Bottom line: The rule of law held, DT’s a convicted felon and the world’s a better place. Let us move forward and continue to uphold our democracy.

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the verdict also shows that his BS cannot stand the scrutiny of a courtroom where facts matter. If Project 2025 gets implemented, then BS will become law as the courts will no longer be "rule of law, but rule by law as they see fit".

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Peter Paul, How exactly is the world a better place yet? Only a deserving sentence will make things a little better. That’s because it will give those of us who are sane some hope for justice. But we’re a long road away from getting to a better place.

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I don't know, I think we can claim a victory - that is, we the people who still believe in Democracy and the rule of law. I think this verdict moved the needle a little towards justice.

I'm in a better place.

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I didn’t say it wasn’t any sort of victory. I asked why he thinks “the world’s a better place” just based on the verdict?

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My perspective only.

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Trump is a career criminal who has never been able to achieve any success without cheating, lying or stealing. From his years screwing subcontractors and tenants in his shitty NYC buildings to Trump U to Trump steaks to The Apprentice (a fraud on an epic scale) to the 2016 election every win had been a lie. And every time he was on the ropes someone stepped in to save him. His Daddy, Roy Cohn, Bill Barr, Loose Cannon, Sam Alito - all there to save this orange pustule from himself. But no longer. Alvin Bragg, Tish James and others in NYC are finally bringing him to account and he can't stand it. And all those who have built their own power around him can't stand it either. And it's all going to come crashing down on them soon. And they are terrified.

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Let’s get some of those sub-contractors in campaign ads, wearing their work clothes and telling voters (many just like them) how DJT screwed them over.

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Absolutely, by now most of the NDAs that Trump forced them to sign should have expired.

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E.g. A big time Loser in Trump's vernacular.

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Trump is the Biggest Loser of all Bigly Losers

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yes and he is the perfect example of how conservatives work to defund white collar law enforcement.

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Can you imagine? Turn all that bullshit they threw at Democrats about defunding the police back in their collective faces by running clips of the MAGAs at all levels screaming that the FBI, the DoJ, the NYAG, the Fulton County DA, the Manhattan DA all needed to be defunded.

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Of course, each of the Republicans with their group phone call directing what arguments they were to declare publicly were easily refuted as having no validity. "Kangaroo Court" "Witch Hunt" and all terms Trump and his minions blurted out sound dumb and foolish.

If only there was the possibility of one of the other trials could be scheduled very soon! Is it possible that the SCOTUS will rule that Trump has no "above the law" immunity because he lied his way to and through and since his presidency? We know that Alito and Thomas will vote any absurd reason to not hold Trump accountable, but there are 7 others....

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The three appointed by Trump will do his bidding too, I'm sure. We must win the congress and the White House in November so we can stop the fascism from growing.

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It will indeed be interesting to see whether SCOTUS will roll out more originalist theorizing to sweep away all future legal threats to 45, or at least the latest one, or will issue a brief on-point statement addressing no basis for presidential immunity. I want to believe a majority will not restrict prosecution.

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We could start a betting pool and my money is on DJT getting immunity from this group of loyalists aka SCOTUS.

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I don’t think so. Then they would also be giving Immunity to Biden for the remainder of his term and his next!

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I suppose this is nitpicking, but search results are clearly rigged to maximize Google's ad revenue. The results are not as useful as they formerly were. Also, Google has rigged the device market by paying billions to Apple and other companies to feature Google search as the default engine. Thankfully, the Biden administration -- and even some Republican AGs -- are suing Google.

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Use DuckDuck Go. The results are much more straightforward and they don't track your searches or sell your info so that popup ads for flip-flops appear on every web site you visit for weeks afterward just because you searched for flip-flops once

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There is a scene in the movie "Liar, Liar" where Jim Carrey's defense attorney character receives a call from a client who is a career criminal. Rather than continuing to enable this behavior, a now honest Carrey screams into the phone, "STOP BREAKING THE LAW A$$HOLE!!!" and hangs up. The GOP should watch this classic movie en masse.

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Thank you for this. I’ve heard people like Ellie Honig making these arguments and it bothered me that maybe they had a point. Good to hear they’re just making waves to be newsworthy.

