To anyone promoting the fictional claim of "both parties are the same," you are hereby put on notice because the party of criminal stupidity is at it again.

You can measure the depth of their supposed beliefs by their reactions when they get what they said they wanted but now have inexplicably changed their collective mind and reject the ban they bragged about.

Nothing but chaos and noise from these republican mopes.

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Imagine enough of us Arizonans vote to remove those two judges?

Holy shit the shock waves we would send.

We The People will have our voices heard.

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Apr 11·edited Apr 11

All of those who self-righteously proclaim that they are for the sanctity of life and the "unborn" do not realize that they have no true comprehension of what spiritual means. Spiritual is of the mind and heart, not about our slabs of flesh. The whole Trumpian attitude toward women and girls reduces them to their material assets, not any inner brilliance and creativity, much less nurturance and kindness. The reactions of Trump, Kari Lake, and other AZ Republicans to the public's profound rejection of antiquated abortion laws resembles rats scurrying to change course for survival. Judd, Rebecca and team please continue to point out and spotlight the deceitful changes of mind by these people who may be voted out of office if women continue to stand up for their lives and rights.

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All these Republican walk backs and pronouncements are totally meaningless and pure theater. Republicans could fix this today if they a)could read the room and b) wanted to. But when offered the chance to repeal this ancient law they chose to table or remove the repeal from the agenda. Why? Because they firmly believe that their MAGA evangelical base will save them from the wrath of the voters in November. They are wrong. Keri Lake is toast. Trump is done in Arizona. Two justices will not be retained. And a whole lot of legislators will be replaced.

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Thank you Judd!

Trump, Lake and the R’s will learn about the electoral power of women in November! Alito alluded to this in Dobbs. Women aren’t stupid, despite what R’s think; enough about ‘cruelty is the point!’ Ladies: VOTE in November like your life depends on it- IT DOES!

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More and more obvious, CONservatives say one thing - do another. More freedom? hardly. Free markets? not even close. Small government? not when it comes to protecting the rich.


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The fact that while that was happening there were Moms Demand members being pulled out of the TN legislature by state troopers bc they just want some gun safety laws for kids but instead the TN leg voted to arm teachers and school admins and provide gun training to preschoolers just says everything about our country right now. We live in a scary place. Every week I have to cross off another state where my kids can’t go to college. This November will be the most important vote of our lives

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Thanks for this, Judd. I think there needs to be more discussion about the real reason these extremists are pushing abortion bans— controlling women and keeping them out of the workforce so the good ole boy network can go back to making all the decisions. Why is it that Republicans typically don’t add an exemption for saving the mother's life? What legislation have they passes to help women and babies? Why aren’t they putting more funding into prosecuting rapes or giving children free lunches? Let’s tie their policies to their real focus.

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There is no way to even remotely trust such disingenuous people who lie so openly and without shame. Really hoping the voters see it a bit more clearly this time around. They cannot be trusted, so if they seem to agree with you today, it's meaningless. smdh

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Remember when Republicans were accused of wanting to turn back the clock to 1964?

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Also - please tell your "protest" voting friends: enjoy your protest vote this year, because if Biden does not win, there will be no more "protest" votes available. The CONservatives are working hard in every state they control to make it more difficult for people that oppose them to vote. Easier to cheat and harder to vote.

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Abortion bans hurt women who want to have children, whether it's via death from pregnancy complications, damage to reproductive organs after a miscarriage, or lack of access to IVF.

There are lots of ways to *reduce* the number of abortions, starting with factual sex education and free contraception. There are plenty of ways to support women who *want* to have children, including paid family leave, affordable and available health care, including better maternal care, affordable housing, the Child Tax Credit, and fair wages - and protecting children from *real* sexual predators instead of imaginary ones.

As far as I can tell, no Republican legislator is in favor of *any* of these things.

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Want to hold Arizona Republicans accountable? Check this interactive map for the Arizona 2024 Congressional elections, which toss-up races could help Dems and details on the 'retention' election for Clint Bolick and Kathryn King. There are also links on how can you register to vote in Arizona? Make sure you have a valid AZ voter ID? Like President Obama said "Don't Boo. Vote!"


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There's a group in AZ called CEBV, Civic Engagement Beyond Voting, that works to inform people about state races. You can bet that Clint Bolick and Kathryn King will be highlighted for retention elections in November. Clint Bolick worked for the Goldwater Institute before Ducey appointed him. He holds every possible far right wing ideology.


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Republicans CANNOT BE TRUSTED! Their words in the past are their truth. Everything they say opposite is lies.

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I just can't with these people. They'll say and do anything to get elected, even if it means twisting themselves into knots to do so. No sane person would support any of them.

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