Ah, Bull Moose Huckabee Sanders. She and other white proto nazis and pseudo bible thumpers (deSanctimonious, lookin' at you!) want all children (especially white children), to grow up not knowing the egregious history of slavery, in their ongoing efforts to diminish and suppress Black Americans.

I am trying to imagine what Black folks are thinking about this, and I want to apologize to each and every one of them as the hate continues apace in America.

Stand Up! Vote these nazis back to the Stone age and teach our children history and how to be decent, humane beings. Start with separation of church and state, damn it.

Thanks, PopInfo, for your continued good works.

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I'm Black and I can tell you what I think.

That this racist revisionism is a mistake. A bad one. We all need to know the details of our shared history. And this hatred based on skin color?

I summed it up at 6 when my Mom was trying once again to help me understand that there were people who would judge me and find me inferior based on my skin color.

"But Mom, that's STUPID," I sputtered in outrage.

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Adam, I'm white...lol...my picture kinda gives that away. Anyway, my great grandma, who came here from Sweden at 18, and her daughter (my grandma), and her husband (my grandpa), would also judge black people by the color of their skin. I thought they and their way of thinking, for as long as I can remember, was STUPID. As an adult, I remember clearly what my grandpa said about Oprah. And I also remember what I said back to him in disgust. I bleed red, you?

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Big-time red I bleed Terry.

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Well huh. Imagine that. May as well change my name to Eve.

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Adam , AGREED ! THE eVIL ! Will always " TRY !, " to Dominate! , BUT GOD !, IS !, In CONTROL,, AND Has WON! , The VICTORY ! ( in The END ! ) BLESSINGS !

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Amen. Two of my wonderful children have Hispanic decent and Jewish decent. The crap I went through in their high school years. I'm in a red county. My SiL is of African American decent. I have ghosted relatives because of remarks made.

Screw the racists and their hooded heads. Makes me mad and revolted.

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I think she’s less of a Bull Moose (Teddy Roosevelt) and more of a Dixiecrat (Strom Thurmond).

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D Kitterman ! ,,, AGREED ! & AMEN ! The " PSEUDO !, " Is ABSOLUTLY ! Well PLACED ! OUR, LORD/GOD! , KNOWS!,

who the " plastic christians, ARE. ,,, in Comparison, To TRUE, SPIRIT FILLED BeLivievers ! ( LORD ! , Have MERCY ! , for ALL !, of MANKIND !)

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I think Ali Noland, quoted here, hit the nail on the head: all these bans and restrictions and clear prejudices reinforce the stereotype of less educated people from Southern states. In this case and Florida, unfortunately, rightly so.

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Indoctrination is their accusation, but it is their plan to indoctrinate. Look at Hillsdale College, George Mason U and now the Praguer U proposed curriculum FL is offering. All of it is a one sided indoctrination campaign.

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Exactly! Hillsdale "Collage," & Praeger U send me stuff all the time. I read it and shake my head in disgust. The indoctrinators fear indoctrination.

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They fear education!

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TELL IT !! , Rickey ! ,,,,, GLORY !

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Religion has been good practice to believe the preposterous.

There is a great video clip someone made of trump dressed as a wizard of OZ style green witch, calling legal process a witch hunt! 😄 Says it all.

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The head of education in FL said he wanted to make the public New College - into a Florida version of (private religious) Hillsdale College. PragerU isn’t even a university. It is straight up a political media (propaganda) entity. Bringing it into public schools is deplorable & exactly what DEsantis and his clones claim “the left” is doing - as you say, indoctrination.

It its owner words: PragerU is the world's leading conservative nonprofit that is focused on changing minds through the creative use of digital media.

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To empower kids is to grant them access to knowledge. If a student takes AP African American studies and becomes a progressive, that says a lot about modern conservatism. Just like how they could only win in the 60s and 70s by appealing to racists, they know that now they need to appeal to he uneducated and are trying to increase the amount of uneducated people.

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Arkansans chose a lying idiot to govern them over an MIT nuclear engineer, so this, sadly, comes as no surprise. Arkansas continues its race to the bottom.

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Make no mistake, this course is the first domino. The ultimate goal is a complete rewrite of progressive and democratically informed liberal arts courses to reduce pushback on increasingly authoritarian messaging and policies. I hate to be the "slippery slope!" guy, but we're on the side of a greased mountain folks.

