Thanks for the summary of key points. It was overwhelming to try and process through the numerous articles. I also appreciate you including your former posts - illustrating that the work you are doing is completely "on point"! Thank you.

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Zuckerberg needs to go through some things . . . There must be consequences for his business decisions and for his lying to Congress. Thank you, Judd for laying it all out there for us. It's infuriating!

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If you look back at the movie about him you’ll see all the signs, and some explanations, were already there from his childhood. Lots in common with Hearst.

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Interesting.... I'll have to check it out. Thanks!

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Oct 26, 2021
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I think we've all known for years now that Zuck is a despicable human being if you can even call him human. He does not care about the damage he is doing. Only the bottom line. Keep up on calling out every single one of his lies and proving that he's not fit to lead Facebook.

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Thank you … FB is evil on purpose, not by accident.

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Laws can’t seem to keep up with technology. I don’t see why other laws against abuse can’t be applied here. What we do know is that media control is far too concentrated in the hands of right wingers. We also have a dangerous majority of right wing activists on the Supreme Court and plenty of federal rt wing judges Trump and McConnell shoved through.

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Heard yesterday's announcement that Facebook earned billions in profits, up over the previous year. Surprise, surprise, they have power and money beyond imagination and they don't care what evils the facilitate in order to keep it. Delete Facebook. You won't miss it.

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Great reporting as usual. I hear Frances Haugen testified before British Parliament yesterday. Seems FB’s house of cards is falling.

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From the PI 2019 expose: “Zuckerberg recently described Elizabeth Warren's proposals to enforce antitrust regulations against Facebook as an "existential" threat to the company.” - has Sen Warren followed up on these proposals? I wonder

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Zuckerberg is no less a sociopath than the former president.

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Worse than we could have imagined and yet not al that surprising. He belongs in prison.

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Zuckerberg was named in this Opinion article in the Guardian today as one of 12 climate villains.

https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2021/oct/27/climate-crisis-villains-americas-dirty-dozen Makes sense to me. I'm curious about what others think.

I'm not on FB and am grieved to see that even my church has a page. So many people depend on this site to keep in touch with family and friends and innocently enable this criminal.

My grief for our world is a heavy load to carry, but I find hope and encouragement here.

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I just had an interesting experience regarding Facebook a few days ago....on Twitter. I posted a reply to a large account stating I used to be a free speech absolutist, but the last few years forced to change my position, and I now think Facebook and other social media need government regulation. My tweets are usually like screaming into the void, but this one got me a lot of attacks, including one saying inciting an insurrection is free speech. That statement got 33 likes. Long story short: I felt as if a small team of Facebook's warriors were out doing recon and did a small ambush on me. I don't have any evidence to support this feeling, but I NEVER get this much engagement on any of my tweets on any subject, ever. And I post some controversial stuff.

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Oct 26, 2021
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I don't know why you think progressives don't agree with you -- progressives define *consent* as the key issue in sexual relations, and very few believe that children can legally (or morally) consent. It's always progressives who correct the media's typical weasel words "had non-consensual sex with" with "raped -- there, fixed that for you."

Conservatives' support of sexual abuse victims is a paper-thin veneer tied solely to QAnon, which has taken no concrete action to protect children, but rather whipped up hysteria to direct for their own ends.

On the contrary, what about conservatives such as Denny Hastert (google if you're young)? Teenage-creepin' Roy Moore of Alabama? Gym Jordan? Trump himself boasting that he could -- and did -- walk into the changing room at Miss Teen USA pageants, because he was the owner? [Epstein's files may take Clinton down, but they take Trump down too, since Epstein recruited victims from Mar-a-Lago, and no one seems to ask why teenage girls were working at Mar-a-Lago.] Why is it that the lowest age-of-consent laws in the US are nearly all in Republican-led states?

Look past the loud exclamations and see who's actually passing laws against sexual abuse (hint: VAWA) and who's voting against those laws.

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Oct 26, 2021
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Of course :)

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Oct 26, 2021
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Ignore the comment! I was hacked! 😩🥺

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