far Right is doing all they can to take over school boards and change school policies to suit their cause. It would be interesting to learn more about these efforts. We have seen some scary candidates run here in DE and so far have been able to rally and defeat them. School board elections notoriously have low voter turnout which makes it easier for an extreme candidate to win.

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In Wisconsin we're losing principles and administrators because of this. Problem is it's all behind closed doors and no one is admitting why principles are leaving after a year. School boards can be the demise of education.

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I sure wish they'd just pull all their kids into private religious schools and leave everyone else's children alone.

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Did you hear Iowa is giving money to parents so they can put their children in private schools? Private schools typically aren't that large because the tuition is too much and most feel a public school is good enough. Not Kimmie. She said it's not about the money, while handing out public funds. She's also a governor that has sued Biden over giving college students 10-20k to help with their student loans. These right wingers say and do completely opposite things.

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I remember that Judd informed us ages ago about the sourcing of all the school board candidates in VA...that some think tank type organization moved in with training and money. Maybe Judd can remind us???

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Check out Ottawa Impact and what is happening across Ottawa County, MI at the school board level but more frighteningly, at the Ottawa County Board of Supervisors level. The first board meeting was extremely telling.

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ICYMI, Ron DeSantis was honored at the Union League in Philadelphia last night with the Union League's Gold Medal--the highest award it can give, first given to Abraham Lincoln, for exceptional service to the country. Many of the Union League members objected to this--met with silence and inaction by the board--as were the protests outside the event by the Philadelphia NAACP and many others.

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Wow! That is scary! The City of Brotherly love indeed. I forsee some folken determing that perhaps Union League membership is no longer worth the expense.

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I wasn't aware of that. Thanks for sharing.

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Lots of reports about protests. Story hasn’t made it to the news feeds I receive. Thanks for the info.

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That’s so disturbing.

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You overlooked the planned transformation of New College with the recent Board of Trustees appointed by DeSantis. Would love to see more on that and spread that story to others.

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It's on our radar and we are investigating.

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Thanks. I’m local, on the alumni board, and have spoken with one of the new trustees at length so happy to help in any way I can.

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I found full information via a twitter link: /Users/valeriemeluskey/Desktop/My daughter found NewCollegeher perfect campus at New College of Florida and now DeSantis wants to destroy it.html ( hope this is accessible)

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A very under reported aspect of the economy is the extremely important role undocumented immigrants/migrants play. Major sectors such as, food processing, construction, hospitality, could not function without this labor force. That being said as a group these works have no legal protections, and are routinely abused both physically and economically.

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Wholly agree. The racist South could not survive without its Latino population (which they call Mexicans).

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Actually Midwest dairy farms or meat processing plants could not survive either. They, undocumented workers are often hired as “Independent Contractors” to avoid government regulations

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Absolutely! Michigan is dependent on undocumented workers for the cherry season and lawn service, for example. Not having the immigrant labor has created serious issues here for small businesses.

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I think the real victims are the children in that they bear the brunt of limited education; it will likely limit their ability to think and reason and will certainly limit their access to most professions and better-paying jobs.

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Indeed - that is a real risk.

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Florida really has kind of become "Ground Zero" for this reactionary, performative BS. So, ask yourself (if you're among those who think that Ron DeSantis is more "normal" than his Orange mentor) whether you want that for the country as a whole?

Because, that appears to be exactly where we as a country are heading.................

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Desantis is more dangerous than trump. He’s smarter younger just as evil and has already implemented more righteous and racist policies than trump. He

Ignored pandemic severity and underreported covid deaths immediately in 2020. And hes likely the next president. Trump has laid the foundation with his tenured judicial appointments. Desantis could further nail down the coffin on democracy in USA. Need to watch him and his crime family closely.

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We need to make sure that Ron Desantis never becomes president. As you stated, he is much more effective than Trump. That is a nightmare. Whoever the Democratic nominee is at that time, we have to support them.

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DeSantis also has a law degree. So he understands the boundaries better than Trump and knows how to skirt them. He is MUCH more dangerous.

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I think he is "more noraml." He doesn't wear a diaper after all. Of course that isn't saying much. I meanwhat is noraml after all, these days?

(normal misspelled on purpose, is joke you see)

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DeSantis will be another in a long line of Republican Governors who were seen as the next big thing then flamed out. He is deeply unlikeable and awkward. His bully act won't work well on the national stage.

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I hope that you're right, and but he is viewed in almost a godlike fashion by the MAGA base. He is viewed by many as being "even better" than Trump. It's nauseating.

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I'd be more worried about someone like Youngkin who was able to thread the needle and attract both MAGA and moderate voters in VA.

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He scares me, too.

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Please continue to focus on these topics in Florida as much as you can insofar as it doesn't detract from your other work. As a queer person and a Jew who cares deeply about Black liberation and the education of our future leaders, these things (along with whatever else Ron Desantis is doing) need to be exposed. Thank you very much for everything you and your team are doing.

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Please keep up reporting on the most fraudulent state in America. Florida! No one seems to be worried about the governor becoming president but let me tell you I have the very same feeling about him that I did with trump in 2015/2016. He will be so much worse then trump.

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The truth about the southern border. I see that a record number of stops have been made by a record number of Immigration oficers but need context. How do number of stops equate to increases in number of crossings? It would seem that if we are stopping a record number of people from then that is good? Are there polices that were ended that encouraged people to come to the US at a faster rate? It seems as though the whole story is being told by bomb throwers so it is very difficult to grasp what actually is happening.

