Remembering George "W" Bush praying for and getting the answer to Yes, Go ahead and declare war on Iraq!
And, now 2nd in line for the Presidency, Speaker Mike Johnson, making all of his decisions based upon his interpretation of the Hebraic Christian Bible!
And his interpretation is based on other interpretations going back hundreds of years. Makes it easier for him to pick and choose the ones that conform to his beliefs and ignore the ones that are inconvenient.
And they are not qualified - actually nobody is - to offer the opinion of a deity.
Remembering George "W" Bush praying for and getting the answer to Yes, Go ahead and declare war on Iraq!
And, now 2nd in line for the Presidency, Speaker Mike Johnson, making all of his decisions based upon his interpretation of the Hebraic Christian Bible!
Mike is close to God, his God at least, in Mar a Largo.
And his interpretation is based on other interpretations going back hundreds of years. Makes it easier for him to pick and choose the ones that conform to his beliefs and ignore the ones that are inconvenient.