I had my three children at 34, 40 and 42. I stayed at home with them because my husband preferred it. I couldn't afford child care for 3. My husband was physically abusive to my eldest. He's an alcoholic and pot smoker. For 40 yrs I tolerated his verbal abuse to me and gaslighting. I tried to make him happy. But I finally realized it's not me, it's him. I wish I had worked because I am now 65 and my social security spousal benefit is $104. Per month. JD Vance has no idea what it is like to be a woman. Stfu

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Not sure if this is helpful, but I was entitled to the HALF the amount of my husbands Social Security.

We are both retired. I did not work very much.

He gets his whole amount plus I get half that amount.

Not sure how that works, he took care of it, but it is probably worth looking into.

If your husband applied for your Social Security is he keeping $ from you? Know any good lawyers that can find out for you? Wishing you the best.💕

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I might be wrong but the case worker should've told Ms. Donovan because the spouse has to request the spousal benefits. Unfortunately the spousal benefits are lower if the higher earning spouse takes SS before full retirement age, last time I read.

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My ex died when he was 59. His widow and I still get a decent benefit.

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That doesn't make any sense. I get the same amount from my ex's social security as his widow does.

You both should see a lawyer. Unless you somehow collected social security benefits before the age of 60, if you were married for at least 10 years you should be getting a lot more than half.

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Thank you.

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I assumed you're receiving the benefits paid to spouses of deceased persons who paid into the system. Now I see your spouse is still living, so it's probably a different scenario.

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Deirdre....See NK'S REPLY BELOW!! My sister was the same, as she didn't work much through their marriage. She is is now, at 63, applying to receive her SS benefit. BUT they're fortunately, happily married. Wish you the best!

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If she didn't work much then she shouldn't bother unless they really need the money. Because should her husband die, she will not be allowed to get his benefits.

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good message for workers. don't work under the tabel, make sure your wages are counted for social security and Medicare

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JD Vance’s wife works though—she’s an accomplished attorney. So his kids must be in daycare! What a hypocrite.

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Or they employ a nanny, which is essentially the same thing, but for wealthy people.

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His wife is an attorney and the law firm provides daycare.

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Oh how nice for them…too bad the rest of us get the shaft! And they are still hypocrites of course!

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Wow. If she was a leftist attorney with a law firm that provides day care, she would be your hero. Talk about hypocrite!

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She IS a leftist attorney. Look it up.

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A. She quit when hubby was chosen to be VP.

B. Not too many “leftist attorneys” have this in their work history:

“Usha previously served as a law clerk for Chief Justice John G. Roberts, Jr. of the U.S. Supreme Court, Judge Brett Kavanaugh, then of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit and Judge Amul Thapar, then of the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Kentucky, according to the firm.”


“Thapar was the first judge nominated by President Donald Trump to a district or appeals court.”

He was first appointed to the lower court by Bush.


(He was also on a trump short list to be a SCOTUS nominee.)

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Get bent, Frank.

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I really hate seeing personal attacks like yours. Mind your manners, sport.

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Don’t get your point sweetheart. The personal attacks start right away from you angry fems.

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I'm not your sweetheart. And if you don't get my point, you're even more vapid than I thought.

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With rethugs it's always do as I tell you to not as I do.

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She stayed home with the kids when they were young, and now that they attend school, she is back to work. But you know, you have to denigrate her because she is not a radical feminist the left.

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And you are wrong—their youngest is 2, not anywhere near school age. Middle kid is 4, still pre-K if even. Your propaganda won’t be tolerated here.

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Lol—why don’t you pack it in, weirdo.

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The Vances’ kids are 6, 4, and 2.

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Thank you for this info. It is quite clear that J D Vance is afraid of women, so he spends all his time declaring that women shouldn't matter they should simply stay home and have kids. The connection—he said his grandma set his grandpa on fire. Look our, JD, yes, we women get to the point where we're just not going to take it any more. You just watch the polls.

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Well said. The more I learn about Vance, the more I believe assertions, such as yours. I'm a social scientist with a strong background in the correctional and AODA settings. JD Vance seems like he has major issues with women. Full stop. I won't go into particulars, here, but I think that he's secretly jealous of people who found great satisfaction in choosing not to have children. In the '70s, as a teen girl, and having known since - always - that I didn't have a desire to raise children, and that in fact, people are having kids for the wrong reasons if they're doing it to make people around them happy. Auntie and grandma are going to need other hobbies. We get one life. Life the life YOU want, not a life someone else wants for you. Raising children is the greatest responsibility in the world. It's a huge commitment and if you can't commit, don't do it.

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He absolutely hates women! He has major unresolved issues with his mother…

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Vance is proof that having an adult vocabulary is no indication of competence or sanity.

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Imagine that Donald Trump and JD Vance would become the nation's examples of how to be a good parent! Their unstable and actually irrational childhoods [read Mary Trump's book "Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World's Most Dangerous Man" ] and Vance's Hillbilly Elegy might inspire compassion but certainly not examples of wise behavior.

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I’d like to see him explain trump’s sociopathy. His theory really falls apart here, ol trumpy has five spawn and is still a narcissistic sociopath.

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If Vance hitched his " star" to trump's wagon, doesn't it suggest they might be cut from the same cloth?

But two sociopaths in the same room; eventually I believe, they'll eat their own.

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Interestingly Vance has only 3 children.

Why not more? Might he and his wife be using contraception? Rules for thee and not for me? His words aren’t ‘sarcasm’; look at Project 2025.

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Well, I have to wonder, in the fact that J.D. Vance's mother had children, including him; did having them make her perhaps feel the need to become a drug (heroin) addict? It doesn't appear that she was a female satisfied with her life as a mother.

