Every time somebody says we don't have enough money to fund public schools or mental health services or Medicaid expansion I tell them to look at the defense budget.
This is among the most crucial issues of our time. Please keep pulling on this thread Judd. Can't wait to see the list of politicians who've taken money from these private defense contractors, how much they've taken, and what leadership roles they occupy on House and Senate committees.
Same here Amran. I say it EVERY time a republican asks, Where will the money come from, when it is for much needed help for people. It truly does shut them up.
I hit the “like” icon because this piece provides excellent insights. But military spending disgusts me. We pay for ships the Pentagon doesn’t even want but fail to fund slightly higher raises for the lowest paid service men and women. People don’t matter in this country.
Excessive military spending in the US is a kind of wealth redistribution that keeps a lot of our economy humming. The military/industrial complex that Ike warned us about is now our socialism.
Well said Tom. The true “welfare queen” is our military budget. The fact that a better wage for military workers was removed is not in the least bit shocking. Disgraceful!
I am all in favor of a series of debates about many things, including our growing military budget. But have you ever honestly tried to listen to politicians 'debating' anything? First, they start by knocking the other side, then they restate their side's talking points, and they constantly interrupt each other. You will never get any politician to debate the effect of lobbyists on government decisions or the value they place on 'donations' to their re-election campaigns.
Another concern of mine is the complexity of the issues. What bilateral agreements do we have with other countries to support their military? The relative merits of one weapon system versus another are too technical for most people to understand - myself included.
Whenever the military wants close a base or discontinue the manufacture of specific weapon systems, there is an impact on employment in some areas - this translates into votes for some politicians.
The I.R.S. can't account for all the money spent on their efforts to upgrade their computer systems, and this was disclosed in testimony to Congress. Yet, you need to account for where your money came from or where it went to avoid facing fines and possible jail time. It makes me wonder if the 'poor' accounting is just another way for the government to cover up the money spent on things the public doesn't know about.
We need a law creating a lifetime ban on any politician or political appointee taking a job in any industry over which they had previous oversight.
It would also be helpful if the public, the few who vote, would pay as much attention to our government as they pay to sports and the shenanigans of Hollywood celebrities.
Yes, our Congressional "debates" and investigations are overwhelmed with ill will and distorted information (usually from one side). So, let us, for a moment appreciate the magnificent work of the January 6th Committee's work! May they be a model.
The money spent on the Pentagon is obscene, you can't describe it any other way. And it will never change because too many lobbyists and too many local politicians know that cutting weapons procurement means cutting jobs in every single congressional district in the country. That is the only way to explain why the Army buys tanks they mothball in the desert along side planes that the Air Force doesn't want or need. It's also the only way to explain why the Air Force buys the F-35, the plane that can't fly in the rain and the Navy buys ships that it can't find crews for.
U.S. America is an international for-profit corporation posing as a nation. As is now become the universal global organizing structure. Has been for decades. The government is actually the floating management department that creates the illusion of change through something called "elections", which are exercises in emotional displacement, (i.e. anger), similar to the mass psychology of Football in the manipulation of emotion. The "media" are the communication department. Now you should understand what "gaslighting" is and how it works. This is unfortunately, my new word; "furreal"!
The scale and scope of this story is, literally, mind-boggling. Judd, this may become your story of 2023. Where does all of that money go? Why can't the DOD adequately account for these funds? Who are the primary beneficiaries, and where does the political donation overlap? What are downstream benefits to other industries? What parts of the country benefit the most from these funds? And that's only scratching the surface here ... excellent reporting today! Looking forward to the installments as they come.
No politician seems disturbed by the fact that we spend more than the next 11 largest military budgets combined! And yet we’re an outlier by not having health care for all! And then we wag our finger at other countries! Keeping people stupid really works. Religion comes in handy for this mindset. Follow blindly, skip the critical thinking, and remember you’re bad at the core…(a sinner!)
