Apple CEO Tim Cook sits on the board of the Business Roundtable....

But they're such a cool company! 🙄

Cheers for Patagonia as the only company standing up for its customers!

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Patagonia uses goose down & thus tortures geese

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Apple is notoriously hypocritical about environmental matters. They will do whatever works best for marketing purposes, regardless of the impact. Example: Recyclable packaging implies that they care about the environment, but every time they update a product or launch a new one, they make no effort to make its size and features conform to prior versions. Consequently, the world is cluttered with a glut of useless cases and peripherals that end up in landfills. If Apple truly cared about the environment, their design priorities would be different.

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“Climate Change” I bet that phrase was coined by Republicans as it is euphemistic. What we have is man-made environmental degradation. Sorta like saying someone “passed” when they have died. Americans are obsessed with euphemisms about unpleasant things. These companies speak out of both sides of their mouths because we allow them to. I am glad Me. Legum calls them out. I wonder if it would make sense for the Biden Administration to help fund and support start ups that use a Patagonia model that will compete with these fat cat companies?

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We need more talk about the cost of not taking action.

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Yes! lost opportunity

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The usual suspects (big corp) talking out of both sides of their mouth. Surprise is only Patagonia understands the very real and imminent threat of climate change.

It's all about the $$$ and the power to buy a Congress person (some are a bargain!)

Can't shame the too big to fail shameless

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So much "window-dressing" done by Apple and other corporations. Thanks as always for helping to hold them accountable, Judd.

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It's so upsetting that more companies don't act like Patagonia. Thankfully there is at least one corporation willing to do the right thing. My entire life I've heard about climate change and then watched the issue get swept under the rug. We can't sweep it under the rug forever. Eventually, all of the things that people are worried about are going to happen and then it will be too late. It's mind-boggling that people in a position to effect actual change are prioritizing the bottom line of their company over the greater good for the entire planet. It's so sad to see all the hypocrisy and virtue signaling from all these corporations. Putting out statements and saying the right thing publicly, even donating money to all of these causes. Then your excellent reporting shows them double dipping and also spending money to defeat the causes they claim to support. Sad times but thanks for shining a spotlight on this Judd. Really well done!

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Accountability journalism is discussed but rarely practiced. You’re the exception. Corporate hypocrisy is undeniable, but I’m willing to bet some of these companies and execs have no idea what Business Roundtable is saying much less plotting. Execs are invited to join allegedly prestigious boards and groups and they jump. Are they intelligent enough to know what’s going on? Of course. Are they paying attention? Not usually. I’m not giving them a pass; I just have experience staffing boards and I can confirm many and maybe most members pay modest attention that’s rarely in context of anything else. It’s yet another example of what ails corporate America.

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Thanks for your reporting.

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As I read this, I thought of Patagonia as an example of a company that actually does the right thing. Glad you mentioned them at the end.

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