I think it's imperative the the word "oligarch" be used instead of "billionaire" so people can understand that the oligarchy is not a Russian phenomenon.

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The Oligarchs here are no better than Oligarchs in Russia. Their goal is for us to work for them. One of my kids described Oligarchs best: they live in their own bubble so don’t get any outside ideas and are not ever distracted from what they want. When they notice us at all, we are like bugs (insects). Well I think we should become irritating bugs.

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Charles Koch is a traitor to America. Advancing his own monetary interests over everything else. Just follow the money to see why these organizations would say these things. As always, you are proving their position is based in greed and profits over actual human lives. Pathetic commentary from these organizations.

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I subscribed to Popular Information today because of this work! Excellent reporting! Koch Industries, along with ALEC, and all of its affiliated PAC’s are killing democracy in our state houses across the country. They must be exposed for the villains they are and exposing their support for Russia in this moment is a way to do it that people can easily understand.

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These organizations sound so relatively benign, if not meritorious. It's genuinely disturbing how easy it is for them to be created and to exert their influence.

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I get a dozen political newsletters and blogs in my email every day. I just added Popular Information a few weeks ago. I can't deny, I find myself scanning my In Box every morning for Judd Legum's reporting ahead of everyone else's. His "stuff" is really great. I love that he seems to dig just that extra layer deeper on his stories and always includes hyperlinks that help to "show his work" regarding the buried story behind the story. Thanks Judd.

(P.S. This is not a paid endorsement. I just think good reporting like this piece on the dark money behind some objections to sanctions on Russia should be called out.)

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Brilliant reporting, Judd! Whether or not these organizations are cynical or sincere, they are not helping the spread of democracy.

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The Koch brothers, with only Charles left, is a maze of organizations with one goal in mind -- to complete the fascist takeover of the government in the United States.

Koch & these far-reaching organizations have been trying to tear down all our social programs for decades. TFG with the help of ignorant Republkkkan voters has made this a distinct possibility with all these new unconstitutional laws about Roe and other bs like CRT.

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Upsetting. Eye opening and informative. It led to me doing Google searches and following sources. I have many unfortunate connections to people who are involved in these organizations. My adult children's current stepmother (and their father) use their brilliance for evil, power, wealth, and are amazingly effective debaters, writers and speakers. And liars. My point being, a tremendous service from you is how you name names. Many of these organizations are so brilliantly named that good people believe them and contribute to them. One of the things that sent me down a rabbit hole of reading is this one about how hard Republicans and American oligarchs (Koch, banks, lenders, others who love getting people in debt and continuing to pay them over time) have fought against the Consumer Protection Financial Bureau: https://scholarship.law.vanderbilt.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=2200&context=faculty-publications

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Koch Industries and it's funded associates are telling the world that they are on the side of Communists and Fascists'. This is against the United States of America and all we stand for. This is not about how much money you have. This is about one mad man who wants to renew the Soviet Union, and will stop at nothing to get his way, no matter how many must die, to his whims. This is what Koch supports, not American interests. This was a sovereign, Democratic nation, Putin has no right to take this Country.

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Crooked rich 1% Koch. He makes me sick and so do his Toadies.

Good reporting.

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He's more like a 0.001%er. But your point is well taken...

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Great reporting.

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Incredible reporting! Eye opening.

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