At this hour, the US has neither the means nor the mandate for the widespread testing required even to understand the scope of the problem. How many people who exhibit symptoms were denied testing because they didn't fit the profile of recent travel to China? Trump responds to only 2 stimuli: significant stock market losses and threats to his reelection. He could not have chosen more perfect frontmen for this debacle than Larry Kudlow (the architect of the 2008 recession) and Mike Pence (a science denier).

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Still more proof that the social media giants are in the back pockets of the Republicans.

And, having an ignorant fool/political hack in charge of our Coronavirus response? Why, would could possibly go wrong???????????

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Once again, Facebook and Twitter showing they have the world's best interests in mind, sheesh. Having Mike Pence lead the coronavirus response is absurd and media outlets of all make and model should be underscoring that neither Pence nor Trump knows what the hell he's talking about. Especially the latter, who claimed that wind turbines cause cancer. That one still galls me.

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Well now I am sick unto death and it's not a virus.

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On Twitter this morning is a clip of Pence wiping his nose and then shaking hands during the presser. Only the best people.

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I just checked that out, and, yep, what a disgusting slob he is!! Maybe by calling Pence the Coronavirus Czar, that means he will be the one spreading this virus to all Trump's cronies!! Good job, Mike, good job!!!

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Stupidity in the conservative followers of Rush, Trump, Pence and GOP in Congress could kill us all.

The Rosenstein I recall was the fella who kept telling Donnie you have nothing to worry about in emails released after the Mueller investigation went down in redacted flames. He came across more as a Toadie than a Deep State!

Fortunately all three of the above named inparagraph 1, are in the age range that Coronavirus has caused the most problems and deaths according to the CDC.

Unfortunately, so am I.

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This isn't just politics as usual - Trump is putting the US at risk of a pandemic while he worries about the stock market effecting his election.

Pence is uniquely unfit to filter scientific information for the US. “All his public health policies in Indiana were more about his beliefs or ideology, and not evidence based or around data,” said Carrie Ann Lawrence, associate director of the Rural Center for AIDS/STD Prevention at Indiana University.

This is where we are, in America 2020: "Doctors suspected infection with the virus, but the patient did not fit the federal criteria and was not tested for days." "Hospital administrators said they immediately requested diagnostic testing from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, but the procedure was not carried out because the case did not qualify under strict federal criteria: She had not traveled to China and had not been in contact with anyone known to be infected."

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So Limbaugh is informing all of his Trumpist listeners to ignore all of the warnings of a potential pandemic? Why is this bad?

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“ Limbaugh has no idea what he is talking about.” In other words, he’s a moron

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Just read on CNN that the ACU issued a statement that a CPAC attendee has tested positive for coronavirus. Reality is gong to burst the Fox bubble

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And now we have the first death from COVID-19 on American soil. I live in San Antonio Tx, where there are currently 11 confirmed cases quarrantined at Joint Base San Antonio - Lackland. Fortunately, I live waaay over on the other side of town. I haven't seen or heard of anyone freaking out YET, BUT, it could be only a matter of time before health care workers bring the virus off base. So, THANKS, Trump, for closing the borders and restricting travel, only to bring actual live cases of this disease to my hometown!! Yeah, thanks alot!!!!

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