Judd, great (but depressing) reporting as usual. Question: How can we as individuals let Amazon and Bezos know how strongly we disapprove of funding anti science organizations? I would appreciate knowing how to take action to discourage this unethical behavior.

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I started a change.org petition. If enough people sign it I'm hopeful Amazon will take action. Please share. http://chng.it/Vc9jJxxdzC

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Nobody plays both sides of the field better than Jeff Bezos and uses Amazon to do it. Aw the 1%. We have a corporate run America and the election will not change this behavior. Spreading trouble to the rest of us through misinformation hurts all.

However, the hands in the pockets of the elected official should be removed.

Campaign and contributions to the elected should be reformed and quickly if possible.

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Glad you said this all for me. Saved my posting blue language to go along with all that I would have said.

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Hard not to cuss in 2020. Everything about this America is worthy of a few

@#$*ש words.

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The Facebook article screenshot that got me is the one that reads "Is that Mask Giving You Lung Cancer?" No, that mask is not giving you lung cancer. Now put it on your face (that includes over your nose) and stop putting everyone else at risk.

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Thanks for setting up this petition! I just signed it. I really want to take action when companies and corporations are doing the wrong thing.

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