This is maddening. So much for desegregation 60 plus years later. I thought separate but equal was struck down years ago. But then the idea here isn't equal. This is the same Jackson with infrastructure problems. No, they didn't create a law to help with that. I wonder if the DoJ can help at all. Sadly the SCOTUS has proven they will be of no help. If this becomes law I have no idea where help comes from.

As for DC, how can they not have representation?? And for over 250 years this has trucked along. Wasn't one of the reasons we battled for Independence a tea tax and taxation without representation?

Every day I worry more about the future of this country.

Thanks for the reports this week Judd and Co.

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It brings to mind Nina Simone's famous words, "Mississippi goddam."

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The racist underpinnings of our country are barely concealed in DC, Mississippi, and pretty much everywhere else, from sea to shining sea.

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When a conflict is racial in nature, the writing about this topic must be unflinching and not be persuaded by those with negative agendas, to be "toned down."

To remove all racial references would be akin to removing all sense from the reporting. There would be no "why," whereas with the racial component included, the reader knows why the antagonists are acting as they do.

And if they don't it's because they are not being honest about their drives, motives and allegiances.

Lots of that going around nowadays.

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Is this not an attempt at Martial Law by the white legislatures? The definition of Martial Law reads: “ the imposition of direct military control of normal civil functions or suspension of civil law by a government” and while it’s usually associated with a ‘state of emergency’ it’s also imposed upon ‘occupied territories’. IMO this is exactly what is being done in Mississippi here.

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Once upon a time, we could have counted on the Supreme Court to squash this Mississippi rubbish, but nothing much is legitimate in this country any more. The situation in DC, where a white person like me grew up, is mind-blowing in it's pure racist cynicism. Truth, Justice, and the Baloney American Way.

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Frank Lee, it is apparent to me that you are part of the problem with racism in America. You choose to ignore or simply deny that it exists, blaming the " notion" of racism on liberals looking to make black people " victims." And racism doesn't only extend to blacks, but to others of different races & nationalities. I've lived & worked in New England & in the South and have certainly seen a more blatant face to it, in the south, in the 36 years Ive lived here. But sadly, I can imagine you typing those words that " true racism" doesn't really exist in the states, with a straight face too.

If you cared to look into Jackson, and the issues they have had with their water treatment plant for instance; that they've had for some time & now the state wanting to make all the changes outlined above, you'd see there's been a systematic whittling away of any power of Jackson city elected officials. I would think, if they were truly incapable to govern or there was malfeasance on any elected official's part, they'd investigate & charge them. They'd remove them that way, if they weren't capable of governing. But giving examples to you, would simply be wasted effort on my part.

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Feb 9, 2023
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I have become aware of some of what's happened in Mississippi; Jackson in particular, because I read from a lot of sources about whatever strikes my interest around the nation. Retired...i have time. But I didn't realize the " boil water " notices were state wide. Sooner or later, IF THE PUBLIC SCREAMS ABOUT IT ENOUGH, and someone(s) makes the phone calls to complain to the Feds, the EPA MAY INTERVENE, INVESTIGATE & perhaps FINE the various plants. ( Because $$ talks & b.s. walks as you know.) And I also asked my husband what can happen if that was a reoccurring issue. He was a water treatment plant operator for 30 years.

If one looks at the national statistics, healthcare ( and mortality rates for newborn babies & pregnant mothers - some of the highest in the country - outcomes particually poorer for black mothers), the educational system, children being raised in poverty; the state of Mississippi consistently ranks at the bottom or the last five states in the nation. ( I am not saying this to be insensitive about the state you live in; but those are just the facts as they appear. People tend to remain often for family, in the place they were born. And I am certain there are things to love. )

But it would appear to me, the legislators & governor running Mississippi have their own agendas, (given their strong-arm tactics) & it is not about improving the outcomes for all citizens of Mississippi. One thing I have learned living in the South, for almost 37 years, from talking to neighbors of mine born & raised here in two states I've lived in,; is that there is an implied class system in much of the south; where old money, connected families do their best to retain the balance of power & shut out others who are not part of the existing power structure. ( i.e. white & male - born/ raised here) At least that's been the background indicated to me. Change, as we know, can be slow in coming; if the powerful reject it & take their plentiful resources to fight to keep the status quo. But you have to live with hope..

