Roe v. Wade is as good as dead. This is the moment for which religious conservatives, who are a relatively small minority in this country, have been waiting for over 48 years has finally arrived (picky point of correction, Judd: Roe v. Wade was decided in 1973, so it's been well over 40 years). We will soon be back to the era of back-room abortions or "travel abortions" for the rich in Red States, who will fly their pregnant progeny to Blue States for abortions.............until they came for abortion in our states as well (and don't think that they won't try).

Welcome to Gilead!

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Pardon my grammatically-incorrect sentence. That's what happens when I'm both tired and aggravated!

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The party of separation of church and state, no government interference in business or personal rights, blah, blah, blah ... except when it comes to the idea or notion of a woman’s right to control her own body and future ... I couldn’t sleep last night after this announcement was made.

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Pack that Court Joe, Add more justices. Quit pussyfootin' around Dems!

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So true! There is time to do this!

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It is almost impossible to believe five Conservative judges on this Supreme Court will uphold Roe vs. Wade, thereby making abortion illegal in America after 15 weeks. The decision will be handed down just as the 2022 midterms are coming into focus, making abortion rights a key issue. How will this decision affect which party will win the majority in the House and Senate? Will abortion rights become a key legislative issue for the two years leading up to the 2024 election? This may be the most divisive issue yet that will split Red and Blue America.

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We are marching on to Gilead.

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Recently, some of the conservative Catholic bishops began pushing for a statement form all Catholic bishops that communion should be denied any government official who upheld abortion instead of their oath to uphold the Constitution. Most people saw this as an attack on Joe Biden who is a practising Catholic. I wonderedif it was also directed at the (gasp!) many Catholics on the Supreme Court who might 'punt' on this issuje.

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Unfortunately, the “penumbra” argument upon which Roe was based is weak, at best. But it derives from Griswold v. Connecticut, which rejected a law that criminalized use of oral contraceptives. It will be interesting to see how many knots the Supremes will be willing to tie themselves into to achieve their goal.

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The Alliance Defending Freedom for whom? Not for women who would like to be free to make choices regarding their own bodies.

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Absolutely pathetic. Trump has absolutely paid for women to have abortions in the past, I would bet anything on it. Now, because he's so old and can't impregnate anyone, now he thinks it's OK to ban abortion because he's no longer affected either way. I really wish someone would ask him that question because I guarantee that fueled trumps thinking. He does everything for himself. Astounding that people can't see right through everything he does, he's so incredibly transparent.

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All I can say is Thank god trump can’t impregnate anyone else! He’s the prime Fat Bastard. Problem is all those kids he had already churned out.

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