Thanks Judd for all that you do to hold the powerful accountable! You're making a difference.

Being in Europe I also didn't watch the debate live, though I've seen some video. It's very clear what others have echoed that Trump has no business being within a mile of the Oval Office. I too watched some of it with sound off, and just from the body language it's pretty obvious that Trump was defensive and enraged; but underneath he's terrified - his entire constructed reality is falling apart, and unlike the other times there may be no way to fix it. He must know that it he doesn't win the election he may well die in prison, and his likely actions after November 3rd should terrify everyone who loves America and the ideals of democracy it used to represent.

I also see an electorate, even an entire country who is acting like an abused spouse, showing clear signs of PTSD and flinching under the terror of living with a powerful narcissistic tyrant. Yes, we must vote, but more than that - we must all free ourselves from the shadow of Trump and the GOP who supported him, and heal from all the wounds they inflicted on our collective sanity. A good first step would be a Biden administration passing laws to put in place checks and balances with real enforcement mechanisms and prevent some of Trump's (and the GOP's) worst excesses. A national voter rights law would be a good start. Perhaps Judd as we approach the election you could look into some of the voting rights abuses and corporate support of some of the shady groups (and their financial supporters) looking to interfere with the election?

Finally, I will say that my European friends and family are watching all this with a mixture of horror and sorrow. It's impossible to underestimate the effect that US politics has on people here - many are better informed that the average US voter! It's like seeing someone you love in a downward spiral of substance abuse, wanting to help but knowing they must hit rock bottom before they will accept it. In Europe memories are still strong of the dangers of fascism, dictators and world wars. Few here want to risk repeating any of them, so they have a vested interest in the fall of Trumpism, and all that it represents.

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Wow. Well said. Last night, my sister texted me that Trump reminds her of her abusive ex-spouse. The same thought then occurred to me that America is acting like a trapped abused that is too afraid to leave.

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*abused spouse. (Typo)

I should add that you’re a very elegant writer.

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Thank you. Years of practice... (grin).

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OK, it IS elegant and perceptive, and sorry to nit-pick, but it should be "impossible to overestimate" (not underestimate) in paragraph four.

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You're right; that's why I always need an editor.

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Trevor, you are spot on. I am a new citizen, dual EU and US, and I totally agree to the "mixture of horror and sorrow". I am also saddened and angered at the thought of how jubilant US enemies must be now.

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Why did you leave the UK? Some of the worst new immigrants come from the UK, Piers Morgan off the top of my head.

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Thanks for sharing this.

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I didn’t know how to describe what I’m feeling, but you’ve said it perfectly... PTSD. I hope we have learned enough to make some necessary changes, but mostly hope we can all recover from this trauma.

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No chance Trump goes to prison. I know, from years of experience that the Democratic party lacks a spine. Michelle Obama's they go low, we go high is garbage, that is how you lose in a fist fight, and politics is a fist fight. Joe has already said that he wants to "heal" America. which is as impossible as healing Germany in 1933.

He deferred to an attorney general which he will appoint and to whom he will give "guidance". he will be too busy trying to put the train back on the tracks, which frankly is an impossibility. Trump has wrecked this country, democracy and the world, and the lame stream media will jump on the blame Biden and the Dems for not doing it overnight.

And just be aware. The LSM is owned by a handful of corporations, all have a very vested interest in the Trump tax cuts, insurance companies, PhRMA, the carbon and defense industry, if for no other reason = advertising revenues.

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I could only stand to watch 5 minutes of last night’s debate. First, Trump’s voice, diction, tone, vocabulary bothers me so much, that my visceral reaction is “shut up!” Second, his behavior is like that of an unruly child yet I want to go one step further and say he is the rudest human being alive. “Unruly children” you can at least understand that the either don’t know better or they are still learning. He’s in his 70’s and constantly interrupts, talks over and taunts just about anyone he speaks to. This is not someone I would ever want to have a personal relationship with and he sure as heck doesnt deserve the presidency a 2nd time around (he didn’t deserve the first to begin with). Vote. Him. Out.

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I cheered when Biden told Trump to shut up. Chris Wallace did a fair job trying to rein Trump in, but it was like trying to get a toddler to sit quietly when he missed his nap. I wished that Wallace had an air horn he could blow every time Trump talked over Biden.

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Fair job? It was a PISS POOR job! Trump ran roughshod all over him! He needed a mute button for Trump's mic, even then, I don't think he would have had the balls to use it.

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It’s the director’s call, but I agree w your sentiment.

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I really appreciate all you do, especially your work on Facebook, Ben Shapiro, etc. What can we learn about the dark money behind Amy Coney Barrrett? Any chance of finding out more about the support for Kavenaugh, who paid off his debts, etc?

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This is a worthy topic although there is very little info about it. It's a black box. Which isn't to say it isn't possible to find stuff out -- I just haven't figured out how yet.

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This x 1000. I can't imagine a better person to break a story on supreme court dark money than Judd.

