Facebook: Where imagination and truth come to die.

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I wish that there was a way to charge these malignant, malicious, deliberate spreaders of disinformation with criminal violations.

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Thank you for your important work, Judd. The Democratic Party platform is a powerful document with strong liberal values . . . but I've looked through a lot of it, including sections on health, values, voting rights, and climate change, and and found nothing about responding to the roles of social media in spreading disinformation. As you have documented, this disinformation further polarizes and deeply harms our citizenry.

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That’s a good point Janet. Social media’s role in spreading false information should definitely be addressed.

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You raise a valid point but with so many other conflagrations happening, what do you say we get the Biden/Harris elected first, keep control of the House and wrest control of the Senate from the McConnell/Graham bloc. Then and only then can Congress regain its legislative strength that has been so badly eroded over the years, carry out its legislative investigations as should be its Constitutional duty to do. The power in the Executive needs to be severely scaled back for everyone’s sake. It’s gotten way out of hand since Bush II to the point where this current occupant can blithely and somewhat freely proclaim that he deserves a THIRD TERM in office(you know; since he was robbed of his outright victory in 2016?). Herr trumpus would love to rule our dystopian nightmare.

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Facebook has got to be destroyed. They’ve squandered and outright defied so many opportunities to correct the course of the nefarious & pervasive misinformation that populates its pages allowing it to continue under the guise of self-regulation is an act of insanity.

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Why is Congress so tongue-tied and ill-informed when speaking to robo-man Zuckerberg? Isn't anyone in Congress aware of the damage that lies and misinformation are doing to the fabric of our country? When will there be a lawsuit that makes it to the Supreme Court that finally stops the ascent of these tech mega-companies, corrals them, and regulates them? Why is Zuckerberg allowed this extraordinary power without any restrictions? Here's a conspiracy that is real. And, as always, follow the money (not the trolls).

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