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Feb 10, 2023
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I will indeed look up that info on the Kemper County power plant. As for the governor, smarmy as they come, imo & typical of what one would expect from the "old South." Sadly typical of folks who speak out of both sides of their mouth. Talk about being " pro-life" and yet pass & champion policies that are anything but, when it comes to living, sentient human beings. Folks who don't look like them.

As for you, I am happy that you've found a place that you love living there & opportunities abound for you. I have lived in Georgia the last 16 years & I'd definitely liked aspects of it much more than Florida after 20 years. ( Especially glad now I left, given DeSantis.) While employed, definitely saw greater opportunity here for me in the insurance field. But in the rural area I live in, there are pockets of areas with folks who've done well & then areas where it's still very impoverished, old South. Leaves me to wonder why these folks in rural parts of the state, vote over 85% republican, when these elected legislators have done little, if anything, to help lift them out of poverty. Better Healthcare? Better educational opportunities...? Nothing to speak of, that I've seen. Saddens me...

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Centuries of slavery of Black folks casts a long, long shadow.

I like Ta-Nehisi Coates' well-founded conclusion that it's time for reparations.

Imagine the U.S. holding a Truth and Reconciliation year, for slavery....

Past time.

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Juneteenth is now a recognized federal holiday which has been adopted in my resident state of Minnesota. Can you guess the reaction it received from a white manager at my company? She said ‘this is going to cost millions of dollars’. JFC it’s just a holiday! Can you even imagine if it were reparations?!

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Remembering of course that Juneteenth is Independence Day for the enslaved. As a nation we have celebrated our independence from the Brits for hundreds of years on July 4th. Independence from while not enslaved by the British monarchy… Meanwhile it took slaves TWO FULL YEARS to be notified of their freedom in Texas. THAT’S truly an Independence Day worthy of recognition but this manager complains because it will cost her money. The tone-def arrogance is infuriating.

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Yes, if people tend to do what they are supported to do, then her statement suggests the many systemic supports your manager lives with.

You're reminding me of a boss I had long ago. When I complained to her, "Marge, the staff is feeling a lot of anxiety about what you're going to decide," she replied with a smile, "Good. That's just where we want 'em."


There may be individual features to individual bosses, but systemically I connect this attitude to a personal impunity which managers experience under capitalism. They in turn are likely treated to the same from above, within capitalism's 'hierarchy of worthlessness', as a feminist once tagged it.

Thanks for sharing that.

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Feb 10, 2023
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That should be on the news.

National news.

Every year.


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Feb 9, 2023
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That is the question.

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They're not even trying to hide the racism anymore. And the worse thing is, they will almost certainly get away with it.

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Brilliant report.Thanks, Judd.

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Try writing this without the racist white vs black narrative. It would be much better journalism. It would be much more moral and progressive. Turning everything into a race conflict is not helpful. When asked by his host Don Lemon what he thought we should do to fix race relations in this country, his guest Morgan Freeman said: “Stop talking about it. Stop referring to you and me as a black man. We are just a man.”

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When Black people are legally excluded from participation in their own government, I'm not sure what other kind of narrative would fit.

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You see the reply this reprobate gave you? So he's suggesting that Black folks aren't capable? That's that nasty Florida Lady with the possum under her skirt you're trying to talk sense to. You'd be better off kicking that one in the head and enjoying your day.

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Racist comment. Never said that blacks aren't capable. Clearly though there are a majority of people of all races that are more capable than you.

Note that race is not a legitimate qualification criteria... unless you are a racist.

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Re-examine your comment. Perhaps re-write for the sake of clarity.

You are back on ignore now Florida Lady.

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And stop with the stupid "Florida Lady" crap. You sound like a 12 year old school girl. Your ability to read a room is significantly deficient.

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Hahaha! The hit dog hollers. OK, now stifle yourself FL=FL=FL. Back to purgatory with ya.

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The performance of the current people in those positions of authority is objectively terrible based on outcomes. It does not matter what race the legislature is. It does not matter what race the local government officials are. What matters is competence demonstrated in doing the job. And the legislature has a responsibility to fix the mess for the people.