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That would be a great story.

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Yes. I’ve read that the numbers are skewed by counting repeated attempts by one person or family. There’s so much we really don’t know. I’m curious to know if more judges, etc, have been assigned to process applications for asylum and generally how things are We hear Republicans shouting about open borders which makes me think it’s that rhetoric that has served to encourage immigrants/refugees to come to our borders.

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Excellent coverage on this important topic. An important topic that would benefit from your attention is the Farm Bureau. Corporate farming is hiding behind the Farm Bureau's false narrative that it is "Feeding the world." The conflicting goals of environmental protection and corporate farming is too often unreported. Looking at nitrates polluting the rivers and streams in Iowa is just one example of the conflict. Laws regarding confinement operations is another.

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You are spot on. Here in NY, Farm Bureau is very powerful in opposing anything related to improving the lives of any animal and most people.

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Perhaps you can write an expose of DeSantis' takeover of The New College of Florida. He placed several radical right Board members who vow to turn the school into the Hillsdale College of the south. This would establish a foothold in every level of public education in FL for the indoctrination of students in an anti-woke white supremacy ideology.

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I get the HIllsdale College newsletter just to get a peak into the psyche of the opposition. Whew!

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I love that you constantly are asking your subscribers what you should be covering. The truth is that I love reading whatever you put out. It's so upsetting that DeSantis is doing what he's doing. Religion is ruining the world. I don't care if you practice it, but don't try and force your own beliefs on the masses. Let people be themselves and do what they want. If it's not directly affecting you and your life, you shouldn't have a problem or be bothered by what someone else is doing. Keep up the excellent work Judd.

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True words mister.

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I’m continually concerned about DoJ inaction to prosecute the planners of the insurrection: Trump, Stone, Bannon, Flynn, Alexander for starters. I called my Democratic House representative to voice these concerns and was told by an aide, it’s in the hands of DoJ and there’s nothing we can do, we have faith DoJ is carrying out their mission. I asked what do you know that causes you to have faith? You need to tell us because many of us have lost faith in our institutions, you have a duty to protect the American people.

Thanks for your great work.

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Thanks Glenn

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You know you’ve got issues when your go-to analogy for something you are willing to do without hesitation isn’t something like, “brush my teeth,” or, “eat breakfast,” but “run over you like a dead body”.

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Or to convince someone by suggesting that you've got duct tape and a bat in the trunk. I do it all the time.

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Youngkin is stirring the culture war waters with his attorney general’s investigation into allegations that Northern Virginia school districts failed to share national merit scholar commendations with students in a timely manner. WAPO helped this idea along by posting an op-ed by Hugh Hewitt that seemed long on outrage and short on facts. I’d really like to understand the truth, and expose the folks who are pushing the culture war narratives to - I think - help set up Youngkin for a presidential campaign.

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This past weekend two very informed women said that there’s a law being discussed in Florida to make it mandatory for young girls and teens to report when they have their menstrual periods. They understood the move to be against trans kids playing sports. How do we find out if this is true.

Also, they reported that while a masculine looking lesbian friend, here in FL was going through airport security that the pat down she received included grabbing and probing her crotch. It was humiliating and taken to have happened to intimidate a “trans” person, which she isn’t. She was afraid to report the assault for fear of being put on a no fly list and she needs to fly. A friend of the woman was in fact put in a no fly list for complaining about airport security.

The Brown Shirts are here in Fl.

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Perhaps a well written article by "Anonymous" should be written and sent to appropriate publications.

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My suggestion: How about writing an updated list of politicians who have taken money from the NRA or any gun manufacturer? Thank you for all your amazing uncovering.

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When I was in 5th grade (1969-1970), my teacher had a daily reading time during which she read from books of her choosing. I vividly recall Uncle Tom’s Cabin and Hiroshima as two of her choices. I have been wondering if these show up on the banned book lists and, if not, when? given the appropriate degree of discomfort they cause. They were important to my moral development, and I am grateful to her.

Have public libraries begun limiting the books

on their shelves? Again, I spent my summers reading every Vonnegut book, as an example, and others which might have “dangerous” content. This banning of books is a terrible disregard for the individual person to encounter ideas and shape one’s own beliefs. It is the very essence of indoctrination.

Keep up the work!

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Jan 26, 2023
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Thanks for that, Jodi. Really dreadful and glad you are aware of such things.

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I liked to know what the ACLU and the Democrats, any civil liberties group for that matter, in Florida are doing to expose and educate Floridians to the abuses of DeSantis. I appreciate your reporting, you have brought the many issues of/with DeSantis to the forefront, seems to me there is plenty to work with to at least temper DeSantis, if not shut him down

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I know the ACLU is following the developments. Not sure when/if they will take action.

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The filth and grift are overwhelming but you do a great service, Judd. I'd say, just keep hammerin' away at all the corruption, lies and BS we're being fed!

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Thank you Barbara

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I’d love to see work on why and how no Wall Street investment banks had anyone go to jail after the 2008 collapse. I’d like to see a “top ten most wanted” story about who are the worst offenders - and I’d like you to explain how what they did impacts our economy (and all of us) to this day.

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Good one!

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Judd, were you aware that the Minnesota Republican delegation is leading efforts to name a post office after deceased rep Jim Hagedorn, one of the many who voted to deny the results of the election? Seems like a bit of the Lost Cause coming to Minnesota. And just f'ing wrong!

By the way, I continue to rave about the great work you are doing. Keep it up!

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Interesting. Thanks!

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