Never forget, Republicans need a crisis at the border (if one actually exists) as a distraction from their criminal leader (s), their unpopular economic and social policies, and, above all, their hatred for women.

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The way I see it, Biden is severely hamstrung in what he can do and can’t do in the face of Congress continuing not to act. He stopped child separation, and the appointments app is at least a better alternative, even if limited. But what really is badly needed is updated immigration legislation.

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Great piece!

Abbott has expanded on Disantis’ earlier abuse of immigrants. Also, nothing has really been done since Reagan in Congress. The R’s would rather run on this issue than solve it. They would much rather ‘otherize’ here. For Abbott, as for Trump-the cruelty is the point.

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Wonderfully intensive research and documentation! The overall issue of not being able to find a place to exist with safety and sustenance now defines our planet. How low minded can one be to think that a WALL or a practice of implementing "just go away and go back where you came from" would ever solve this dilemma. We need more than one department or one man to blame (Mayorkas) to address this huge and complex problem. Thank you PI team for this spotlight on another issue that must be seriously (not politically) addressed.

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Jan 4·edited Jan 4

What i don’t understand is why the Biden administration and the serious journalists and opinion writers are not louder about immigration reform which is an act of Congress. Congress is the branch of the government to actually do something serious about it. i know it is easier for Republicans not to fix the problem. But it is necessary to address it loudly. Every journalist out there needs to ask the questions, to the ones who have the function of legislating. At my end, my wish ask is for the Biden administration to be loud, outspoken, even obnoxious. This is a great summary but i also would like to see in the future, the impact of gun illegal trade to south of the border, an issue that no one seems to talk and enables the super violence in the LATAM regions, and enables gangs to manage the Darien gap.

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I occasionally call Greg Abbott's office and suggest that his handlers put him in his wheelchair upside down as his brain is lamer than his legs.

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Thank you PI for always finding and framing the important truths. This whole situation is heartbreaking and infuriating. Interviews with GOPers show very clearly that they are incentivized to keep this issue alive and in turmoil to get the votes of their supporters, so there is absolutely no intent to allow any progress toward resolution. A complete lose-lose for people with any level of humanity in them and no hope toward resolution UNTIL WE HAVE A BLUE MAJORITY IN THE HOUSE/SENATE/WHTEHOUSE. I'm not a Democrat, but it's the only way to save us from complete destruction.

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Cruelty is the point of Abbott's stunts. That and the value of keeping border crossings front and center as a propaganda tool to inflame outrage and fear. The G(aslight)O(bstruct)P(roject) party has no solutions. About the only thing I agreed with GWB on was his efforts to pass immigration reform. His own party shot it down. And they continue to do so.

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Republicans are NEVER part of the solution, simply a point, scoff, obstruct, wash, rinse, repeat group.

They don't have a platform other than, the above OR give tax breaks to the Corporations and cheer.

It's disgusting. Ask a "die-hard" Republican what the actual plan is to modify our immigration policy is and they'll chuckle and say "get rid of them", this is not a thinking group.

We need immigrants for all the jobs the scoffers won't do yet...

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Superb report! These are uncomfortable truths for all of us. There is no political excuse for cruelty.

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How can Abbott's kidnapping and human trafficking be legal? Lawyers, please get to work. Abbott, DeSantis, and ALL individuals involved in rounding up 'illegals', and scheduling flights and buses to northern cities, should be arrested and charged with crimes that would put them in prison for multiple lifetimes.

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Greg Abbott’s a filthy bigot & a liar. There’s no basement - a total lack of decency. Whether a woman or a migrant, Greg Abbott’s not interested in their equal treatment under Federal law. He’s going to do whatever he wants, no matter the consequences. Texas voters must be masochists & obviously enjoy his brand of abuse. Sickening.

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Abbott and Desantis have been pulling this shit (meaning trafficking migrants) for literal years now. I have a hard time believing there isn't something the feds/Biden admin can do about it - file suit, bring charges (it's trafficking after all), deny federal dollars on a per person basis for every human they ship out of their states and grant them to the states where they land (Illinois, in this case, but also New York and Massachusetts.)

Also it's so frustrating that the stupid TX law finally gets the DOJ to act, and not the RAZOR WIRE BALLS that Abbott put it in the damn river that have already killed a child! Like what are we even doing here???

Also also it is supremely unhelpful that dems keep accepting right-wing framing on this issue and that the Biden admin has almost completely reversed itself on immigration.

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chicago ought to commute sentences of some prisoners.....give em a stipend and drop them off in downtown Austin.......boy would that get some attention.

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This kind of action is inhumane to any decent person, but he’s not catering to decent people; he is catering to the base Republican Christian voter.

To those dark hearted characters, this is the “tough” actions needed to both deter asylum seekers and as you said, to punish liberals. He won’t lose a single a voter or bit of support over this; may even gain some.

Immigration is a complex issue. No option will please all sides. We can’t keep trying to manage constant overwhelming flows. We can’t absorb everyone from multiple countries, nor can we build a “Berlin” wall and/or treat desperate humans worse than lost cattle.

Yet as with most problems, we don’t address root causes well or our own contribution to the problems in other countries, so we can’t ever get to the most effective responses. Bandaids don’t do much to help gunshot wounds. Our cobbled together laws only lead to red tape, insurmountable backlog, lawsuits & misery. We must start tackling the roots if we ever hope to humanely and properly manage immigration.

(I bet Abbott is not sending a dime of federal funding earmarked for immigration to these “sanctuary” cities).

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This is truly a diabolical scheme Abbott and his team have dreamed up.

But overall the whole immigration system is in, what would you even call this state of disrepair?

So (because this IS America after all) follow the money!

Everything else is merely a smokescreen.

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