A little good news to break up the fire hose of bad news. Keep it comin? Please?

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Nice Reporting Folks! Thank you!!! Watch your back.

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Besides upstanding lawyers and law-abiding honorable (present and former) judges, here's a growing list of Profiles in Courage men, women, and advocacy groups who refuse to be cowed or kneel to the force of Trump/Musk/MAGA/Fox "News" intimidation: [Continually updated, e.g. ABA, Robert Reich, Judd Legum, , Sharon McMahon--suggestions welcomed]

I'll begin with Missouri's own Jess[ica] (à la John Lewis's "get in good trouble") Piper, then, in no particular order, Heather Cox Richardson, Rev. Mariann Edgar Budde, Ruth Ben-Ghait, Rachel Maddow, Lawrence O'Donnell, Chris Hayes, Robert Reich, Jim Acosta, Jen Rubin And the Contrarians, Steve Brodner, Brian Tyler Cohen, Jonathan Bernstein, Jessica Craven, Sharon McMahon, Annne Applebaum, Lucian Truscott IV, AOC, Chris Murphy, Elizabeth Warren, Tim Snyder, Jay Kuo, Robert B. Hubbell, Ben Meiseilas, Steve Schmidt, David Pepper, Judd Legum, Jeff Tiedrich, Josh Marshall, Paul Krugman, Andy Borowitz, Jeff Danziger, Ann Telnaes,­͏ ­͏Juan Cole, Will Bunch, Jake Tapper, Bennie Thompson, Liz Cheney, Adam Kinzinger; American Bar Association, Blue Missouri, Sunrise Movement, Third Act, Democracy Forward, Public Citizen, Democracy Index, Democracy Docket, ACLU, America, America/Steven Beschloss, The Freedom Academy et al. And, as Joyce Vance says, "We're in this together"--or via Jess Piper, from rural Missouri: "Solidarity." FIGHT BACK! WE ARE NOT ALONE!

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Right on!

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Really appreciate all the up to date information your newsletter provides. Little chuckle that I read your QR code label at the end like 'Juddle Gum'. Time for a new code name hehe.

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How come officials comply with illegal orders for two weeks when the courts say differently?

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Because (at least for now) they can. I'd like to hope they'd be held accountable. Please don't reply "Fat Chance!"

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That’s really the next step: Hold these officials accountable for violating a court order & make it painful for officials to knowingly violate the law in the future (either jail time, financially or both).

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Thank you Blue State AGs

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Thank you so much for your reporting Judd. It makes a difference!!!

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I want civil penalties, like stiff fines, imposed on all those persons who ignored the first TRO. And their names published.

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I will believe this when my local NIH sponsored contacts tell me they have received the funds. Not before.

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Keep us posted 😁

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Good news, but it isn't clear to me if this is an act of resistance to or capitulation by the administration. I'm assuming it is the former but hoping it is the latter.

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Management at NIH will soon be replaced. You heard it here first.

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You can't Trust Trump on anything....... He LIES all the time. So, good for now.......but not a lot of faith that he or his lackeys care one twit about the American people. The health of the American government does NOT matter to them, why should the health of Americans matter to them. Just putting more money in the pockets of the billionaires. Money is their God! (Remember the tax cuts are coming and they are already laying the ground work by saying Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid are a fraud and a scam. So then they can raid that too, privatize them and give even more money to the billionaires and corporations. Can you say bankrupt America and Americans, financially and health wise.) Trump is also in a battle with someone he will not beat no matter what he does - Father Time. And the damage he will leave behind will be enormous.

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All very good news! Now, for a repeat on all other agencies that Elon Musk has illegally (criminally?) cancelled or called on the employees to stop working: FBI, USAID, CFPB, Dept. of Education, and any others that fall into this usurpation by the South African (and Putin).

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This is why I support you three. You do this incredible work, so we really know what is happening. Bravo!

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Thank you. My daughter is a professor and this has been extremely stressful.

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Bless You & Yours in the battle for our country!

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