S0 what else is new with military spending? Eisenhower warned about the military industrial complex. The Vietnam War exploded military spending. Years of War in Iraq and Afghanistan and we even left equipment 600,000 million worth in Iraq that Isis used against Syria et al. The jury is still out on wfmhether we destroyed enough equipment in Afghanistan when we left in a clusterfk after the Trump/Pompeo set-up. And on US military bases here and there Fox News is played daily for our troops not making $45,000 per year. Why has Biden not stopped this. His secret service detail still in place is one thing, the military a whole lot worse.
The rich get richer off of War and the war machine. Fortunately for Ukraine, we have given good stuff but will itblast with GOP control of the House? Too many Repugs owe their souls to Putin.
Let the chaos begin with the seating of the new house.
Thanks for the detail and analysis. Thanks Edward Hackett for his excellent political observation and further analysis 🧐. If only the American public read this type of analysis and thought about it and voted on it. The political system is terribly broken. We are a shallow, easily distracted species. I include myself. It is a curse to be just enough aware and concerned as to live in existential dread. I know we must continue to fight the good fight but I despair.
We are approaching numerous worl ending challenges and we just aren’t up to it.
Love the idea of voting on issues rather than “representatives” who work for their donors. Someone made a comment about banning the revolving door between govt agencies and the corporations they regulate. Also a good idea, but I can’t imagine MOC legislating against their self interest. I despair with you George. Our democracy, and likely our planet, is Humpty Dumpty at this point.
I’m a vet. This bill is obscene- and I like to think we ALL want an end to homelessness and hunger here. But where the people are and leaders are, it’s miles and miles apart. And the Pentagon, it’s not even in this galaxy.
Every time somebody says we don't have enough money to fund public schools or mental health services or Medicaid expansion I tell them to look at the defense budget.
This is among the most crucial issues of our time. Please keep pulling on this thread Judd. Can't wait to see the list of politicians who've taken money from these private defense contractors, how much they've taken, and what leadership roles they occupy on House and Senate committees.
Same here Amran. I say it EVERY time a republican asks, Where will the money come from, when it is for much needed help for people. It truly does shut them up.
I hit the “like” icon because this piece provides excellent insights. But military spending disgusts me. We pay for ships the Pentagon doesn’t even want but fail to fund slightly higher raises for the lowest paid service men and women. People don’t matter in this country.
Yes. I was about to comment with just one word, which was "disgusting".
What a waste. And proves the Democrats aren't interested in changing society for the better. What a disgusting waste.
Excessive military spending in the US is a kind of wealth redistribution that keeps a lot of our economy humming. The military/industrial complex that Ike warned us about is now our socialism.
Well said Tom. The true “welfare queen” is our military budget. The fact that a better wage for military workers was removed is not in the least bit shocking. Disgraceful!
I am all in favor of a series of debates about many things, including our growing military budget. But have you ever honestly tried to listen to politicians 'debating' anything? First, they start by knocking the other side, then they restate their side's talking points, and they constantly interrupt each other. You will never get any politician to debate the effect of lobbyists on government decisions or the value they place on 'donations' to their re-election campaigns.
Another concern of mine is the complexity of the issues. What bilateral agreements do we have with other countries to support their military? The relative merits of one weapon system versus another are too technical for most people to understand - myself included.
Whenever the military wants close a base or discontinue the manufacture of specific weapon systems, there is an impact on employment in some areas - this translates into votes for some politicians.
The I.R.S. can't account for all the money spent on their efforts to upgrade their computer systems, and this was disclosed in testimony to Congress. Yet, you need to account for where your money came from or where it went to avoid facing fines and possible jail time. It makes me wonder if the 'poor' accounting is just another way for the government to cover up the money spent on things the public doesn't know about.
We need a law creating a lifetime ban on any politician or political appointee taking a job in any industry over which they had previous oversight.
It would also be helpful if the public, the few who vote, would pay as much attention to our government as they pay to sports and the shenanigans of Hollywood celebrities.
Yes, our Congressional "debates" and investigations are overwhelmed with ill will and distorted information (usually from one side). So, let us, for a moment appreciate the magnificent work of the January 6th Committee's work! May they be a model.
Yes! That is a salient point. Usually from one side. No truer words said!
Edward, to simplify, money out of politics!
Re para one. Debates should receive Ratings (A-F) which would then be widely publicized.