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After last night, I can't believe anybody in their right mind would vote for Trump. He acted crazy, literally. He couldn't hide his ignorance and he sure didn't hide his racism. I think our country needs to rethink the idea that anybody can be President. We need stipulations to go along with that idea, such as a background check, drug test, a mental health assessment, and have some experience.

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And a civics test and foreign relations test, which would solve for proving you have some experience. And these should be done early in the primary, before any votes are cast.

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Please focus on Trump's ominous "stand by" order.

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That and the failure to condemn white supremacy stood out. 12 hours later, still no condemnation.

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The Proud Boys are salivating, they are also having arm patches made.

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The PB are quick, they already have T Shirts on Amazon with Stand Back, Stand By, they know that they have instructions from their Commander. Stand by is a military command, get ready to move.

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Perhaps my head is in the sand on this, but I think Trump's "stand by" response was more snark than overt racism. Wallace took the bait. An unusual failure for him. What Wallace failed to realize(or maybe the response was immediately followed by an "OH CRAP" I shouldn't have done that) was that by answering Trump's question, he gave the group publicity. Was it his intent to provide the group with a logo? Who knows.

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Sorry. I disagree. Trump not only failed to “disavow”, he actually incited white supremacists. I find the second part of his comment the more damning.

Telling vigilante groups that “someone needs to do something about antifa and the left” is direct incitement to violence. That’s even worse than saying “standby”. It’s classic mob boss behavior asking for an outcome, knowing someone will do it to gain favor.

A real leader concerned about antifa would have said “Stand down, let the police and Justice Dept deal with antifa”. And no political leader should ever paint their opposition (eg, the left) as criminals to be dealt with.

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What really gets my goat is that Joe and every other Democrat lets those antifa comments stand, as if they are something to disassociate themselves from.

Antifa is short for anti fascist and the last great anti fascist demonstration started on the Beaches of Normandy on June 6,1944. I fault joe and every Democrat and Liberal for not setting that record straight, and worse running away from antifa.

Those who are anti antifa are by default profa.

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Joe said what Wray said about Antifa -

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I know but that is not enough, Joe, we, liberals, leftist have to come back on an aggressive attack, that is the only thing that the right understands, and those in the middle are simply confused, they still will think that antifa is an organisation, without realising that it means antifascist.. So, at least correct them and say "Antifa means antifascist, are you a fascist"

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You are absolutely correct and they are already preparing. My daughter lives in an area where they are active.

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I guess you’ve forgotten Trump’s “Russia, if you’re listening” directive 4 yrs ago.

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This is long but well worth the time to read!!

If we accept the premise, as it seems to me we must, that there is no way to stop Republicans from confirming Amy Coney Barrett before next Inauguration Day,the following analysis and advice seem like a great approach to the confirmation hearings to me:

(Attributed to Bill Svelmoe, associate professor of history at Saint Mary's College in Notre Dame. And an author, etc. )

“A few thoughts on Amy Coney Barrett, our new Supreme Court justice.

- As noted above, she's a done deal. So Democrats should not waste time trying to besmirch her character, focusing on her religion, trying to box her into a corner on how she will vote on hypothetical cases.

The People of Praise is not a cult. I've had half a dozen of their kids in my classes, including some men who heard about me from their female friends. Almost without fail, these have been among the best students I've ever had. Extremely bright. Careful critical thinkers. Wonderful writers. I loved having them in class. So don't go after the People of Praise.

By all accounts Barrett walks on water. I've had that in a roundabout way from people I know at Notre Dame, including from folks as liberal as me, who actually look forward to seeing her on the court. I have no first hand knowledge of her, but take the above for what you will.

So Democrats should not take a typical approach with her.

- Stay focused on the election. If the election were tomorrow, Biden wins comfortably, and the Democrats likely take the Senate as well. The latest polls were taken after RBG's death. No gain for Trump. In fact the majority of Americans think the Supreme Court seat should not be filled until after the election. Watching Republicans ram Barrett through helps Democrats. So don't mess with her. Let Republicans do what they're going to do. As a great man once said, It is what it is.

If the Democrats take the presidency and the Senate, none of this matters much. A Democratic administration will not let a conservative court mess with Democratic priorities. Lots of avenues, including adding justices, passing a law that no act of Congress can be overturned by the Court except by a seven vote majority, etc. So keep the focus where it matters. On November 3.

So how should Democrats approach these hearings? I've seen one good suggestion today. Turn all their time over to Kamala Harris. I like that one.

Here's a few more suggestions.

- Don't show up for the hearings. There is no reason to dignify this raw exercise in political hypocrisy. Don't legitimize the theft of a Supreme Court seat with your presence. This also shows Barrett that the nation knows she is letting herself become a pawn in Trump's game. That in itself says something about character.

