Trump lying. Trump doing what is best for Trump. Republicans covering his tracks, his ass at every turn. MSM Labradoodle chasing the ball. Of course there was only justification according to the Trump play book. Create confusion to distract. Then pushback.

Of course one thing sadly became obvious. Why Iran should never ever have nuclear weapons. In one field retaliation, then dent missles scurrying. An attempt to slam down their manhood in response. Hours later they f-up royally blasting 176 people into Oblivion.

Mr. Quiet himself, Putin is nowhere to be found. Mute. He is Iran's and our president's/Republicans Ally.

Today he replaced the US likely permantly as the "seer" in Libya. Hosting what was a glorious March to one more oil bearing country coming under Russian influence.

After bragging he sold out soldiers to Saudi Arabia for a banked billion Fri, the fool in the White House tweeted his fingers off today.

Moscow Mitch will not allow the Impeachment to go anywhere but under. The Senate Republicans will bow towards Russia. Trump is in the catbird seat to be re- elected baring a true miracle.

Chant, pray, dance nekkid in the moonlight #resist.

We need that miracle.

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You said it Cathy. The only really good thing to remember is that THIS CURRENT “PRESIDENT”IS FOREVER AND A DAY IMPEACHED! That is the one blot on his fly that he can never get rid of. Moscow Mitch can’t help him there either. Madam Speaker made that happen. Trumps butt is forever impeached. Good news that.

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Tammy Duckworth is a real American hero. If she can, in addition to her military and public service, bring down the crooked Trump administration, I would vote for sainthood.

Go Tammy! Drill, baby, drill!

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"Revolts" sort of suggests, to me at least, that Lee will join Romney and perhaps one other in voting to have witness testimony. Do I expect that? Not in a million years. Lee has been, is, and always will be a tool of the oligarchs, and he will do as instructed.

Still, it *is* good to have at least one GOP senator (two with Rand Paul) call the tail-wagging what it is.

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If any of us still had souls, Trump sold them. I think the truth is: Trump is already waging war on Iran. He's just hoping to instigate an event "large" enough to cascade into total war.

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The ultimate distraction.

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