The money spent on the Pentagon is obscene, you can't describe it any other way. And it will never change because too many lobbyists and too many local politicians know that cutting weapons procurement means cutting jobs in every single congressional district in the country. That is the only way to explain why the Army buys tanks they mothball in the desert along side planes that the Air Force doesn't want or need. It's also the only way to explain why the Air Force buys the F-35, the plane that can't fly in the rain and the Navy buys ships that it can't find crews for.
Waste, waste, waste!
Don't forget the fraud, fraud, fraud...
Right, right, right!
I agree and it certainly makes a good cover story, no matter which way you view it.
So....What else is new?!
U.S. America is an international for-profit corporation posing as a nation. As is now become the universal global organizing structure. Has been for decades. The government is actually the floating management department that creates the illusion of change through something called "elections", which are exercises in emotional displacement, (i.e. anger), similar to the mass psychology of Football in the manipulation of emotion. The "media" are the communication department. Now you should understand what "gaslighting" is and how it works. This is unfortunately, my new word; "furreal"!
The scale and scope of this story is, literally, mind-boggling. Judd, this may become your story of 2023. Where does all of that money go? Why can't the DOD adequately account for these funds? Who are the primary beneficiaries, and where does the political donation overlap? What are downstream benefits to other industries? What parts of the country benefit the most from these funds? And that's only scratching the surface here ... excellent reporting today! Looking forward to the installments as they come.
No politician seems disturbed by the fact that we spend more than the next 11 largest military budgets combined! And yet we’re an outlier by not having health care for all! And then we wag our finger at other countries! Keeping people stupid really works. Religion comes in handy for this mindset. Follow blindly, skip the critical thinking, and remember you’re bad at the core…(a sinner!)
Nothing in this report surprises me since I have been a protester against the military complex for over 50 years.
Judd, you could spend the rest of your career birddogging DOD. It would be a great service.
S0 what else is new with military spending? Eisenhower warned about the military industrial complex. The Vietnam War exploded military spending. Years of War in Iraq and Afghanistan and we even left equipment 600,000 million worth in Iraq that Isis used against Syria et al. The jury is still out on wfmhether we destroyed enough equipment in Afghanistan when we left in a clusterfk after the Trump/Pompeo set-up. And on US military bases here and there Fox News is played daily for our troops not making $45,000 per year. Why has Biden not stopped this. His secret service detail still in place is one thing, the military a whole lot worse.
The rich get richer off of War and the war machine. Fortunately for Ukraine, we have given good stuff but will itblast with GOP control of the House? Too many Repugs owe their souls to Putin.
Let the chaos begin with the seating of the new house.
Thanks for the detail and analysis. Thanks Edward Hackett for his excellent political observation and further analysis 🧐. If only the American public read this type of analysis and thought about it and voted on it. The political system is terribly broken. We are a shallow, easily distracted species. I include myself. It is a curse to be just enough aware and concerned as to live in existential dread. I know we must continue to fight the good fight but I despair.
We are approaching numerous worl ending challenges and we just aren’t up to it.
Love the idea of voting on issues rather than “representatives” who work for their donors. Someone made a comment about banning the revolving door between govt agencies and the corporations they regulate. Also a good idea, but I can’t imagine MOC legislating against their self interest. I despair with you George. Our democracy, and likely our planet, is Humpty Dumpty at this point.
What's MOC? Other than the acronym for my band MoC (Method of Control).
Members of Congress. I actually learned the acronym in the comments to another of Judd’s columns.
Seems so obvious now. Thank you.
Isn’t this is how Russia disintegrated. We followed them into Afghanistan and now we are following them into bankruptcy.
Our nation will go into bankruptcy. If we follow Russia's footsteps to the toe, our leaders will go to war and stuff their pockets.
Thank you, Judd. Yours is a much needed voice, even if crying in the wilderness is as far as it's allowed to get.
I’m a vet. This bill is obscene- and I like to think we ALL want an end to homelessness and hunger here. But where the people are and leaders are, it’s miles and miles apart. And the Pentagon, it’s not even in this galaxy.
It’s another way of funneling money to the rich. Full stop.