- Schedule high interest alternate programming directly opposite the hearings. Bring together all 26 of the women who have accused Trump of sexual assault. Let them tell their stories on air. Or interview liberal justices that Biden will add to the court next year. Hearings with only Republicans extolling Barrett's virtues will get low ratings. It shouldn't be hard to come up with something people would rather watch. Hell, replay the Kavanaugh hearings! Bring in Matt Damon to reprise his role on SNL! I'd watch that! How about a show "Beers with Squee"?!

- If Democrats do attend the hearings, they should not focus on Barrett's views on any future cases. She'll just dodge those questions anyway. They're hypothetical. She should dodge them. Don't even mention her religion.

Instead Democrats should focus on the past four years of the Trump administration. This has been the most corrupt administration in American history. No need for hypotheticals. The questions are all right there.

Judge Barrett, would you please explain the emoluments clause in the Constitution. [She does.] Judge Barrett, if a president were to refuse to divest himself of his properties and, in fact, continue to steer millions of dollars of tax payer money to his properties, would this violate the emoluments clause?

Then simply go down the list of specific cases in which Trump and his family of grifters have used the presidency to enrich themselves. Ask her repeatedly if this violates the emoluments clause. Include of course using the American ambassador to Britain to try to get the British Open golf tournament at a Trump property. Judge Barrett, does this violate the emoluments clause?

Then turn to the Hatch Act.

Judge Barrett, would you please explain the Hatch Act to the American people. [She does.] Judge Barrett, did Kellyanne Conway violate the Hatch Act on these 60 occasions? [List them. Then after Barrett's response, and just fyi, the Office of the Special Council already convicted her, ask Barrett this.] When Kellyanne Conway, one of the president's top advisors openly mocked the Hatch Act after violating it over 60 times, should she have been removed from office?

Then turn to all the other violations of the Hatch Act during the Republican Convention. Get Barrett's opinion on those.

Then turn to Congressional Oversight.

Judge Barrett, would you please explain to the American people the duties of Congress, according to the Constitution, to oversee the executive branch. [She does so.] Judge Barrett, when the Trump administration refuses time and again [list them] to respond to a subpoena from Congress, is this an obstruction of the constitutional duty of Congress for oversight? Is this an obstruction of justice?

Then turn to Trump's impeachment.

Read the transcript of Trump's phone call. Judge Barrett, would you describe this as a "perfect phone call"? Is there anything about this call that troubles you, as a judge, or as an American?

Judge Barrett, would you please define for the American people the technical definition of collusion. [She does.] Then go through all of the contacts between the Trump administration and Russians during the election and get her opinion on whether these amount to collusion. Doesn't matter how she answers. It gets Trump's perfidy back in front of Americans right before the election.

Such questions could go on for days. Get her opinion on the evidence for election fraud. Go through all the Trump "laws" that have been thrown out by the courts. Ask her about the separation of children from their parents at the border. And on and on and on through the worst and most corrupt administration in our history. Don't forget to ask her opinion on the evidence presented by the 26 Trump accusers. Judge Barrett, do you think this is enough evidence of sexual assault to bring the perpetrator before a court of law? Do you think a sitting president should be able to postpone such cases until after his term? Judge Barrett, let's listen again, shall we, to Trump's "Access Hollywood" tape. I don't have a question. I just want to hear it again. Or maybe, as a woman, how do you feel listening to this recording? Let's listen to it again, shall we. Take your time.

Taking this approach does a number of things.

1. Even if Barrett bobs and weaves and dodges all of this, it reminds Americans right before the election of just how awful this administration has been.

2. None of these questions are hypothetical. They are all real documented incidents. The vast majority are pretty obvious examples of breaking one law or the other. If Barrett refuses to answer honestly, she demonstrates that she is willing to simply be another Trump toady. Any claims to high moral Christian character are shown to be as empty as the claims made by the 80% of white evangelicals who continue to support Trump.

3. If she answers honestly, as I rather suspect she would, then Americans get to watch Trump and his lawless administration convicted by Trump's own chosen justice.

Any of these outcomes would go much further toward delegitimizing the entire Republican project than if Democrats go down the typical road of asking hypothetical questions or trying to undermine her character.

Use her supposed good character and keen legal mind against the administration that has nominated her. Let her either convict Trump or embarrass herself by trying to weasel out of convicting Trump. Either way, it'll be great television ...”

Thanks for the post Christina Oliver

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Do it this way and Trump will withdraw the nomination mid-stream and just as quickly nominate another. More chaos. Nothing accomplished. Nothing gained.

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Really good.

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Sep 30, 2020Liked by Judd Legum

Thank you Judd, for your journalism on current affairs and history as well. I watched the debate last night and cringed though I knew what to expect from Trump. It is embarrassing to think he is our POTUS, and the world thinks he represents us all, and even scarier, that he is popular with so many. If he does not lose the election, I hope the Senate is at least flipped.

My suggestion for the next debate is to have them in sound proof glass booths with the moderator controlling the microphones.

I would enjoy some uplifting stories of positive policing and how things might be changing for the better for some areas after George Floyd’s murder. It is hard to simply blame each officer when the training and history have as much to do with it than the officers themselves. Good command comes from the top and the focus of change has to start there.

