Another case of politicians in the physician's exam room, clearly a place where they do not belong! Republicans are anti-government except when in involved personal issues not of their business. Reprehensible! Hope Beto prevails!

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As you said it’s easy to issue statements. I’d say these corporations have shown what they actually believe by their ongoing donations to politicians supporting these policies.

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Abbott will not win this one in the long term. The world has moved on without him.

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We can only hope!

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As this is just Paxton’s interpretation of law, corporations have time to wait and see. Paxton is in a run-off (with a Bush, sigh) to keep his position. Spouse and I voted in the Republican (ugh) primary to try to clean house, and will vote in this runoff. Our son in Utah is part of a grassroots effort to do the same and remove Mike Lee. In Utah you have to be registered Republican to vote in that primary; many folks have switched in preparation.

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The vile religious right, the Dominionists, and the heavily funded Christian Nationalist movement are the driving force behind anti LGBT and anti-abortion trends in Republican states. If there was a God, he should punish them!

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I wish the anti-trans legislative people would understand the irreversible psychological damage that they are creating in young people.

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Sadly, Caroline, and monstrously, they don't care!

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What is the state of true morality in this country when corporations are treated as persons and these persons can’t seem to tell the difference between right and wrong?

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These companies need to put up or shut up. It's sad we have to depend on corporations to threaten to withhold money from politicians to get them to do the right thing, but here we are.

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Judd, Off subject, but I don’t know of a good way to contact you. The U.S & some European countries are apparently STILL BUYING RUSSIAN OIL. I can only translate that to millions of $$ a day going into Putin’s coffers and being used to attack Ukraine. 1) Is this true? 2) How is money traveling through the highly sanctioned banking system? Thanks for your consideration. —cynthia

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We should all know by now that politicians have next to no wisdom when it comes to sexuality and the human condition. Interesting that these extreme stands reveal a warped psyche, and here they are, thinking they are taking a stand against what they consider neurotic and wrong. Thank you for what you are doing to make corporations accountable.

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I feel like many of these states - I live in Iowa, so I have experience - would be happy to drive progressive citizens and businesses out if they had to. They want their own private kingdom, where the money flows from big business that doesn't care to politicians that help big business out, and the people can get crushed without complaining because they're fixated on social wedge issues that do not impact them in ways they care about.

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Is it really a good idea to undercut corporations’ support for parents of trans youth? There are other reasons they may also have financially supported Abbott/Paxton and they may be as shocked as the rest of the (sane/compassionate) world by those pols’ recent destructive statements/actions - even if they can’t ask for refunds.

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Keep on this!

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I think Judd does a great job telling us about complicity from corporations, but what can we do? One suggestion: Pick a company (Amazon , AT&T, T-Mobile...), then pick a day of silence wherein we do not patronize these companies who patronize our majority beliefs in the rights of individuals to be who they want to be. One day were nothing it purchased , or in the case of online presence - not clicks. Show our strength and maybe our voice will be heard.

Or in the case of Gov't officials, one day of messaging to dominate their social media. Pick a day and dominate their (anti) social media. Facebook Fridays or Twitter Tuesday or any day where every one who cares tries to tell those that do not how load our voice can be.

Your thoughts are welcome. Imagine a better world and then make it happen!

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