We all know what's really happening here don't we? Gun manufacturers donate heavily to the republicans who refuse to pass any meaningful legislation. Doesn't matter the topic, forcing women to birth their rapists babies or letting children continue to be murdered at school, they keep getting those campaign donations so they do nothing. T…
We all know what's really happening here don't we? Gun manufacturers donate heavily to the republicans who refuse to pass any meaningful legislation. Doesn't matter the topic, forcing women to birth their rapists babies or letting children continue to be murdered at school, they keep getting those campaign donations so they do nothing. They are interested in money, power, and themselves. They do not care about the greater good or what the majority wants. Republicans are pure evil masquerading as righteous religious people.
We all know what's really happening here don't we? Gun manufacturers donate heavily to the republicans who refuse to pass any meaningful legislation. Doesn't matter the topic, forcing women to birth their rapists babies or letting children continue to be murdered at school, they keep getting those campaign donations so they do nothing. They are interested in money, power, and themselves. They do not care about the greater good or what the majority wants. Republicans are pure evil masquerading as righteous religious people.