I feel small amongst the country’s problems, but still feel timid about speaking up loudly. I need to do better; I need to find my voice, knowing sometimes I will be wrong. We need to allow people to be wrong yet still move forward and without slamming them into the ground. In our social media world, we forget to really listen. When we listen & respond to educate, we may change minds.

One reason for my reading the news rather than listening to the audio news, is that I get a complete story before I have to react. I jump to less conclusions and can digest the words.

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I do that as well, I never watch televised news. I read several newspapers every morning.

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Sep 30, 2020Liked by Judd Legum

I, like many here, didn’t choose to watch. I’m not at all surprised to hear it was a train wreck.

As for future topics, I’d love if you shared more about the BLM protests, police brutality, police working with proud boys, etc. I’m seeing a lot of bits on Twitter, but I gather you may be able to share larger, more put-together-narratives on what’s going on in various cities.

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I’m interested to learn more about what the power of the moderator or others is to enforce the debate rules, e.g. can they turn the mic off when speaker is out of time/not their turn, has this been done before, what are alternatives when moderator fails to enforce? We know Trump will try to break all democratic rules but why we are failing to enforce them is just as worrisome.

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There was no ability to turn off the mic but I think that Wallace did an horrendous job controlling the debate.

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I wonder what would have happened if Chris Wallace had the ability to enforce crosstalk rules. To quiet the rudest fraction of a man ever to run for office, Wallace needed a bullhorn. And a hook!

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But will that be something considered going forward?

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"The CPD will be carefully considering the changes that it will adopt and will announce those measures shortly,” adds statement from Last night’s debate made clear that additional structure should be added to the format of the remaining debates to ensure a more orderly discussion of the issues, says @debates" ~@W7VOA


Full statement is attached to thread.

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As Eric Boehlert said, 'You can't debate with a soiopath.' No need for further debates. No mas.

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I've seen this but my view is this kind of spectacle is helpful for Biden. Just an intuition though, I could be wrong.

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There's got to be an answer, a brilliant solution, a track Biden could take in the next debate - I can't think of one right now, but conferrimg with psychologists about Trump's behavior might trigger an idea. Trump did EXACTLY what I expected him to do last night. And Biden handled it as well as it could have been handled.

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My understanding is that debates don’t usually do much about moving the needles in either direction. Something I read a while back in fivethirtyeight. Maybe this one proves to be an exception, but not really sure...

Ideally I would keep the debates. In the end they are an inherent part of democracy, and I think removing them sets a bad precedent

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That was not a debate. As a matter of fact there have been no debates, primary or general.. They are all manufactured spectacles for ratings. Ratings produce ads,ads produce revenue, revenue is all important for the sacred quarterly report.

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From another angle, you also can’t debate with a toddler as they aren’t bound by any laws of logic and reason. If you tell a toddler it’s time for bed and they scream “UNICORN TATER TOTS!” there’s no counterpoint to that, because it’s not an opinion or position based on any rational thought - it’s just screaming. Either the rules are enforced outside Trump’s control, like cutting his mic, or as you say no more opportunities.

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Which of course plays right into his narrative. “Nobody will debate trump because they can’t stand against me”. I can hear that nauseating voice now.

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Isn't it something like the Republicans criticizing the Democrats for too many regulations and then finding out we need some when the reckless GOP ignores public safety? Trump cannot understand waiting to speak as a debating maxim, so his approach is to drown out the truth he can't handle at all!

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I am a person who cannot even watch the news each night because it is so depressing and gives me no hope. I tuned into the debate last night "hoping" to gain some optimism from listening to Biden's plans for the future of our country and our democracy. But the Bully in Chief would not let him speak. As a middle school taecher and principal I recognized that behavior immediately and knew there was no hope that this debate would produce anything of value. Trump needed to have his mic turned off, minimally, during the 2 minutes that were supposed to be uninterrupted time for Biden to speak. The rules for the next two debates need to be revised to include a process for ending this behavior.

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As a high school social studies teacher, it only proves we need to put more money into civics education!

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Thank you for the hard and important work you are doing, Judd. What I would like to see more than anything is a full list of all of the lawsuits against and investigations into Trump. How many are there? Where have they originated? Are they public or private? How much of Congress’s time has been spent looking into his potential misdeeds?

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This isn't a full list but give you a pretty good taste: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/09/05/us/politics/trump-docket-legal-bills.html

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Thanks. I still think you’d cover the topic better!

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that doesn't even scratch the surface.

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My god!

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Somehow not at all surprising.

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The moderator definitely needs an on/off switch on Trump's microphone.

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Last night’s spectacle was not a debate (a formal discussion on a particular policy in which opposing arguments are the subject of discourse) but instead a bludgeoning by the schoolyard bully who does not articulate any public policies to protect and defend the American people. This "performance" by a US president is more than embarrassing.

Vice-President Biden did an admirable job, especially when he turned to the camera and US.

