Let me know when they resume donations. When they quietly resume donations to the GOP because they think the near overthrow of the United States govt is just a sort of inconvenient blip on their way to market dominance. So, it would be nice if we could make sure they can't quietly resume donations. We want to loudly resume donations w/ a reminder of why they halted them in the first place.

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P.S. ADVICE TO ALL: To reach Trumpers, aim first for the heart. You can touch a heart; you can do nothing to a head but hit it.

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Hatred seems to rule their hearts. The things I read make me sad. That one dude in Texas who ransacked the Capitol threatened to kill his children as traitors if they told on him.

That is how deeply this runs with the brainwashed right wing.

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The people you talk about are plagued by generations of familial dysfunction. We need a higher standard for education. We cannot expect ignorant voters to make intelligent choices. Thus, it is our moral imperative, as a democratic republic to roundly education our voters. That is the _only_ way to combat propaganda & the sort of vile idiocy we saw on the 6th.

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I don't know if they all fit one category. I know many college educated professionals, business owners, teachers etc who but into this crap. It takes one thing in common and my opinion it is underlying racism. Trump provided a four year party for racist views. BLM protests are brought up time and again comparing what happened at the Capitol building with people outraged in protest of human beings being slaughtered by police without judge or jury.

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Were they so-called "Christians" following Paula White and Franklin Graham into the "God ordained it" abyss? This is the category in which I find RL former friends, even relatives. I'm a believer but have Discernment (which goes a long way towards 20/20 sight and hearing). Speaking of... JUDD, there's a topic for future: follow the evangelicals (and THEIR money) to Trump voters.

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They have been in the power Catbird seat for four years. Trump listened to them for his power base. He returned the fav. Backed their dogma ie abortion stance, school choice and sought their approval

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If you want to know more about evangelicals, you might talk to the kids that escaped it. They are around on Twitter. It's a monstrous cult.

Some of their more dangerous ideas include "Prosperity Gospel;" which holds that money _is_ God's grace. Thus, the poor have sinned; the rich are holy. You don't have to feel bad for that homeless guy: He's just ungodly.

Search on Twitter for the hashtag #exvangelical

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I'd take a very, very dim-view of anyone who supported him for more than half a Scaramucci into his Presidency. I figure I can understand voting for him once. I give them a pass. They got confused on the way to the ballot box. But the ones that signed on for a second term of being grifted, I consider them all irrational & untrustworthy: The _only_ people that could ever be tricked by such an obvious con are 1) coat-tailing conmen, 2) real idiots, & 3) people I can only classify as delusional.

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Hatred of Democrats and minority groups fuels many of the upper middle class followers. I know bankers I can no longer deal with loved Trump. He spoke to their hate, their wallet and their rascism.

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And, like you say, sometimes you cannot overcome their defenses, and so can never engage the real person under all the garbage (assuming they exist.) But, you simply cannot save everyone. It isn't possible. Some people may be reached by addressing their pain; finding some part of it that you can sympathize or empathize w/ and concentrate on that. Once they are open to actual communication, you may have a chance to reach them.

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Heavy hitting companies particularly some like J&J and Astra Zeneca who are Covid vaccine producers or soon to be, are not responding? Can take the Govt money but not respond? PA legislature appears to be a cesspool of right wingers. Corman sounds like one of worst.

I just read on Newsweek that Ted Cruz and Hawley will not be hard hit by the lack of corporate donors. Cruz took in 51 million in donations but largely from private donors. Makes me sick how many hands are in pockets of elected officials. Especially since millions of Americans can't pay their rent or mortgages or buy food for their children.

An expose' on Cruz would be nice, Judd. I have never wanted to know much about him since I find him disgusting, but now my curiosity is tweaked. A multimillionaire Senator who led an insurrection sounds like he might have conspiracy written all over him. Can he be taken down...

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I second the request for an expose’ on Cruz

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I just "love" how these idiots in the PA legislature wanted Congress to ignore the results of an election which was played by the rules that they set. What a bunch of seditious jerks........

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The Michigan GOP is ousting the election board official who stood with reality and certified the state’s election - maybe that state’s seditious politicians should be next to get cut off from corporate donations

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Lot of pharma, health insurance, and energy companies in those non-responses, hmm...

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Kudos to team Legum! I keep sharing and renewing my subscription, wish I could do more to contribute to your efforts.

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I ran into this in Mother Jones today and thought you might find it interesting and something to think about in light of the actions taken by corporations lately.

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As you’ve pointed out, this is the light quarter. This mess will crank up again April 1 in preparation for the midterms. For those many companies who hedge their bets by donating to both parties, For Shame! We’ve just borne witness to what silence in the face of seditious acts gets you. Those republicans who stayed quiet or who’ve tried to straddle the fence these last four years hoping that “He would learn his lesson”, have all knowingly done their part in the destabilization of our foundations. What business leaders used to know was what made this country so good for business was our stable government and that business was historically better under a Democratic majority but Republicans have worked for years to undermine that very stability. I’ve wondered for years now why these huge corporations have been, little by little, choking the goose that has been dropping golden eggs onto their bottom lines for years. The only thing I can think of is that good, old-fashioned Greed has finally eroded the foundations of big business to the point where they’ll fall and take us with them because they failed to see the long term differences between the two parties. Greed is a bitch.

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Thank you for your work. You guys ROCK!

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