Playing both sides of the field reflects you do condone what the politicians support because the corporations might as well support murder and gas chambers. Whether it's voting rights, insurrection, anti LGBTQ, and the list is longer, these mega 1% corporations got a huge tax break from these hateful GOP Hawgs. They roll in the mud together for one thing: Greed.

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I'll only disagree with you about the phrase "murder and gas chambers." Not all forms of oppression are equal, and to equate something like supporting politicians who oppose gender-affirming treatment to an image of the Holocaust is not acceptable. We're not talking about corporations committing genocide, and exaggerations like this are not helpful.

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It could happen and has in other places in the world.

Seems to me this is how it started in Germany. The first groups suffering from were not just Jews, they were people like gypsies, gays, people with special needs and anyone deemed less than desirable by Nazi definitions. They were able to con a population and German companies into believing the standard. Fear, wrath and hysteria were used. Same stuff happened in the US Civil War with Slavery as a catalyst.

Just know German companies made money from the war machine. Just watched a YouTube last night about cars manufactured by BMW and Mercedes-Benz for the Reich.

Sadly this type of behavior happened in the US not only in the causes of the Civil War. Prisoners were used as pawns in research for sexually transmitted diseases, people sterilized in state hospitals, thousands of Cherokee marched across the south. There's more, even today. Be an African American male in particular anywhere in the US. Didn't even touch environmental issues. Don't be too quick to judge what these corporations and politicians will do. History has proven capability to do great harm.

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All good points, and I agree that "history has proven capability to do great harm." But it's still untenable to say that giving money to an anti-trans politician is no different than genocide. If you want to argue that history suggests such things are precursors to genocide, that's more nuanced and can be discussed. That's totally different than minimizing the horrors of genocide by equating something else to it. Whether from right, center, or left, that's not an acceptable thing to do.

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Each of has a view point. I am not intending to minimize, but to warn. My children's great, great grandfather was a Rabbi who returned to Poland in the early 1930s with members of the family. They came to Ellis Island in 1912.

He decided to go home. His older sons remained in America. He died of natural causes in 1937. The rest of the family perished in camps under the Nazi regime. There are letters written after his death by American family to the Polish family that begged them to get away to come back, as most of the children were American born citizens. Then the letters stopped. They never believed it could happen either. As a rider in my young days, let me tell you falling from a high horse can really hurt. Instead of outrage, consider.

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There's no outrage from me, just some strong feelings. I'm very sorry to hear about what happened to your family. Thanks for sharing your thoughts, they aren't falling on deaf ears and they help me learn. I can only hope for that to go both ways.

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I appreciate your viewpoint. This is one site that people don't go after each other and listen. Today I had to defend the best high school principal I know because he was promoted in the school division. The unbelievable amount of people out there who just attack is scary. Peace be with you.

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Stock answer or no answer from all these corporations. This shouldn't cut it in today's day and age. Excellent work per usual and keep fighting the good fight!

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Judd - keep kicking the asses of these appalling corporations! Keep up the good work

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These corporations are cordially invited to shove their recognition of "pride" up their you-know-what.

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Thank you, Judd, for bringing your incisive focus to this issue. Hypocrisy deserves this scrutiny. "TRUTH over profit" always.

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I’m so sick of this. Gutless hypocrites!

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I'm no anti-trans person, and while I don't know the details of any proposed anti-trans legislation, I assume most of it not motivated by values I'd agree with. However, the hormonal issue is not so easy to dismiss. Judd wrote:

"The legislation would ban anyone under the age of 21 from receiving gender-affirming treatment, including reversible hormone therapy. "

But the term "reversible hormone therapy" is really dishonest. The sex hormones, taken for any meaningful length of time during puberty and the teens, permanently changes the course of the development of the body. Not just the sex organs, but size, shape, and strength of bones even after discontinuation of the therapy. And many other things.

I'm surprised that my fellow open-minded people have so readily bought into the idea that altering or blocking puberty is no big deal, and is reversible. It is not. It is a bad idea to adopt language that tries to cover up this fact.

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I'm not a doctor but it is doctors who are providing this treatment as part of a standard of care. I trust doctors and parents to make those decisions.

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Sure, but at least look into the "reversibility" claim so that you know if you want to continue with that vocabulary. I think you'll find doctors are not using that term (except maybe a few with an agenda). I'm sure you're the kind of person who doesn't want to unwittingly be part of some community's miscommunication strategy, even if there's a little or a lot there that you support.

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(and the community isn't "trans people", just some part of it I'm not really familiar with.)

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