If there is no penalty to breaking the pledge, there is no incentive to honor the pledge

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Except for all of us pointing our fingers at them. Democrats must jump on this.

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It may be that size does matter when the biggest companies decide not to matter in what is the right thing to do. Mergers and Acquisitions have placed too much "I don't care about customers" in to our economy. Could use a Teddy Roosevelt about now.

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Hopefully, public confrontation of their dishonesty and publicity that they've broken their pledges will cause pain in their consciences.

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Walmart is giving away the game plan. Keep both sides funded and no one will pay attention to the real players, i.e. the corpo executives making millions off of the civil unrest.

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Since when have most American businesses NOT supported Republicans no matter how brazenly anti-democracy they are? American businesses operate for their investors not for the people. They’d sell their grandmothers for profit. This has always been the case.

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Disgraceful but not really surprising. Any future reference to these companies should include a phrase such as traitor supporting AT&T, sedition loving Walmart. Do what Qpublicans have done, attach the insult automatically.

Judd Legum et al. I appreciate so much that you follow through. It’s the only was to address accountability. Thank you!

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This is the prime danger of media vertical integration. Who will carry this story when so many news and information outlets are owned by the perps?

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Jeff, Good point. That’s the real challenge. We need Anonymous for Fox, oan and others. It’s hard to go forward leaving the rt wing news monopoly in place.

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Do GOP congress members so fear increased regulation if Dems are elected that they keep donating to the insurrectionists? Seems shortsighted to me. Good for you, staying on this story, Judd.

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AT&T has turned into a garbage company. My father worked for a baby bell company my entire childhood, I used to be proud of that. I wish I didn’t need them for my wireless phone service, unfortunately I have little alternatives due to the lack of coverage in my area.

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More corporate perfidy and dishonesty? I'm shocked! ("eye roll emoji")

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I’m sorry Walmart spokesperson. Did I miss the day when Hillary supporters attacked the Capitol, beat up cops, threatened to hang the Vice President and smeared their feces on the walls? That equivocation lacks creativity and, more importantly, reason and logic.

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And this is why companies only “suspended” donation. No one reasonably expected their principles to extend to the midterms.

It would be interesting if you could uncover the pressure Republicans are putting on these companies. It’s easy to imagine threats of regulation of the GOP retakes the House or Senate.

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I love what you are reporting Judd, I just wonder if you can stop it. For my part my husband and I cancelled our AT&T account. But the only other option is Verizon. I'm not sure they are much better. Tom Dial is right. What's your idea for a penalty?

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Thanks for letting the world know that these insurrections wanna be are hypocrites.

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Very few corporations have principles, only calculations.

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For Starters?: How about an "Attention! Amazon" activity? No one orders anything from Amazon on a Sunday and Monday? Orders could be placed after this, as it would impact the system more impactfully after than before a two-day boycott. But a two-day ignoring event will be felt through out their system.

They have gotten better for their employees recently, now it is time for them to be better for America.

Any other ideas on how to get the pledge breakers to recognize what they are doing is wrong?

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I think you have the problem identified: How does the public confront these corporations in a meaningful, impactful way? I do not do business with AT&T, Cancelled COX Cable, but options to switch to responsible companies are few and far between.

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Interesting that some of the [profit above all else] corporations were finally moved to withdraw their businesses from Russia. Seems that such a move takes the catalyst of threat of death by nuclear war. However, I was impelled to communicate to Tim Cook that since the iPhones are many Russians' major means of knowing what is going on outside of Russia, to please do what he could to help that continue.

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