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Trump made it clear last night, as he does in all matters, that rules are for suckers and losers. He agreed to rules for the debate then refused to follow them. He acted like an irrational belligerent child. People who still support Trump do so because he encourages everyone he comes in contact with to live by their worst and basest instincts. If you hate women or people of color or those who follow a religion you don’t understand, with Trump you’re no longer expected to hide it. No more political correctness! Isn’t that refreshing! And in the darker corners, those who thirst for violence were invited on national TV to step into the light. He’s amoral and utterly lawless, and our system wasn’t built to manage that. We should be focusing on containment and mitigation strategies regarding his lawbreaking around the election, not the debate.

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I cannot even begin to find words for last night. But one thing caught my ear that I think is worthy of further investigation. Over these past few years, it has become clear that Trump often communicates to his supporters in something akin to coded language. Last night, when the topic of racism (kind of) emerged, Trump, in reference to the Proud Boys, said they should, “stand back and stand by.” In light of a true likelihood that he will refuse to leave office, that sent up a red flag. Maybe you could keep your eyes and ears open for us?

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It was such a horrible and perfect metaphor for the state of U.S. politics: barely even pretending to follow long-established norms. As another friend said in his remarks online, clearly the message Trump took away from 2016 is that he was *too* civil. This is serving no one any benefit — on the contrary, it was an open call to violence from Trump's base. Which means these "debates" are now actively harmful and should be ceased.

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Sep 30, 2020Liked by Judd Legum

Thanks for the clarification, Judd. I'm 100% behind what you do and the quality of your work. Keep it up!

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Sep 30, 2020Liked by Judd Legum

Thank you, Judd. As a former broadcast journalist who had made a share of mistakes, I especially appreciate your transparency.

But on the subject of what we might want to have you cover over the next month...I have a feeling that will be answered for us and for you by the very nature of the corruption in our government.

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Hi Judd, Would love to hear more about poll watching and how to prevent it from being a complete deterrent to non-MAGA voters. The display in Philadelphia yesterday showed a complete disregard for rule by the “watchers” and outrage from the president when they were asked to follow the rules. Seems like this will be a much bigger problem than foreign interference.

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I want take this opportunity to share what I heard when trump told the PB to "Stand down and stand by," and followed with "But I'll tell you what. I'll tell you what. Somebody's got to do something about Antifa and the left because this is not a right wing problem."

What I really heard, and all should realize the PB did as well, was: "Stand by BECAUSE somebody's got to do something about antifa..."

On national TV, he issued a call to arms to a violent, racist, misogynist group of "men"! He was inciting premeditated murder and the overthrow of our Constitution.

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Agree that we must build a massive, nonviolent movement that is prepared to resist and overturn a Trump coup. He means to not allow a full counting of the popular vote. I encourage every reader to go to https://choosedemocracy.us/ and get active. The alternative is fascism.

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As Americans, we should be ashamed of what we saw last night. And while I don't think Biden's performance was amazing, we should also resist the "both sides" arguments. That shitshow (as Dana Bash rightly called it) was clearly caused by Trump.

As we head toward an election that Trump is likely to lose, we know he plans to react by not conceding and encouraging violence from his supporters. I want to know what our society is going to do when this happens. Who are we supposed to trust will ensure that this lunatic leaves office? I know there is a lot of legal stuff happening around the actual vote, but assuming that the votes are counted and Biden wins, what are the other leaders in our country supposed to do/planning to do once Trump refuses to concede?

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Last night, Trump shamed the U.S. again on the world stage. Let's hope this is one of the last times. He also proved once again that he is an entitled, spoiled brat who cannot and will not follow any rules he officially agrees to - be it debates rules, laws, or the Constitution of the United States.

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It’s also worth watching a bit without the sound. Doing that, I saw a snide red-face; thought 45 was gonna stroke-out.

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Too bad he didn’t.

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I'd like to see you do a primer on Facism and how we have already gone over the threshold. I don't think enough people are talking about how 45 is taking the steps to fascism. Facts don't matter/lies are facts. The press is the enemy of the people. There is a deep state. Provoking white supremacists. Dog whistles. A middle class movement in response to an economic crisis. Questioning the validity of voting.

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I'm Irish but have been living in the US for four years. Last night was too much. If he wins again I'll be taking my family back home.

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Lucky you, to have a saner place to go to.

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I wouldn’t blame you in the least. How you’ve managed to stay for four years of his lunacy is beyond me.

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just curious but *why* did you choose these 4 years to live in America under a Trump regime? AND - what areas/towns/cities in Ireland would you recommend to an American seriously considering a move?

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I moved for work in the Summer of 2016. I honestly had zero expectation that Trump would win the election. It all seemed like a joke. I was horrified but also felt a sense of, well, this isn't my country and I don't understand enough about the culture so maybe I shouldn't worry too much. Ha. The past few years I've been a rack of nerves. I love so much about this place - it's beautiful, for one, and I have met so many compassion and intelligent people, but I also know I live in a bit of a blue bubble.

