Voter suppression is a form of voter fraud as it is election manipulation. Democrats need to grab this and run with it. Conservatives have a history of "fixing" elections through suppression.

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Republicans often have two choices: fix the election or lose. Subsets of "lose" are "calling the election rigged" and (God forbid) violence.

Thank you PI and American Doom for your reporting. Hopefully we will see this covered in the MSM.

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Why don't they just come right out and push a bill making voting for Democrats illegal? You know that's what they want. It's why the GOP loves dictatorships like Russia and semi-dictatorships like Hungary; because it's a cinch to grab and then retain power.

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It's disheartening that Arkansas has so many roadblocks standing in it's way toward voting, and a host of other rights. And a useless, anti American governor on top of it all. Seems to me the only way the right wing can win is by cheating and violence.

I'm hoping with VP Harris at the helm, and a majority in both houses, major changes will occur to combat those anti American tactics.

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Dare we hope for such an outcome in '24? I just had a moment where I could fully breathe just thinking about it.

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Keep breathing, and get the word out to all you can to register to vote and get to the polls this November!

But definitely keep breathing!!

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Where are the Feds on this? I would think that this type of arbitrary decision making in voter registration would call for an investigation. Also interesting that apparently a single person can make the decision on electronic signatures. One day OK the next not? Hmmm

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Frances- great question. If something disadvantages the left, we seem to get no protection. For the right, they can break the laws, violate the Constitution, be convicted…no consequences. We need to clean house across the government after we blow away the Republican cult in Nov

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Congratualtions to (state) Senator Joyce Elliot for organizing Get Loud and making it possible for young eligible high school students to vote. Through this legal challenge many of these young people will be able to learn much more about voting rights and how power must be fought for with vigilance. I wonder what Asa Hutchinson has to say about this--remember how he was honest during the Republican primary that ended in Trump's nomination.

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Someone should do a deep dive on Thurston and all the other Republicans who are trying to stop electronic signatures to find out if they ever signed anything electronically, and then argue that all those transactions are void in Arkansas.

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Exactly. Treat all e-signatures the same. If it’s not legal for voting registration then it’s not legal to sign loan documents, legal disclosures etc.

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This is why it is important to have federal voting laws, and mandatory voter registration helping us to join the civilized world. In so many ways, the Racist Americans keep us in the third world. Voting registration is compulsory in some countries, including most of Europe. https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2020/10/30/from-voter-registration-to-mail-in-ballots-how-do-countries-around-the-world-run-their-elections/

Why is it that we look like parts of Africa, Asia and South America, not like most of Europe, Central America, Most of Asia, Parts of Africa and all of Oceania in our voting enfranchisement? This needs to change and be a movement!

I am a dual citizen. In Germany when I registered myself as in where I lived, required of all residents of the country, I automatically was registered to vote, and got voting information in the mail before the election including how to vote by mail.

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Thank you Judd. More grifting from Republicans in one of the worst states by pretty much any measure. My sympathy to the good people of Arkansas.

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These are the types of issues that must be addressed on the Federal level. Like drivers licenses, voter registration is a freedom or at least it should be in this country and both should be satisfied by electronic signatures.

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a great example of why "states' rights" does not work if the Constitution is the law of the land.

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Story never changes: the fewer people able to vote, the happier Republicans are.

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Absurd that the SBEC's partial defense on refusal to allow electronic signatures involves one case of fraud involving six votes. Doesn't exactly sound like it's rampant abuse of the system there.

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It’s actually really sad how Bill Clinton’s state is so ass backward in voting rights. The needle just didn’t move much. It’s still the same Confederate shithole with that inbred plantation mentality.

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Nothing surprises me any more. The right to vote and the action of voting is so bedrock in our nation that the actions of Thurston make my stomach turn. In a way, though, he is making himself obsolete, turning away these young voters. They will be registered and they will vote against Thurston and his ilk.

Play the long game.

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I am a BLUE resident of

Arkansas. Red trumps blue

here, especially where Black

and Hispanic registration for

voting here is concerned.

Arkansas is not just the

lowest state for voting.

Education, Healthcare of

all types, child labor, etc.

Always follow the money

here. Look who our state

representatives are. Our

alternate facts governor. Big

money here and lots of it,

but only for some, not for


Get Loud needs to get louder!

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Let's move beyond the echo chamber. I shared the link to this article on the Facebook pages for the Republican Party of Arkansas, Arkansas Secretary of State John Thurston, Arkansas State Board of Election Commissioners, and Attorney General Tim Griffin. https://open.substack.com/pub/popularinformation/p/arkansas-has-the-worst-voter-registration?r=4ti8v&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=email

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This is bs, and I would happily go to Arkansas and register voters with physical voter registration cards. Is anyone organizing something like this?

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Racism is still widespread across the US and in-your-face blatant in backwards states like Arkansas.

How about getting a 1,000,000 young blacks to mobilize and visit in person the voting registration offices?

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