Thanks for staying on top of this and keeping us informed. This is so important!

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Would repealing the atrocious Citizens United law help?

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That'll never happen with unofficial judicial arm of the Republican Party, a/k/a the Supreme Court, running the show.

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You're probably right. I, however refuse to give up and give in to these sycophants.

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https://americanpromise.net/ American Promise is dedicated to passing a Constitutional Amendment to get corporate money out of politics. It is a long game, but well worth doing.

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I’m going there now. Thanks 😊

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A reader of action!! That's great, JAB.

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Oh, I couldn’t agree more…

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That would take a constitutional amendment, which means passage of HJR 48 by 2/3 of of both houses or Congress or an Article V Conversation, followed by ratification by 3/4 of the states.

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I know. Why aren't the things we really need that secure? It's a travesty. It's segregation at its worst.

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I wonder if those shareholders know that AT&T created One America News.

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Thank you. I went right to my proxy statement and voted.

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I’m so glad you’re staying on this company’s practices and behaviors. I’m not certain when AT&Ts downfall began, but I wrote them off after their role in OANN came to light, and believe the last tie I have with them is broken when the Warner Media spin out is final. Nothing uncovered about them will surprise me, and

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Keep up the pressure Judd and bravo to As You Sow!

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Stuff like this is why I'm a paid subscriber

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Great expose, Judd. End Hypocrisy United!

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Great reporting as always. However, you do yourselves and readers a disservice in the way you present data. The number of recipients is deceiving without the matching amount of money. PACs often sprinkle numerous puny donations to legislators who align with their PR as a smokescreen to cloud the recipient stats. Meanwhile, they give huge chunks of money to legislators who actually align with with their political and profit interests. Headcount is interesting and helpful but money matters far more. After all, that is THE subject.

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We’ll done, Popular Information!

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Keep it up Judd!! We dropped AT&T thanks to your reporting.

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"We believe our core business objectives and political giving align with our values." ....sometimes we have to take them at their word

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I’m not a constitutional expert, or even a lawyer. But I can find nothing in the Constitution that extends the rights of the people to corporations. So, I doubt that a Constitutional amendment is needed to undo the Citizens United decision. The SCOTUS chose to define the case law, the terms of the Constitution, and applicable corporation law such that it works out that way. I think a change in corporation law us all that is needed.

That needs to happen at the state level, because States grant corporate status; not the Federales. Delaware would be a great place to start. It seems like the darling of anyone who wants to incorporate a business.

Can Congress do it? Not directly, but where the Constitution allows it, Congress can limit what states can do. Interstate commerce is one area where the federal government has latitude in this respect. I do believe that AT&T engages in interstate commerce.

But why would Congresspeople add to the problems of the corporations that butter their bread?

They won’t unless forced to do it. That is the people’s job.

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Thank you! Another paid subscriber because of articles like this! I have been on a writing campaign and am using my few votes to support this action. Everything we have is AT&T too so we are anxious for accountability. Appreciate this!

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We can only hope that this review happens and the board at AT&T is ousted.

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How can we vote? We have a few shares, but maybe numbers of voters count.

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