I’m sure Philip Anschutz and the corporate leader of Anschut believe in a woman’s right to choose, but obviously they believe in their right to low taxes and freedom from regulation a whole lot more.

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On some level, I would respect Anschutz and his ilk more if they were candid about the notion that they are donating to Republican organizations and candidates for their own perceived benefit while ignoring the implications for the other 99%. The donations would still be reprehensible, sure, but I would appreciate them not insulting us on top of it.

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Thank you! That is exactly what I was trying to convey with satire in my comment.

Sadly, considering that so much political "debate" now consists of yelling utterly outrageous, and easily disprovable, lies frequently and loudly, I think as long as people keep cheering for red meat and throwing money at the liars, while willfully ignoring the facts, its going to be very hard to get rid of the demagogues or get back to any sort of measured and reasonable political discourse any time soon.

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So none of the artists who had spoken out against Dobbs or their reps would speak to you or Rolling Stone? The talent has the power to do something about this situation and I'm hoping they will find their voices.

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Judd, Your work on this is amazing and so necessary. We all need to know what our money supports. This article alone is why money MUST be kept OUT of politics.

Overturn Citizen’s United! SCOTUS should be investigated in the same manner as Trump et al!

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Great collaboration and important reporting. The Anschutz response assumes readers, employees, musicians and Coachella attendees are illiterate, uninformed, self-centered or incapable of recognizing dangerous hypocrisy, or all of the above. I’ve heard the ‘we’ve always done it this’ way defense in many contexts, but the very idea he contributes without knowing anything about this group’s current focus indicates he believes his organization is above it all.

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Sadly, they're probably right. I'm having a hard time believing that even when informed, people will actually deny themselves entertainment in any numbers sufficient to bring this point home to this corporation through loss of revenue.

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How lovely that he can wash his hands of specific knowledge of the policies and actions of the groups he donates to. Reminds me of some important historical figure, whose name escapes me right now, some two thousand years ago... Pontius somebody. I'm sure Mr. Anschutz simply doesn't have the staff or time to double check that his generosity is going to wholly worthy recipients, and of course he isn't just currying the political favors that big money politics demands from big money to protect the interests of big money. Of course I totally believe that he had no earthly idea that the REPUBLICAN Governors' Association would be anti-Roe vs Wade. And it's simply unthinkable that his organizations would be talking out of both sides of their mouth; relatively ineffective public actions publicly supporting Roe vs Wade to lull the paying customers and keep the cash coming, while much more effective private political purchases with that cash are made behind closed doors. Where was it that history shows us how the ruling class kept the people entertained with bread and circuses, and fiddled while it all went up in flames?

Yes, sarcasm, totally.

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Using your customers money and turning it against them seems very unjust.

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Doesn't just "seem" to be in my opinion. It "is" unjust!

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These are incredibly evil people. They must be voted out. It's the only way.

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Thank You !!!!

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"Mr. Anschutz makes contributions to numerous organizations, usually for specific reasons. He does not review or support each of the positions taken by such organizations." Well, why doesn't he? When you donate as much as he does, shouldn't you make damn sure of their positions? This is the most, "I don't know, I just work here" statement I've ever heard!

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Actually, it's more like "I donate to them because they do what *I* want done, and I don't care what else they do." Just because they are anti-abortion doesn't mean that RAGA and other GOP groups aren't taking positions that AEC and Anschutz approve of. THAT is why they phrased the response that way, to hide the fact that they like the lower taxes and GOP's commitment to not raising taxes on the wealthy.

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I can't seemingly understand how it is the the minority can continue to rule this country. It seems every state (almost) tells the majority what they can and can't do, how is it they are the ones passing these laws and changing the way this country fundamentally operates, it is wrong on so many levels.

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Good for you and Rolling Stone for finding another example of how slippery the money turns out to be when being utilized to exclude anyone not understood or approved by old, uninformed, religiously (or morally) fearful people with power and who are grasping for more in a world coming to terms with our Oneness!

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