Stop looking at everything though a race filter. That is the absolute definition of a racist.

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Feb 9, 2023
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I have lived and traveled all over the country. And there is little true racism. But for people like you there is abundant classism. And you know it and it bothers you so you deflect responsibility and accountability for it by claiming racism is the cause. We live in a hyper market-based meritocracy. Blacks are disadvantaged because your cohort sees them as perpetual victims to take care of... and it is so much a need for your cohort that you work to make sure blacks stay down so you can continue to exploit them as victims. I work in an industry that is investing in black labor surplus areas to increase the number of small businesses and jobs. But your politics protect the crappy schools and also make it hard for small business to survive in these areas. You are working against the opportunities to improve black outcomes. So spare me the lecture.

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They are not. But race is not a qualification criteria. Good governance requires capable people.

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There is SO little that's positive to say about Mississpippi governance PERIOD....oh YES let's DO talk about race & CLASS by starting with Brett Farvre & his text msgs requesting that Governor Bryant steal welfare money ( FEDERAL DOLLARS) to build a new football stadium ... and why not; since siphoning off welfare money for the volleyball arena had been so successful just 2 years prior. Those involved: Gov Phil Bryant, his MS Director Human Svcs, John Davis, and a friend of the governor's wife, Nancy New from the MS Community Education Center (Davis used her org as a the pass through) Ms. New & her son Zachary pled guilty to stealing over $77M in welfare funds.

Then these same players Davis, New directed federal fund to Ted DiBiase for social services he didn't provide using sham contracts. He used the money for the drug rehab of his brother, a vehicle, a boat & a down-payment on a house.

How long does it take politicians to get SO comfortable STEALING that they coordinate their theft using text messages.

YET this story quotes the MS Legislators saying the citizens of Jacksonville AREN'T COMPETENT.

So yeah...let's talk about race AND CLASS.

There is a REASON why there's NO readon to visit Mississippi except to see an Ole Miss football game.

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That argument has an appealing logic, but like "All lives matter!" I don't think it is sound logic. Most simple, semantic solutions to complex problems propose erasing some, most or all context of what is trying to be discussed.

Morgan Freeman's oversimplification is likely attractive to others of the rich and famous.

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Morgan Freeman rose from severe poverty. I am betting you came from wealth and privilege.

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Nope. Lost another $20, Antisocial Misfit.

Just donate it to the good Judd.

(What is 'sever' poverty?)

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Hahaha. The old fraud "fixed" it finally. Smack that old FL fraud about some more.

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Frank Lee is obviously a troll looking for attention. Don’t feed it

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And he LOVES it when you refer to him as the Florida Lady. Go ahead. Try it.

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Just posting opinions looking for intelligent counter arguments and as usual all I see is invective and spittle from the so called more educated left.

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This is one reason why Morgan Freeman, magnificent as he is, is not running for office.

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"According to a New York Times analysis, based on the voting power of each U.S. senator, the average Black American receives ‘only 75 percent as much representation as the average white American.’” 75%? Surely they meant 3/5?

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When I was much younger I set a goal to visit all 50 states. At last count, I’m up to 28. At this stage of my life I’ve realized that I won’t reach my ultimate goal. But I could not do it anyway now, because Mississippi is a place I never intent o visit. They may as well go dig up Ross Barnett and Cecil Price and call it good.

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Nor Alabama!

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As with so much going on currently, this is almost unbelievable. The fact that they have been so emboldened as to even suggest this is unbelievable. I don’t think there are any decent Republicans left. The same thing is happening with our Conservatives in Canada. Just a bunch of racist, self serving reprobates, punctuated by what seems to be many with sociopathic, narcissistic tendencies.

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Decent and republican are no longer in the same realm. Same goes for Evangelical zealots and the like. I apologize for the harsh tone to the truly religious, but many who claim the mantle are really about control of others, to serve their own personal needs and desires.

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Absolutely agree. There are still true Christians who follow the teachings of Christ. The rest are just hypocrites.

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Also of course, the Evangelical “Christians”

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Great report.

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Judd—off topic but can’t figure out how to ask otherwise. Can you investigate Starlink? There’s something really awry there and I know you’re the best to check it out!

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