Collins is a perfect example of the quality of person presently serving the Republican party, a bottom-feeding sociopath with all the requisite ignorance, aggression and hate racist troglodytes trade in.

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Yup. Another HS bully unfortunately given a mouthpiece by his fellow sociopaths. And a special shout-out to FAUX News and the NY Post for never failing to stoop lower with overtly false chyrons and headlines.

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Necessary piece!

Collins’ antisemitism mirrors that of his party. Corporate backers actions stay consistent: back this until called out, distance themselves, then quietly return.

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Of course they are paying minimal amounts so as to ride that fence-railing.

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Bingo, yet, who is really going to stop drinking Coca Cola ( if you haven't already) because of this. You're directing this at an informed audience, the folks that have no idea what is going on, or care, are going to be hard pressed to explain to their kids why they can no longer have a Coca Cola "brand" drink.

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There is no bottom with the reich wing.

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No truer words spoken. The republican thugs are just a'itchin for the pogroms to start.

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When I was growing up in the deep south we referred to people like Collins as "white trash". An apt description even now.

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Thank you for exposing Mike Collins' support of all that promotes hatred and ignorance. He is the epitome of human garbage! And Fox making Collins their source of news by distorting Judkis reporting. And thank you for continuing to inform and then hold accountable the corporate donors of those who support those who aim to destroy those not like themselves. Our country certainly did steal land from Native Americans, and built our industries with Black slave labor. But Judkis was pointing out the flimsiness of the shoplifting argument that Popular Information has made very clear in recent articles. Collins used false argument to slime Judkis. And, Fox joined right in

Looked up Chris Mathias, a brave reporter, and am appalled at the abuse he had to suffer as a journalist just for being present while covering far right extremists. That's another important issue: the protection of our free press who must cover the news live.

PI manages to find and shine line on the issues that are so upsetting that many want to ignore and wish they'd just go away............

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Yes, the use of someone’s ethnicity, religion or race in unrelated criticism is only done to stir bigotry. The anti-media, anti-transparency bad actors are only too happy to try to muzzle real reporting.

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I’m really not sure what’s wrong with rural Georgia voters. They sent MTG to DC, and they elect guys like Collins. There’s really no good excuse. The companies listed in Judd’s story are very willing to hold their nose and the other way if they’re getting what they want in tax breaks and relaxed regulations from the “pro-business, pro-retail” GOP! After all, it’s all about making more money. The only way for consumers to express their displeasure with a corporate entity is to spend their money elsewhere. These corporations really don’t care about posts on X, Instagram or Facebook. They care about your dollars. I don’t shop at WalMart, Publix, Home Depot, and the like because of their miserable history of low pay and poor treatment of minorities, woman and LGBTQ people. I can’t effect change in the board room, but I can effect change at the cash register. I worked for one of the companies listed in this article for 33 years, and needless to say I’m disappointed, again. That company is headquartered in Metro Atlanta. Maybe that’s why they choose to support Collins. American consumers have the power of purse, unfortunately we haven’t figured out how to effectively harness it!

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Yes, all those good Germans had the same habit of holding their nose and turning away.

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We could say the same for a few other places or take a look at who the NC GOP nominee is for Governor - a black guy who parrots stuff that must make white supremacists proud. Among other things NBC provides this background info:

—- Opponents also point out that Robinson has slammed public school teachers as “wicked people"; revealed himself to be a full-throated election denier, saying Biden "stole the election"; and cast doubt on whether the Holocaust occurred, calling its existence “hogwash” in 2017 Facebook posts. In 2022, he said he owned assault rifles so he’d be prepared if “the government got too big for its britches.” In other Facebook posts that year, he called the Civil Rights Movement "crap”.—-

He also called MLK a communist & the orange wonder calls Robinson, MLK “on steroids.”


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Wow. Yet another toxic Georgia member of Congress Bubba, racist, demagogue. Hard to believe it's the same State that gave us Jimmy Carter. More Americans need to be informed about all these morons, perhaps with a PBS and an HBO series, as many venues as possible, really, to honestly inform us about every single member of Congress and what they represent, including criminal behavior of them and their staff. John Oliver does this, but it needs to be all Congress encompassing. And a great way to turn Americans into CIVICS! I think people would watch it.

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Turn people on to civics. Sorry.

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Jimmy Carter was always a bit of an outlier, even in Washington.

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A lot more than a bit, which had a lot to do with why his presidency "failed".

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He was totally set up, it’s not a secret. Actually, he was too good a man for the job!

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PS, Google Brandon Phillips, Collins's criminal Chief of Staff. The real Dark Brandon.

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Total POS.

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"When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time."

Maya Angelou

PS: I misread the NY Young Republican's Club and initially saw it as the New York Young Republican Thugs!

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Sounds like pretty standard stuff for a member of the GQP. There's certainly antisemitism on the left, but nothing like what exists on the right in this country.

I trust we'll hear more from Judd about how all the corporations "investing" in Collins' seat refuse to comment.

