Rhetoric means nothing unless they restrict donations.

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Keep outing the Corporate hypocrites AND their CEOs! We need these company names front and center so they have to face their racism DAILY!

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I fear the sudden turnaround and public statements from companies like Delta and Coca-Cola are their attempts to straddle the fence after the fact. The legislation has already been signed, the time for them to speak against it was BEFORE it got that far. Be that as it may I second what commenter Michael posted, “Rhetoric means nothing unless they restrict donations” Ultimately they MUST speak through their wallets because words are harmless to these Republican cretins.

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Good job, Judd! Readers of PI, spend a few minutes a day writing a boycott letter to these companies. Write a letter in support to these African American Executives and BLM advocates.

Write your Congressmen and tell them to get on these voter supression laws with Federal Legislation. Encourage your friends and family to subscribe to PI.

Follow Judd on Twitter. Retweet him. Encourage the Resisters to follow him on Twitter.

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Words, words, words. SHOW ME THE MONEY! These executives must now go back and tell these podunk legislators the money Train is off the rails. If they want to be treated like a human being and participate in civil society - see Citizens United - they need to exercise their collective muscle and withhold PAC dollars to white Supremicist legislators, make election days corporate holidays and work with activists to expand access to voting.

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It's a criminal act to hand out water to voters waiting in line? What country is this? Thanks for holding these companies publicly responsible.

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In my mind, the best challenge to that part of the law is to have a bunch of elementary-aged entrepreneurs working the line with a wagon or cart full of water, "selling" it for a penny a bottle. I'd donate to keep them in business.

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Great idea!

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I like Girl Scouts handing out cookies.

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It’s amazing what happens when we simply call out hypocrisy.

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NO Let Up, Judd!!! Great work, as always!!!

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These corporations now need to commit to making sure their employees have paid time off to vote. And they should provide transportation to & from the voting sites. They took no stand then so must stand now for their employees.

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I wouldn’t trust any of these sorry companies to do a damn thing for the very people that brought them to their bazillion dollar dance. They sold us their golden mousetraps and we walked right into them and quite willingly. These companies want to be the last kings at the dance when this world is all used up and they have all the goodies. Everyone familiar with Lord of the Flies?

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FINALLY!!! Some GOOD news! It's great to see that holding these corporations feet to the fire is starting to pay off. They can't be silent forever and if you're not opposed to restricting people's right to vote, then you are un-America. It really is that simple. Keep up the excellent work Judd!

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Great job Judd. We all need to keep the pressure on the corporations through boycott initiatives and investor & employee pressure to let them know that political contributions to those legislators (state & federal) who support voter restriction laws will not be tolerated. Money talks in corporate America and boycotts mean money. Employee & investor pressure also means money and potential loss of jobs for executives who do not react properly.

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Corporations have argued with success in federal courts that they, as artificial persons, should enjoy many of the same Constitutional rights as real people, such as freedom of speech under the First Amendment, equal protection under the 14th amendment, etc. So if they want to enjoy the benefits of democracy, they have an obligation to support the free and unfettered right to vote and to reduce their expenses by eliminating donations to those who subvert our democracy by trying to limit the right to vote.

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