For someone with a Yale education & a law degree, I have to wonder if the year he graduated, they were passing out blank diplomas to some, enabling them to take the stroll across the stage. He continually displays an ignorance & multiple bias' that highlight the notion that an education & degrees, don't necessarily reflect true intelligence or a modicum of common sense.

He, imo, is NOT someone we'd want to see anywhere near the presidential podium. ( Bad enough he's a senator for Ohio.)

A trump/ Vance ticket, should they win, would be disastrous for us as a nation (again) & for the world; especially Ukraine. AND Putin would be dancing a jig. Not one, but two "useful idiots" in the White House, for the price of one.

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Some of us re-play our childhood traumas in the workplace. He is doing just that, re-defining situations that injured him. Only his potential workplace is the world stage…

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By way of an explanation, you're likely right. Which suggests a man who might be incapable of critical thinking & deep introspection.

Regardless or because of, a J.D Vance anywhere near the Whitehouse, given his apparently shifting worldview, is not someone we want near the nuclear codes. Same goes for a revisited, trump presidency ...imo.

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Look at Trump. Chances are excellent that his daddy bought his degree.

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His Dad appears to have "bought" many things, like a diagnosis of bone spurs to keep djt out of being drafted.

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So Vance thinks people who choose not to have children are "sociopaths." Jesus, it is always projection with these people. ALWAYS.

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This should scare any woman!!!

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It does, I assure you. It also inspires anger and determination to send him back to the obscurity he so richly deserves.

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No it doesnt. People i know are voting for him.

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JDV is a DANGER to all women and children in America. His idea of family would sentence millions of children to lives of poverty and millions of women to lives of violence in their marriages. It’s hard to fathom where he is coming from with his views of how life in America should be but the word “dystopia” comes to mind. He is truly 2025 2.0. 2.0.

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I think it is also a matter of “believing” or at least spreading views that serve his needs at the time. The best examples are his switcheroo on what he says about trump and emails between him and a friend from college. They paint a very different picture from what he has become.

My suspicion is the book about his life was in preparation for getting into politics. He knew the attitudes toward Appalachians and used them for his own purpose by painting himself as “one of the good ones” who rose above the others. He never lived in Appalachia. He was born and raised in Middletown OH. He visited family in KY periodically.

The attitudes in Middletown/Cincinnati OH area are not so different than in other places which hailed him as explaining the culture and its flaws - with one exception. In 1992 Cincinnati adopted an ordinance adding Appalachians to the list of populations protected from discrimination.

I think he is another (dangerous) human chameleon.


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I looked at the title and thought, "Oh, brother." Vance's thinking is sadly in line with the prevailing wing of the Republican Party. He's not an anomaly. He's a distillation of their world view.

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I wonder how Peter Thiel,JD,s main benefactor; who is gay and has kids reconciles his disdain for Pete Buttigieg.

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As a wise "man" once said, "hypocrisy knows no bounds." People can, as my son used to say, "smell their own," and I suspect that includes their own form of hypocrisy in others.

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The more interesting part of this story is what’s behind the strategy of Vance and other right wing candidates to take these extreme positions as a strategic approach. I doubt very strongly that Vance actually believes any of these bizarre positions - but as a novice politician, he is trying to imitate the far right and enhance his appeal.

It is absurd to spend time thinking that Vance is a terrible person with terrible values - he is a terrible person because he is an opportunist of the highest order and probably holds few if any political positions and just sees running for office as a game.

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When a depraved fraudster, rapist & wanna be dictator at a Believers’ Summit rally says vote for me & 'You won't have to do it anymore’...believe him. WhenTrump isn’t lying, he’s threatening retribution & termination of democracy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y0v3LumeXpI

"Anywhere, anytime" Big Bad Donnie, the old orange toad, & the weak man's idea of a strong man, slinks away from debate: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P74h4LKMRyk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=150cHo2VS6U&list=PLmHDGpDOjacoTxbrY068uPDU6lYhubjg4 #ShadyVance apologizes to cats for his misogyny & bigotry & reminds us of Donnie's links to Epstein: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r7m_5BZqI3g For our kids & grandkids we will win…#VoteBlue!


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So Vance is an expert in phycholgy, sociology and data on domestic abuse and the economy?

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We don’t know what this guy actually believes or what he believes is a good thing to say to advance his political career. Another opportunistic politician. However what he says apparently appeals to some voters out there. But I have to believe that there will be a huge backlash. In the meantime I imagine that Trump is jealous of all his media attention.

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He's my state's junior senator. He also lives in the neighborhood I lived in when my son was born and is about the same age as my son.

I sent him a constituent email last week. I told him I think he's an intelligent person and he's married an accomplished and intelligent woman, and that much of what he says sounds like political opportunism more than deeply held beliefs, to me.

I said he still had time to re-evaluate the path he's on, as so many people his age do (my son is going through this right now; I well remember my own dark passage into middle adulthood). That he could be a principled conservative without signing over his soul to the MAGA god.

I ended my missive with "Do better." I'll be watching to see how he handles this crucible, because one way or another, I'm stuck with him for another 4 years. My guess is he'll go the path of Lindsay Graham/Nikki Haley/other politicians too numerous to name, but he's young enough to hold out a sliver of hope for.

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Barbara, when people show you who they are, BELIEVE THEM!! Who he is, is everything we DON'T want leading this nation.

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The problem with Vance is, he doesn’t know who he is. He’s angry, ok, and looking for reasons — as though his childhood weren’t enough. He had his Famous Author phase, his Silicon Valley Phase, and now his Veep Candidate phase. Perhaps 45 will change his mind about JD being the best choice. We can only hope, and vote

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I like your attitude, and I believe change and redemption are possible, but the angels of my better nature are drowned out by my gut instincts. (World-class minted metaphor… free!)

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