UPDATE: Trump campaign accepts more cash from neo-Nazi leader

On August 31, Popular Information reported that the Trump campaign has accepted over $2,000 from Morris Gulett, a notorious white supremacist who headed the Louisiana chapter of the Aryan Nation. Popular Information, as well other outlets who picked up the story, contacted the Trump campaign at the time about these donations but did not receive a response. Despite being aware of Gulett’s background since 2018, the Trump campaign refused to say if it would return the money. Last night, we got an answer: the Trump campaign is keeping the money and welcoming more donations from Gulett. According to FEC filings filed by the Trump campaign on Sunday, Gulett donated another $37.50 in August. Since December 2017, Gulett has donated $2,043.50 to the Trump campaign in 30 separate transactions.
In addition, the Trump campaign accepted $500 last month from K.C. McAlpin who has a track record of defending xenophobic views and is known for writing for an “overtly white nationalist organ.” McAlpin has donated more than $2,000 to the Trump campaign since April 2019. In August, McAlpin also donated $50 to the National Republican Campaign Committee. The Trump campaign has also not returned the money it received from other racist extremists, including $5,600 from Peter Zieve, who was sued by the state of Washington for refusing to hire Muslims.
More background:
Trump campaign accepts donations from neo-Nazi leader (August 31)
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