You'll fare well and be loved by the Irish in any part of Ireland so long as you can accept a bit of banter. Honestly. We love anyone who takes an interest in the culture. My husband has been warned!

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Would love some cheerful banter right about now! Thnx for ur reply!

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WTF is going on with the census? Republicans outplayed the Dems at the state houses ahead of the 2010 census and got very favorable redistricting. Are they outplaying again or just incompetent?

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The census is at least AS important as what Trump’s cronies are doing to the USPS. Despite court rulings, they are still trying to wrap up early and make the count official before Trump leaves office.

I expect blue states to be undercounted and red legislature states over counted. There’s a battle for the House that is not being covered.

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Last night's debate was the epitome of "Don't play chess with pigeons."

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Sep 30, 2020Liked by Judd Legum

Thanks Judd for the work you do. You daily column is the first thing I read every day,. It makes my world a saner place to live. As for the debate Trump behaved exactly like I expected to do. He"s a two year old in an adult body, I struggle badly how he has such a cult following. That situation sacred me more than anything. Until tomorrow....Thanks again !!!!!!!

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Judd - thank you for all that you do! Yours is a much needed voice in journalism.

I couldn't watch it....I had homework and to be honest, my mind is made up on who I am voting for, so the debates don't really matter to me. But I did go on Twitter to see what people were saying and I was horrified and not surprised at the same time.

Trump makes these a spectacle - live unscripted reality show. If there is another debate, I am wondering if Biden can turn towards the moderator and say that if they can't keep Trump quiet, then he will call off the debate. That's the only way, next to muting mics when the other person is talking, to shut Trump up and have an honest discussion about real issues.

I honestly hope there is not another debate. To quote Jake Tapper "Late night was a hot mess, inside a dumpster fire, inside a train wreck." The biggest loser last night was democracy.

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Biden storming off stage would give Trump a talking point.

Instead Biden should turn it into Trump. Eg “Law and order, you can’t follow the science. You can’t follow the Constitution. You can’t even keep quiet for the 2 minute rule YOU agreed to. Your childishness is making a mess of this country, just like you’re making a mess of this debate (using air quote fingers)”

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Thanks Judd, as always I like that your journalism is not only impactful, but making politicians, corporations, and people change amongst all their hypocrisy that you bring to the spotlight.

Last night's debate was a disaster. It said more that neither candidate was willing to say what they won't do.

Joe Biden would not say that he wouldn't pack the court, and Trump would not say he condemns white supremacist's. The difference is Trump seized the moment to call them out, with a wink and a nod and told them to "Stand By". That is now a mantra of the Trump supporters and they are running with it.

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I am a teacher who is trying to follow the science surrounding our current understanding of COVID. Our district officials seem obsessed with “deep cleaning” of surfaces, yet disregard that this appears to be an airborne virus. Our rooms have no windows and we teach in a 50+ year old building with already poor ventilation and airflow issues. When trying to find accurate COVID numbers in our community, they often come with an asterisk stating the numbers usually aren’t correct or are delayed. I guess I just want to know who I can trust to provide accurate information so I can care for myself and those I’m charged to teach and protect.

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I went and read a book during the second question when Trump wouldn't let Chris Wallace even get through his question. It didn't seem like things would get any better. Sounds like they didn't. My wife turned off the TV after another 30 minutes or so.

Are debates of any use? It seems like the sliver of the electorate who hasn't made up their minds by now have plenty of "data" with which to make a choice. Why even bother with them? Dancing With the Stars would have been better (and I don't like "reality" TV shows).

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Can't they just cut the mic of one when the other is talking? It was quite annoying. Knew trump was going to talk all over Biden. It's what he does on a daily basis with reporters. God, I just want the sociopath gone. He is so embarrassing.

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The second and third debates should be cancelled. If t/Rump smashed norms, we should smash’m back.

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We'll see what happens but I don't think Biden would push for this because my guess is last night helped him. It was a painful experience but it's hard to see how it convinced anyone to vote for Trump.

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Biden Should Refuse to Debate Trump Again

The president was petulant and puerile, so what is the point?

Frank Bruni

By Frank Bruni

Opinion Columnist

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I didn't see this until after I posted my comment. Good to know this idea is being considered by the press and the powers that be

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Trump needs the debates more than the frontrunner Biden. That's if the polls are correct. Last night, the President would not yield. How greedy and Republican! If Trump cannot abide by the rules, why bother?

Biden was able to convey the message he needed to get out there, that is, I'M NOT TRUMP!

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I don't entirely disagree, but then I also feel like Biden misses out on some opportunity in that scenario as well. There's no winning here.

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I have a thought. What if, instead of a debate, a moderator sat down, one on one, with each candidate and asked them each the same 10 questions. And then, the moderator sat down again with each candidate, read the question and response of the other candidate and allowed response. The original answer could be time limited to 5 minutes and responses limited to 2 minutes. Kill tape at those time marks. Then broadcast. Without Trump in the room, I have no doubt that Vice President Biden would be able to offer coherent responses. And without Biden there, Trump would still just be Trump.

