On Friday at a Trump campaign rally, Senator David Perdue (R-GA) purposely butchered the name of Senator Kamala Harris, the first woman of color on a major presidential ticket. Harris' mother immigrated from India and her father from Jamaica. "Kamala? Kamala? Kamala-mala-mala? I don’t know. Whatever," Perdue said, as the crowd cheered.
"'Senator Perdue simply mispronounced Senator Harris' name, and he didn't mean anything by it,' John Burke, Perdue's communications director, said."
I cannot tell you how many times I heard this >> "he didn't mean anything by it" >> redirect made by a southerner for another southerner's wrongdoing. "He didn't mean anything by it" is southern speak for Yeah, we both know he screwed up but let's you 'n me make a pact to pretend he didn't, and move on, ok? It's intended to remove scrutiny of dysfunctional behavior, and usually suggested by a family member or other relative with something to gain.
Burke doesn't happen to be related to Perdue, does he?
Thanks for exposing the corporate bankrolling of an obviously bigoted Senator. That Perdue would do this doesn't surprise me. I saw an article over the weekend which indicated that the Perdue chicken company has had to do some damage control because people are associating it with the Senator.
As an aside, and this being Georgia after all, no Republican seems to have any issue with what Perdue said.
Thank you Judd! Please keep hammering it home! We need to call out every single one of these corporations supporting racist politicians and SHAME them into doing the right thing. I’d like a list of their names and the amount of money they are donating to further racist candidates at the top of every article you write. We have GOT to shout it from the rooftops! Any suggestions about what a sensible person can do to help? Should we make phone calls or write to the CEO’s? We ALL need to get behind this and stop corporations from electing defective politicians!
Google and Facebook are particularly troubling. Harris is their Senator, and will be even if she doesn’t become Vice President. I hope she has a long memory.
I see Jayb got here ahead of me. Yes! Get big money out of politics! Limit political contributions! More transparency! This should be a priority. (Among so many others....)
So how do we average citizens make a statement to organizations like google, coca-cola, facebook? I'm sure my subscription fees or purchases won't sway their political opinions. You should add comments to your reporting on how we can impact these kinds of corporations.
We average citizens make a difference via the work of Judd Legum. His exposure of Olive Garden, Kroger, and others in other issues has brought about significant changes.
I do think it bears noting whether Ossoff has chosen to take corporate PAC money. I believe he pledged not to. This article seems to overlook that point. It doesn’t change my belief that Corporate PAC money shouldn’t be part of politics and that Perdue acts deplorably, but how are these companies not just being rational actors by giving to Purdue? To me this article should be less about shame and more about a systemic problem of corporate interest in politics.
Oh look! More of saying one thing and then doing another! Please keep exposing these con-artists for what they are. Pathetic, lying, cowards that only care about $$$ and nothing else. Another well-written piece. Cheers Judd!
We've got to get money out of politics. Why do big corporations shovel cash into campaigns? It's all too obvious. This has got to change.
"'Senator Perdue simply mispronounced Senator Harris' name, and he didn't mean anything by it,' John Burke, Perdue's communications director, said."
I cannot tell you how many times I heard this >> "he didn't mean anything by it" >> redirect made by a southerner for another southerner's wrongdoing. "He didn't mean anything by it" is southern speak for Yeah, we both know he screwed up but let's you 'n me make a pact to pretend he didn't, and move on, ok? It's intended to remove scrutiny of dysfunctional behavior, and usually suggested by a family member or other relative with something to gain.
Burke doesn't happen to be related to Perdue, does he?
Thanks for exposing the corporate bankrolling of an obviously bigoted Senator. That Perdue would do this doesn't surprise me. I saw an article over the weekend which indicated that the Perdue chicken company has had to do some damage control because people are associating it with the Senator.
As an aside, and this being Georgia after all, no Republican seems to have any issue with what Perdue said.
Purdue University: Our name isn't even spelled the same as Sen. Perdue, but just to be clear, we're not affiliated. Seriously, f**k that guy.
Thank you Judd! Please keep hammering it home! We need to call out every single one of these corporations supporting racist politicians and SHAME them into doing the right thing. I’d like a list of their names and the amount of money they are donating to further racist candidates at the top of every article you write. We have GOT to shout it from the rooftops! Any suggestions about what a sensible person can do to help? Should we make phone calls or write to the CEO’s? We ALL need to get behind this and stop corporations from electing defective politicians!
Google and Facebook are particularly troubling. Harris is their Senator, and will be even if she doesn’t become Vice President. I hope she has a long memory.
I see Jayb got here ahead of me. Yes! Get big money out of politics! Limit political contributions! More transparency! This should be a priority. (Among so many others....)
So how do we average citizens make a statement to organizations like google, coca-cola, facebook? I'm sure my subscription fees or purchases won't sway their political opinions. You should add comments to your reporting on how we can impact these kinds of corporations.
We average citizens make a difference via the work of Judd Legum. His exposure of Olive Garden, Kroger, and others in other issues has brought about significant changes.
I do think it bears noting whether Ossoff has chosen to take corporate PAC money. I believe he pledged not to. This article seems to overlook that point. It doesn’t change my belief that Corporate PAC money shouldn’t be part of politics and that Perdue acts deplorably, but how are these companies not just being rational actors by giving to Purdue? To me this article should be less about shame and more about a systemic problem of corporate interest in politics.
That’s why we need to take back the senate and the White House and get a constitutional amendment to overturn the Citizens United decision. https://www.citizensforethics.org/reports-investigations/crew-investigations/citizens-united-money-in-politics/
GA is so red, guys like Perdue grow on trees. Those corporate tax cuts are paying off the 1% so well they just toss money at GOP candidates.
Ossof either is not soliciting those PACs or they are as racist and anti-semitic as they seem
Our corporations🙄?
Google must really get benefit from Perdue. Do you know what it is, Judd?
Good work.
Oh look! More of saying one thing and then doing another! Please keep exposing these con-artists for what they are. Pathetic, lying, cowards that only care about $$$ and nothing else. Another well-written piece. Cheers Judd!
Keep pressing Judd!! Great work.
The PAC money question is a good point but I’m choosing to focus on the money given to Perdue and overlook the lack of funds donated to Ossoff.