How do these guys get on these shows? Through speakers’ bureaus, PR firms and bookers who are actively trying to get a roster of voices on media outlets, to push their talking points. It’s not a matter of show runners reaching out to people like these. Show runners don’t know who these guys are, unless some flack approaches them. But MSM show runners are lazy, happy to have potential guests brought to them, and are used to (and okay with) getting played this way.

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This is exactly why I quit watching ANY of these idiot shows years ago. It was nothing but SSDD.

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Excellent newsletter this morning, Judd. Thank you.

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And thank you for digging this up. I hope these men, and others like them, are confronted by their hidden conflicts of interest if/when they are used as "experts" again.

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There is so much subtle brainwashing going on, not only on Fox, but on CNN and MSNBC with the talking points they want to sell. I guess they do it, in hopes of building drama and urgency to keep people watching. A favorite this morning on CNN was the blond hostess trying to trip up Sen. Menendez by asking him, “There’s a growing number of Democrats on Capitol Hill who want Nancy Pelosi to send the Articles of Impeachment to the Senate...” Hey! No there’s not. The MSM is who wants the articles sent, to drive the story forward, and keep their ratings up. Enough with the gaslighting.

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Thanks for smoking these fat fish out. Keep there professional faces accountable please.

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So much for CNN serving the designs of the "liberal media." Unless you read "liberal" as "neoliberal."

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Superb work as ever. I wish the American mainstream media contained just a few people of your ilk.

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Me too. Does being on TV make people forget to ask real questions or call out a lie or follow up with a challenge? Not FOX, mind you, but all the other guys. Are their bosses all so cozy cozy with Washington that they dare not step over a line?

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I posted on my FB page. Let the haters commence.

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Cathy, you see so clearly that FB is a pit of vipers which is very bad for your health. Judd inspired me to cut my ties and I have. I know there is nothing more fervent than a lapsed Catholic or a reformed smoker, but I gotta tell you, I feel good for dumping all of it.

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I have been forewarned since 2016. However keep your friends close and your enemies closer has always worked for me. I get a lot of info through FB about the people around me, in this country and world. I get a daily lesson of corporate and analytic manipulation. Sometimes to beat the master, you have to sit beside him.

To each their own.

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After reading this, I have to wonder if there are many former government executives without COIs. I'm glad you're bringing this out.

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What I meant by that is by virtue of their government role, it appears that these people landed jobs that depend on supporting the defense industry and government interests as opposed to neutrality. I'm pretty sure that a lot of people get into government work as a stepping stone, and have to wonder based on Judd's excellent commentary if there are many if any former government executives whose post-government work hasn't tainted their objectivity?

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(In a lively marching chant) Men men men men men men men men.

And, crooks and thieves and liars and killers.

Men men men men men men men men men men...(a never ending story).

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Another example of television inability to do basic, responsible journalism. I wonder: where is the NYT and the Washington Post et al on this story? Thankful for the Post's TV critic jumping in, but this should be front-page news. Sadly, most Americans get their news from TV, which far too often treats news as entertainment and fails to meet basic journalist standards, as Judd points out all too well.

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To stay on topic: do these guests who are touted as experts (in what exactly, btw) add anything to our knowledge about the situation? Spokespersons for military equipment manufacturers are not the people we need to hear from, regardless of their prior employment.

Ask yourself: what would happen if one of these 'experts' said "No, bombing Soleimani will not advance US national security because xyz..." I know he would be let go, retired, roasted, discounted, slandered, & love life disected by Monday morning. Therefore they are not experts, they are spokespersons, representatives, loyal employees.

I gave up watching MSM (whatever that even means) when all devolved into interrupting, overtalking, shouting and insults with never a question answered. Thank goodness for the internet, Judd Legum, and all the other actual investigative journalists

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