Corporate hypocrisy seems to be the rule, rather than the exception.

With respect to the issue of United for Clean Power, thank YOU for exposing this fraud of a lobbying group. Glad that it has apparently been shut down.

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This continued and pervasive Corporate hypocrisy is discouraging at best and when pressured/called out for their behavior, provides, in most cases, only temporary capitulation. I don't have an answer but I have to believe... there is one? Anyone out there with any ideas that could be more effective at improving the integrity of these self serving bad actors?

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Agree with your comment. The only thing that I can think of to affect change with corporations is to hit them in their wallets - it’s the only thing they listen to. How? Boycotts. I understand how difficult it is to organize boycotting with the pervasive intertwined structure of some corporations (and parent corporations, etc.), but it has to start somewhere. Every day people do have power!

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Up until shortly after the break up of AT&T I would say that boycotting was a viable alternative. Now with so many companies being owned by so few corporations, holding companies, and other countries...there are so few choices of suppliers as most are protected by lack of competition. Most persons don't realize that fact. Boycott Pepsi then google who Pepsi owns and you get a good picture of the problem. Rayovac, MTD, the country is littered with companies that have merged with others but retained their original names. It is even more protected when looking at shareholders. Berkshire owns shares in almost everything viable. Amazon is another example...those companies they don't own they have a habit of copying.

One possible solution...Anti trust regulations and rulings with caps on value related to specific ownership, needs to be established along with separation of government, the private and business sector with serious enforcement and penalties that are directly levied on any individuals involved. This program can be overseen by committees made up of individuals with unbiased integrity...other than biased members of the Supreme Court. Of course finding persons of integrity could be the biggest hurdle?

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I like the cut of your jib. Agreed! Anti trust regulations must be applied, the sooner the better.

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My Daddy always said, "A hit to the wallet was more effective than a kick to the groin."

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Ouch! Can we maybe talk about this first? Please?

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The major response to your question for an answer to more effectively "improving the integrity" of those with political and corporate power who constantly let us down: SUPPORT EFFORTS LIKE THOSE OF JUDD LEGUM! Despite "only temporary capitulation," being discouraged is not a viable option. Revealing the truth, exposing the tricks, and explaining the complexities are all important missions. Most people are insufficiently educated and inadequately informed; so even more important not to shrug shoulders and give up.

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So how do we educate, enlighten, make more civilized, modify the behavior of those that are not equipped to handle the responsibility of being better human beings? Education starts at the earliest age and takes a generation...I am not sure we are capable of changing the entire national education system quickly enough in order to float us out of the rabbit hole. We have to remember these people are armed with automatic weapons, I know many of them and they have as many as 50+ weapons and 10's of thousands of rounds of ammunition, some shoot every other day. Some are military, retired military, law enforcement, government security associates and then there are the paramilitary, Nazi groups, etc. along with 18 year olds out to save the world from the predatory deep state. I'm sorry...I am not encouraged... though an instant solution could be an invasion from another world to unite us against a new and more formidable foe?

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I appreciate knowing about the continued corporate hypocrisy. Nothing will change, however, without major campaign finance reform. As long as corporations are allowed to contribute to elections, we'll continue to see more of the same.

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Seems to me these corporations are trying to act like people. All people lie so that means all corporations can’t be trusted to tell the truth either.

Just check their advertising...

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The corporate 1% stinks like a dead skunk in the middle of the road where genuine and helpful to a cause.

Thanks for exposing one skunk and writing about others.

Speaking of Skunks. One plead the 5th in NY today.

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That skunk needs a BATH! Get rid of that skunky stink. Here, get a chair, a bucket of water and a towel. We can fix him right up!

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Abortion is a big issue, but it is just one issue. As long as people continue to elect anti-choice candidates, corporations will continue to finance them. It's all about the stock price and the pride of spending someone else's money(our tax dollars) to help raise it. My question to those that head lobbying for the large corporations is "do you hold your nose when you click to send those funds or head to the shower immediately after?"

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But we only gave them the money to keep our taxes low and our water and electric subsidies. We didn’t also want them to do the other things that they said they would do. SMH

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Exactly. Mealy mouthed Mofo's!

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I'd like to understand how the non-profit unvierities/colleges can respond to these bans. The college I visited with my son said they will take no stance on "political" issues due to their non-profit status. It seems to me that college age kids might not want to attend a school in a state that doesn't respect a women's bodily autonomy.

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My comment here is regarding your reporting on United for Clean Power and it’s effect. Just want to thank you for making this happen again, as with other accountability journalism in the past. This is why I subscribe.

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