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I'm gonna write ME a country song like that red-bearded wonder the RW's love so much! Gonna call it "Climbing that Greasy Mountain."

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"Climbing that Greasy Mountain aka The Slippery Slope"

Climbing that Greasy Mountain

It's orange and it wiggles and it smells like catsup!

Climbing that Greasy Mountain

To slide back in the orange crevasse again!

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This reporting is SO important for helping our country face and deal with profound ignorance and self-righteous cultural and racial bias.

An analogy comes to mind: imagine if you were a child born to ignorant fanatics. And, I am sure that there are many examples of this predicament. Education and freedom to learn the truth about matters is the way out of this dilemma.

Regarding the education of our young people about our extremely racist history (we tend to ignore and forget how we treated the American Indians), we all have much to learn about human nature. If I had any power in this regard, I'd have the writings and speeches of Frederick Douglas required in American History courses. [There are even early films of him speaking to international groups!]

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VALERIE !, Frederick Douglas ! , SHOULD be, MANDITORY AMERICAN HISTORY !! ( A Most RESPECTED ORATOR !! and What !, He SPEAKS ! , is " RIGHT ON !" )

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It's amazing these republicans talk about indoctrination as much as they do. They are the true indoctrinators. They are all racists and they all hate America. I will never vote for a Republican the rest of my life.

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This is why I have NEVER pulled a lever for R. It has been an indoctrinated party since the evangelicals gained foothold and then Newt Gingrich...his elevation to Speaker, and Tom Delay, Majority Leader, irrevocably changed the R part to a cult...the Orange Stain on America just made what was already a horror show that much worse.

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Bizarre and unsettling tactics right before the school year feels very much to me like yet another attack -- not just on the content of what is taught, but on public education as a whole by explicitly creating environments where teachers feel uncertain/threatened and students learn less and less.

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Jessica, That plan of indoctrination is the inly way they think they can retain so-called superiority. This is the most dangerous point we have gotten to & I hope can overcome it.It will take a fight and every sane person needs to voice our objections.

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RIGHT ON ! , ,,,, SR ! SANE People ! GIT UP ! , And VOTE ! ( Your LIFE! ,,,, WILL DEPEND ! , On IT ! ) KEEP ON, VOTING ! , Jessica !

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It would be a good idea for everyone to get a refresher course by watching the recent movie, Till.

There are plenty of news articles, news footage etc to show the truth if history.

This is Fascism. The republican party is responsible for it. Severe consequences are the only way to stop this.

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When Emmet was murdered, it was Southern racist Democrats. Now, it's racist Republicans anywhere. Amazing the way the wicked will weasel out of what they did.

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Lynn, Those where called Dixiecrats (“states rights party) who abandoned the party after de-segregation. They ARE todays RepubliCons.

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SR , In " THAT DAY !" , Our LORD/GOD !, Will Descern,,,, ! , & JUDGE ! ( AGAIN ! ,,, LORD! , Have MERCY !)

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Of course, they don’t want students to learn African American history like this “How to Incite a White Riot (1898). White supremacists destroy Wilmington NC, a thriving mixed-race city” https://forgottenfiles.substack.com/p/how-to-incite-a-white-riot-1898

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There are some really great books on that occurance. Why they are not more widely known isn't a mystery to me.

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Agreed. I recommend this one to everyone: David Zucchino’s “Wilmington Lie: The Murderous Coup of 1898 and the Rise of White Supremacy”

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Racism & fascism!

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It is clear that laws don’t matter to trump & the republican party. Without addressing the propaganda stations that call themselves news, this will become more and more dangerous. Almost all media conglomerates are owned by ultra right.

Constant lies from these corporations controlling the airwaves and funding from billionaires who prefer fascism makes this fight far more difficult from all others.

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Thanks, Judd. Sounds like Governor Sanders just blundered her way into what I can only hope will be a series of very costly and public lawsuits brought by the students of Arkansas and their parents. Better stock up on popcorn.

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This all boils down to keeping their racist ideal alive and well in those states.

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Arkansas - Common Sense + Sanders + Newly Erected Racist Structures - Empathy = R?

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