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The Home Depot guy is no surprise.

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I'd like to blast Georgia voters for allowing the likes of Collins, and Marjorie Three-Toes out into the real world, but I can't, because I'm in Ohio, home of those beacons of justice and gulags, Gym Jordan, and jd vance.

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Michigan is such a better state in so many ways. 🙂

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Big Ten rivalries aside, I would agree whole-heartedly!

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Thanks for publishing the donors. It makes it easier for me to send them a note to say goodbye as a customer, unless they respond and show that they will use more discretion in the use of my money to support candidates.

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This is activism!! And you don't have to leave the comfort of your own home. letter writing is effective.

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Come on, T-Mobile, stop funding hate!

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And this is all you need to write on your postcard!!

Judd: Empower your readers with mailing and email addresses for these corporations.

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Agree. Info needed to take action. Come on Judd, close the circle, include info to drive change. Outrage changes nothing.

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I am, like an idiot, still shocked by blatant antisemitism in America. I always think: don't interview Collins, interview his parents. There is the root: get them to tell you how they really feel. Would Collins be proud of his bigoted parents. Are they proud of him?

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Let us hope that Treacherous-Treasonous-Traitor-Trump's new grift of taking money from the RNC will mean that there is not enough to help reelect the Treacherous-traitor-Mike Collins. Given T-T-T-Trump's Debtometer, he is going to be squeezed to finance his debts in time unless someone big comes through.


Look at Russia, Saudia Arabia. That still does not mean he will leave anything for anyone else, and their coffers are low. All is not well in Republican H---L!

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Again....All the more reason persons running for office need to be tested for intelligence. It is not a perfect solution as there are no silver bullets... BUT (Big but)...along with a solid historic background check matched to a set of criteria to confirm an unbiased individual with more concern for serving the country for all the right reasons as opposed to all the wrong reasons...we might actually be able to solve many of our underlying governance problems?

Given the reality that politicians sometimes misrepresent themselves to manipulate voters, (Cough Cough)...We need to enact legislation that can fine those that are caught in that attempt within 5 days without the option of appeals. These fines would increase by 30% for each infraction until they learned that lying to the public is more expensive than they can afford. Trump shut up about Carol after it cost him 80+MM. Lesson learned. 8mm clearly wasn't enough...this stuff is so simple. Physics. For every action there is a reaction. Energy in energy out.

Perfect example for all to see. Again... 8mm wasn't obviously enough.

Now others need to heed the lesson...Joe, Barack, Hillary...other members of the vast public sector that have been maligned. Quick before Trump runs out of Maga merch to sell...gold sneakers are in limited supply and his supporters are getting poorer by the day. Get your rightfully earned defamation settlements while you still can and help put an end to PM...Political misinformation...or to those less concerned about political correctness...lying SOB's.

Give the country something new to gander at in the news...legalized and righteous retribution and it will entertain and sell advertising for all media outlets. People love to see the sparks fly and the wealthy cry.

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Don't think an intelligence test would work. Most of these cretins are what my Dad used to call 'book smart' - can pass a test, but haven't a lick of common sense or ethics. But maybe some type of voter test would be better. Something to confirm they (voters) know how to read, and have a basic understanding of what democracy actually IS!!

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Let's do both...They won't let you drive on the public streets without a license and you can't get the license (in most cases) without taking a test...there should be one for voting...perhaps not a right but an earned privilege...a certified voter having proven to be reasonably aware of reality and the choices you can decide on?

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Gee, I Iwonder what the unintended consequences of that might be. Uh, no I don’t. “Reform” meet “Jim Crow.”

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Voter tests were declared unconstitutional after being used to keep Black people and others from voting. All these ‘special’ rules could easily hand more tools to those who hate democracy.

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I did not know that, or at least did not remember learning about it. And yeah, it does make good sense. So, in today's world, how do we go about getting the average voter ( I feel like most folks here are at least slightly above whatever average might be ) to do proper vetting of whom they are voting? We know we can't depend on the media anymore, and, at least here in Northeast Ohio, there isn't really a newspaper one can count on, so what is your suggestion, Ann? And I mean that seriously; you've opened my eyes to one issue, I hope you can open me up a little more.

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If it is taught, it would be addressed in the Voting Rights Act /Jim Crow / Civil Rights part of the curriculum. Not a lot of hope for that going forward.

You’ve put your finger on the big problem which is getting reliable information. Making it difficult & sowing distrust of the media dates back at least to destruction of the Fairness Doctrine and later Sarah Palin, followed by elevating Joe the Plumber podcasts & hot rhetoric as news. Misinformation & disinformation really took hold while people had too much screen time during the height of the pandemic. The hot rhetoric elicits clicks because it creates emotion which gets in the way of thinking.

There are groups who do investigative journalism, ProPublica for one. It partners sometimes with more local media and is a non-profit.