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Jun 3Edited

I read that drivel yesterday and proclaimed it as such. As you say they are merely making waves. They seek relevance.

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By the way Elie Honig is a man. I like how Judd adds, "As Honig acknowledges, at the most basic level, this is not true."

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Whoops! Thank you for the correction. I read the name as Ellie and I oughta know better.

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Thanks for helping us cut through the BS, Judd.

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Thank you for the great commentary. I wish we could get information like this out to the broader community.

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Robert—agreed, this is good information that needs to be more widely shared. One way I’m using it is to have “the facts” ready to use in conversations with others…and also to promote PI to others.

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Thank you for this point by point info. As usual, the MAGA people lied repeatedly and/or did not bother to investigate. It's always about Trump being "persecuted" while anyone else in this country would have been in jail a long time ago.

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Important information to know and required for all to hear...it is a shame that Trump's un-financed registered voters/supporters can't understand or aren't interested in knowing the facts. It could be so simple to run a country properly if most were well enough educated to understand the difference between fact and fiction, truth and lies, sharing and greed.

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I've said this before: by keeping folks uneducated, Republicans can win. Ignorance is strength.

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The wealthy have bought the congress and the Supreme Court. They have built a vast propaganda and political action organization that dwarfs all other such efforts. All they care about is their wealth, nothing else. THEY WILL LIE UNTIL THEY DIE. As for the people who get sucked in --- that's a well-known psychology. It matters not that people are stupid, which they are. It matters what buttons get pushed, how hard, and how often.

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And what are those buttons? Fear of immigrants, black people, trans people, women getting ahead, jews, just jews. Keep pushing them and people get so confused. They get that way because when lies are mixed with truth, it leads to confusion. When you are confused you need to find an answer, and the simplest one - witch hunt, rigged election, too old to be president, just get locked in.

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True. Nothing affects people like fear. So, if you want to control people so that you can control the government and hoard your wealth you make them afraid of their own shadows. You tell any lie, commit any crime, to get your way. Just look at the so-called 'conservative caucus'. Lying criminals all.

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It’s incredulous to me that RW blogs, reporters, media all posted the same lie about Judge Merchan’s instructions. One after another, each took the something that wasn’t said - that had no truth to it - and spread it around like it was gospel.

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It’s called propaganda. Worked for Goebbels.

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Thank you Judd. We may not agree all the time though here, you make valuable points that can help dress down those "cranky uncles" during family dinners.

Now if I can only get my 2K memory to store today's commentary. 😀

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Well written and explained which should be read by all rightwing liars.

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Once again, Judd continues to expose much of the need for media to "if it bleeds, it leads" mantra, especially in the conservative world. The business of media is destroying the news world as the truth does not generate the clicks they so desperately need to survive.

Would love a compilation of all the legal battles that the trump family has lost. I would include as a loss all those where settlements were paid and NDAs signed. Those are not wins but coverups.

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The complicit right-wing owned media & MAGA SCOTUS & fed judges are the most dangerous elements supporting a felon & rapist. They spread intentional lies. We cannot pretend they are practicing free speech. This is not reporting, it’s not presenting facts, it is inciting violence & is a danger to democracy.

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Allow me to repeat myself. The wealthy have bought the congress and the Supreme Court. They have built a vast propaganda and political action organization that dwarfs all other such efforts. All they care about is their wealth, nothing else. THEY WILL LIE UNTIL THEY DIE. As for the people who get sucked in --- that's a well-known psychology. It matters not that people are stupid, which they are. It matters what buttons get pushed, how hard, and how often.

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So many of these falsities come from so-called journalistic sources. It doesn't take a masters in journalism to know that the main tenet of the craft is Tell the Truth. We know Trump is a liar. There are liars in the world. I have known liars who lied for absolutely no good reason, just because their lifelong stream of lies kept piling up on top of one another.

Why not do a list of journalists who lie? It might take a while to compile some of these prolific prevaricators, but it would be worth it to shame them. Also, why not give them an award, perhaps an annual event. PI presents the Lyingest Liars Who Call Themselves Journalists. Winning one of these should be a black mark on their careers.

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