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Great idea BUT can’t you hear trump say that the video was doctored to show him in a bad light? Nothing fazes the man and lying is as natural as breathing is to him.

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Good point. Anybody remember the old game shows where contestants were in soundproof booths with headsets and mics that were controlled by the host?

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Sure do. Someone needs to dig one out of the dust bin and stick Plump in it. Forget to turn his mic on too.

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I know the people who are absolutely certain that every piece of evidence has been altered.

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A mic is the solution. Both sides have to agree to it. the PDC says that they are considering changes.

That was not a debate, even the pundits called it a shit show, CNN and MSNBC.

The format needs to be a debate with both parties answering the same questions.

Chris receives his paycheck from Fox. Tell me who signs the paycheck and I will tell you the opinions he holds. his questions were tailor made for Trump.

That Joe's team even consented to letting Fox televise and provide the moderator is a travesty, Joe should have been prepared and he flubbed a couple of easy ones, he should have taken notes when Trump lied, but there is only so much you can do in 2 minutes.

Greatest Travesty was when Trump changed the subject from Bo, and Trumps attack on the military to making it an attack on Hunter. Joe should have been ready and countered that and demanded from Wallace that he respond.

So much wrong.

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And that’s exactly how it goes when you’re dealing with a narcissistic psychopath.

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No matter what the format, there should be no more debates. There should be external consequences for debasing the office of the presidency in the way Trump did last night.

As to topics this month, the most important question to be answered before the election, IMHO, is-- Who lent Trump the missing millions that show up in his tax information? I think we all know, and the evidence is out there, just waiting to be revealed...

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Probably almost 100 million people watch the debate. Biden should hang in there and continue to talk directly to the audience about their economic, social, physical, and mental health - as he did several times.

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As an unaffiliated registered voter neither candidate was my first choice. But with that being said, one of my biggest concerns is the division and hatred that Trump uses to fire up his base. There's no doubt in my mind that Trump is the most divisive, and dangerous President in American history. His cult, and yes is most definitely a cult, worships him and will support him no matter what he does or says. Trump, and his #Cult45, are the most disturbing things I've seen come about in America in my lifetime. Hopefully he loses and his cult quietly disappears. But sadly with his 'stand by' crowd lurking everywhere, I truly fear that will not be the case.

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Well clearly you do have a choice now so I hope express that choice with your vote.

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I definitely will.

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Trump was a disgrace. For the remaining debates, the moderator has to have a mute button; on when the other person has their allotted time and used by the moderator at other times when a candidate is speaking over/interrupting the other candidate or the moderator.

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The Trump camp would have to agree to this and since his entire strategy seems to be interruptions that seems unlikely.

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The problem is unless you have Rachael Maddow as a moderator for the other 2 debates no one else will have the balls to turn off Trump's mic. If I were VP Biden I'd refuse to do the other debates unless Trump is put in a separate studio and is only able to be seen and heard when it is his turn to speak.

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First of all, nothing that Trump is involved in ever starts on time! I knew I wouldn't watch the whole thing, partly because 11 o'clock is too late for me, but mostly because I'm at the point where I simply cannot stand to hear the man speak. The sight of his orange mug and his $70,000 "hair style" makes me nauseous. His mendacity, rudeness, and cruelty were on full display. I approached my fill by 9:30, exhaled a mighty sigh of disgust, shut my computer down (I don't own a TV - it's a brain destroyer) and I went to bed! Disgusting display of sociopathic narcissism.

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Hi Judd, agreed last night was an absolute nightmare. Thanks for your wonderful work. I’d love if we could talk about refuting the lies Trump told last night and at future debates. I want to be able to one by one refute the lies he told. Biden could barely get a word in. And since we’re taking about accountability, I’d love to learn more about how we ensure a peaceful transfer of power and also about how we hold the corporations you write about to account. We have this information about how they’ve supported people like Trump, but what can we do about it?

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Factually, the debate was a mess. I thought CNN did a pretty good job in their live fact-checking: https://www.cnn.com/politics/live-news/presidential-debate-coverage-fact-check-09-29-20/index.html?tab=Fact%20Check

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Trump repeats the same lies over and over. I don't think it would be hard to prepare fact checks for his most commonly repeated lies ahead of time. Get Daniel Dale on the case!

Also, I am definitely in favor of the Democrats just refusing to engage in the confirmation process for Barrett. They shouldn't meet with her and they certainly shouldn't show up for any hearings. It's not a legitimate process and it's completely run by the GOP so why be involved? There's no upside for the Dems IMO.

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Agree that we must build a massive, nonviolent movement that is prepared to resist and overturn a Trump coup. He means to not allow a full counting of the popular vote. I encourage every reader to go to https://choosedemocracy.us/ and get active. The alternative is fascism.

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Done it.