People who live in Opposite World are not open to outside sources of information. For folks who are I’d say notice if there are “editorial comments” mixed into regular reporting and then see if they or other sources verify their words with sources like live recordings. Do they include other viewpoints? I tend to google media for their bias. There are groups who will say which way the source lean politically but also if it has been caught doing Project Veritas style tricks.

There are sources like the AP which are non-profit. It distributes reports to media outlets but you can also subscribe to a version for free. For more Ohio specific news you might take a look at this one. Even if it isn’t your cup of tea, the standards they list are worth reading. https://eyeonohio.com/eye-on-ohio-joins-international-consortium-recognizing-news-organizations-who-pass-rigorous-standards-based-on-news-audience-research/

I hope that’s helpful. It just isn’t an easy thing these days.

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Thanks, Ann! I just signed up. Have to admit I was not familiar with EyeOnOhio. I do subscribe to OhioCapitalJournal.com, as they are very middle-of-the-road, and they provide sources. I like to know what the other side is thinking, when I can, and when it's something at least based in fact. It's tough. But the biggest problem these days is what you cited - losing the Fairness Doctrine. With most people getting their information via social media, and most people being either too busy with life to do any deep fact digging, or just basically lazy, headlines seem to be all they see and accept. And one look at the NYT tells anyone capable of critical thinking that headlines are BS at best. It's why I miss my local paper so much. But see, you and I are in the minority. We want more, and take the time to go find it. I want to know how we can get verifiable news to people who need it most. Anyway, thank you again for the link, and for being open to discussion. I miss that as much as my local paper.

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A. Any changes to “qualifications” to run for House & Senate seats or president would require a constitutional amendment.

B. “Tests” for intelligence or mental acuity would help the unscrupulous eliminate their opposition with fakery.

C. It is unconstitutional to deny people the right to appeal & it would also be used as a tool by the unscrupulous.

D. NYT was awarded $400M in January for legal fees in a false defamation case by DJT.

- Over $95M total to E Jean Carroll

- Over $600M and still counting for NY fraud. Plus monitor costs & the company creating a compliance unit at their own expense.

- Various other cases lost for $1M here, $2M there and pending lawsuits plus DJT legal fees.

In other words, before legal fees DJT is out almost $1.5B.

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And the 1.5 billion.... still isn't enough to stop him or his financial support structure. Now he's talking with Musk, who can gain personally from Trumps return to the White House, who's got access to 10's of Billions and other billionaires have SCOTUS secured financially...and let us not forget Putin who for a few billions can swoop in at anytime to keep him from being locked up while saving him some time and effort in capturing all of Ukraine...Money I don't think is going to be a problem for Trump. The illegal activities aren't either as he can retake the presidency whether he wins or losses the popular or the electoral vote because he and his cohorts have re-thunk their mistakes of the past and have no intention of loosing this again.

It's become a pride and survival thing with them at this point. They have been too exposed and I think are up against the wall...I don't think they (corporations/big business support institutions, financial industry members/ oil and gas/etc. can afford to loose due to the backlash from their behavior in price gouging/ AI investments/obvious support of the proliferation of gun violence. They love the chaos created by the disruptions. More arms sales and reconstruction income?

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Let's see, we have a racist, white-supremacist Republican (shocker 1), from Georgia (shocker 2), who was elected by other racist, white supremacists in Georgia (shocker 3). Republicans have been trying since 1865 to get "them damned coloreds" reclassified as three-fifths of a person, and have been somewhat successful in making it harder for them to vote.

Judd, I'm a paying supporter and strongly support what you do, but let's also be honest. The amounts that all of these corporations and organizations have contributed to this slime-bucket Republican would need to be thousands of times higher in order to even approach the level of being considered a rounding error on their financial reports.

While we had the (short-lived) indignation after the January 6th Insurrection, all of these corporations now justify these donations through the both-sides argument.

None of this bothers these corporations a single iota until it becomes a threat to their bottom lines. If they wanted to, Delta Airlines, Coca-Cola, and everyone else headquartered in Georgia could ensure that every citizen of that state had rights that were equal to every other citizen of that state. But that would tick-off all of the racist, white-supremacists in Georgia, throughout the South, on Fox "News", Newsmax, and numerous podcasts, so it will never happen.

Sadly, this Representative is merely the tip of the iceberg. The Republicans have now expanded their gerrymandering from the state level to the national level. With only about 33% actual support, they've rigged the system to have control over the other 67%. Doesn't matter how many of us in the coastal states vote Democratic, the Republicans control all of the levers of power. Women will become de facto second-class citizens, subservient to men and with no control over their own reproductive systems. All non-white people will need to document their citizenship back for two or three generations to avoid being sent to one of the new concentration camps. The Supreme Court will override the Obergefell decision and retroactively void all same-sex marriages. Trans people will be forced to undergo medical procedures returning them to their gender at birth, and will then be sent to a separate concentration camp. Christianity will become the official (and only recognized) religion. All this, and more, coming on January 20, 2025 if Trump gets re-elected.

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