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As a former college debater and communication prof I can definitely say that was NOT a debate. It was a school yard bully shouting tweets. Trump would have disqualified in any sane debate setting. Not sure I could have kept my cool as well as Biden. I see no reason for any more of this. Be interested in your take on the political wisdom of Biden just saying “Ridiculous, no more!” As to topics for the future. One of your insightful takes on climate change (the issue of our time despite pandemic), the roots of systemic racism in justice, education, health care or housing systems (take your pick), the impact of the loss of ACA, why health care is so much more expensive and mediocre in the US, the case for why Trump should be held accountable for much of the pandemic death, why a guaranteed living wage makes sense and whether it’s politically possible now given our lionizing of underpaid essential worker heroes. Keep up the good work exposing hypocrisy and dangerous behavior from Facebook to Kroger. Thank you.

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Biden was very effective when he spoke directly to us. He was not senile, sleepy, or incoherent. He made some powerful statements like "law and order and justice". Did he mispeak on some points? Yes, but so would I if had a rabid blowhard speaking over me the entire time. Given Trump's behavior, I think Biden did well to tune him out and speak to us.

On the other hand, Trump clearly showed who's the cause of current turmoil in the US. It's him. If you want 4 more years of the anger, shouting, disrespect, over-talking of opponents, vote for him. He can't even condemn white supremacy and he won;t commit to the election outcome and a peaceful transition of power. If anything is more unAmerican than that, I don't know what is.

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I happened to read this searing essay on Medium yesterday, before the debate. It resonates even more this morning. https://gen.medium.com/i-lived-through-collapse-america-is-already-there-ba1e4b54c5fc

"America has fallen. You need to look up, at the people you’re used to looking down on. We’re trying to tell you something. I have lived through collapse and you’re already there. Until you understand this, you only have further to fall."

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Fantastic post! Thanks for sharing

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1) The debate was, as described by some political commentators, a complete sh-t show. It was a national embarrassment, and that is the best thing that can be said about it. If I'm Joe Biden, I'm not participating in debates two or three. What would be the point? There is zero reason to believe that they would be any more productive or less of a disaster than last night's debacle.

2) Trump's open shout out to a neo-fascist group, the Proud Boys, should have been the end of his campaign (as should have been the NY Times tax revelations, his description of dead veterans as "losers", his admission that he outright lied to the public about the pandemic, his encouragement of civil insurrection during the lockdown, etc., etc., etc.), but we all know that it won't be.

3) I'd love to see something on why Trump's supporters refuse to change their minds about him, despite the overwhelming evidence that he is unfit for this (or any other) job.

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Just consider that the Trump camp would LOVE to see Biden pull out of debates because then they could spin *that* as weakness, inability to focus, loser-dom, etc. It would allow for multitudes of political ads right up to Election Day. I'd rather see moderators and TV directors put their heads together and issue ultimatums TO the Trump camp about what WILL happen if Trump continues his tirades and interruptions of Biden (aka pulling focus and redirecting attention to self). I'd also give Biden a note to STOP SMILING when Trump does these things, but to continue his (as of last night) tradition of taking his responses straight to camera, aka the American people.

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I took debate in my senior year of high school. The first preparatory step was to research both sides of the argument. Next was to find relevant facts and opinions supporting your side and to articulate your arguments coherently with documented, relevant evidence learned from your research.

The debate was never about incessantly trying to smear your opponent's relatives, academic standing with personal attacks and falsehoods. The focus was always on the argument. Lying and veering off course wasn't acceptable because it indicated a lack of preparedness and a character deficit which undermined your arguments.

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We haven’t had a debate such as that since Bush I and Clinton or maybe even before that. It got to be about one-upmanship and now it’s devolved into the loudest in the room. To call what we see now a debate is completely wrong.

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I'm not a fan of either Trump or Biden. They should both stand down and let younger, more imaginative, more progressive, more energetic, more intellectually sound, more technologically adept, more savvy, more persuasive, more ethical, more sincere, more independent, more committed, more believable leaders to come forward. The old guard doesn't cut it.

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Too late now. Who will you vote for?

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I'm Canadian, thankfully. I don't have to vote for either one. My brother supports Trump & hates Democrats. If I were American, I would vote blue to get rid of Trump. He's the worst. I'm reading The Cult of Trump, an analysis of what a cult is and how Trump has turned the GOP into a cult of Trump, and how he controls his followers. It is sickening. First order of business is to get rid of Trump. Second order of business is to elect better people to positions of power. I follow Chris Hedges, btw. Look him up on YouTube and Twitter.

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Now you’re telling us? That boat has already sailed.

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Even MSNBC Trump apologist Chuckles Todd was forced to admit the fact that last night was a trainwreck was entirely Donald Trump's fault. I don't blame VP Biden for calling the clown a clown and telling him to shut up. I give him a TON of credit for not walking over and punching his lights out for being such a rude SOB, especially when he kept disparaging Biden's sons.

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The true Trump for all to see. Leadership by bulldozer.

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