The right to organize is basic to a democratic society. It allows individuals to use the power of the group to get what they want. I have been hopeful that a rise in unionization would counteract the tendency to an authoritarian government based on Oligarchical wishes. After all, Oligarchs are making out these days like the robber barons they are. Groups who claim they support our rights are speaking out of both sides of their mouth if they use this union-busting consulting group. Does our Nation have a chance at holding its democratic roots or are we in the twilight of our experiment as a Nation based on democratic principles and institutions?

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May your exposure of here of GSG be widely reported and bring the Democrats to their senses. If we aren't supporting unions, who are we?

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If the Democrats don’t quit working with this hypocritical company they’re going to have to change their message from pro union to pro conflict and interference. The DCCC needs to sever all connections to any company that is playing both sides against the middle as GSG does. Crap! One more thing…

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I just wrote to Global Strategy Group (GSG) and expressed my concern and interest in them realigning their behaviors to jibe with their stated mission and history. I referenced Popular Information and pointed out that most of their work since their founding in 1995 has clearly supported human beings, workers, and Democrats (they actually brag about it on their website). I pointed out the ethical issue of working toward union busting and encouraged them to make changes and acknowledge their slip-up. I'll let you know what they say back.

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Judd, you and your associates do such a great job of “following “ the money and then exposing these orgs hypocrisies. And what this has said to me over time is - it’s only about the money for so many businesses. We have human employees but we deserve our share of the money no matter how we get it. Late stage capitalism in need of major reforms before our democracy disappears!

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Used to be a knock on the door from 60 Minutes Ed Bradley sent shivers through the spineless and corrupt. Now. "Hi this is ___ from Popular Info... I have a question." So do you call them, email, or what?

Love your reporting, Judd and crew!

The players of both sides of the field are getting the whistle blown by the PI ref for their behaviors.

Keep it up!

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I'd say Conflict with a capital C. On second thought, let's make that all caps! CONFLICT!!!

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Things like this are the main reason I make all donations directly to Democrats of my choice. I grew aggravated with DCCC and DSCC when I learned that neither group was focused on helping Democrats in Michigan. Emily's List was so-so until I saw that they were equally 'picky' about who they support - and their choices did not always intersect with mine.

Now my donations are made directly to campaigns - but I'm a small dollar donor, so I don't have to worry about maxing out. I wish there was some way we could vet the organizations with which political organizations do business without having to dive into the weeds to do so. Then again, I think that's part of the reason things are so opaque. I'm glad you're keeping an eye on some of these players... wish there were a few more of you around!

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Of course Joe Manchin benefits from all this. [eye roll] The names GSG and Pollack didn’t register with me at all until you mentioned the Cuomo mess. There may be rationale for working with GSG prior to that, but D’s working with them intentionally since then is, at best, poor judgment. Something tells me GSG will soon disband, and their people will form new companies that will be retained by some of the same groups. The GSG team has to be top notch, because there are no secrets in DC and no reason to believe the PR people behind the groups didn’t know what they all were doing.

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Solid detective work with results that surprise. Disgraceful. Follow the money. Thank you JL and team! ❤️🤍💙

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Edward Blake : Once you realize what a joke everything is,

being the Comedian is the only thing that makes sense.

Sometimes I wonder how far the rot runs. I had a professor who worked as an accountant/consultant for organized labor. I believe he was inept as a teacher since I had to teach myself for that class. So I never asked him how one gets into that.

But the idea was really interesting. If you were “untouchable” as a knowledgeable finance person, you could help a few people. A team could help a few thousand. A firm, a few million.

Thanks for writing.

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Nice catch!

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I categorically disagree with the belief that unions are necessary-they are the court of last resort and they are a business that operates within another business. I will be the first to say that when I say when I saw this on the news my heart cheered. When I listened to the young organizer at his interview, he appeared to be a solid worker with no blemishes on his work record, He went to work did his job and supported Amazon. When the COVID crisis hit, no one knew what to do and when this young man attempted to share his concerns the manager blew him off and within two weeks he was terminated. The warning signs have been on the wall for at least a year that Amazon was in trouble. I agree that Bezos cares more about his crotch rocket than his employees. Instead of staying out of outer space and working intensively with the CDC to develop a solid COVID plan-he rides off into outer space. You could not make a clearer statement that you do not care about your employees. Amazon apparently made no coherent plan to address the employee concerns about Covid and at this time there was no vaccine. How stupid was Bezos and he richly deserves was is coming for him. Starbucks is another corporation that deserves what is coming for them. I will walk thru an entire airport before I will spend money at a Starbucks. At 3-4 dollars for a tall cup of coffee, Starbucks can definitely afford to staff their locations so that salaried supervisor employees do not have to work 70-80 hours a week to fill shifts that Starbucks refuses to staff. Look-if you can't take the heat-get out of the fire I believe a firestorm is headed for Starbucks that they richly deserve. Back to my original position statement-there is clear and compelling evidence that has been widely reported of the corruption and graft within unions. In the last year, the FreePress has reported massive corruption within the UAW and has arrested multiple union officials. Unfortunately this corruption had gone on unaddressed for years and was widely known. Union member has plummeted because employees DO NOT trust unions. Under the NLRB and the Taft Hartly Act employees cannot get rid of a union, they can only change to a different union. I found this out when I worked with a group that worked who wanted to get rid of teamsters. At least a corportation can fire a manager if he/she is particularly bad, but a union cannot be fired to be only replaced. American unions would benefit greatly if they mentored with major trade guilds in Europe as they are handled and regulated much differently. And the US Dept of Labor could befit from observing how European corporate regulation and oversight practices. We have to give up the idea that as a country we know everything. Yes they may have different systems, but they also have a weath of experience we ignore. But American Unions need to radically clean up their act and make major changes in order to regain the trust of the work force. Management needs to do very little to discourage a Union-the evidence is all out there and the corruption and graft that has gone on for years being reported in major newspapers, on the internet, utube for the employee to find. And the union weeping and wailing and making wild promises to hold the official accountable does not satisfy the average worker-the worker is far smarter than the union realizes. The fact is that the union failed to prevent it from happening at all, clearly their oversight process failed, and they never help the official accountable or changed the oversight rules so it is going to happewn again. Believe me, employee follow these thing and comprend far more than you imagine and this is a good thing. Employees know that Corporations take action-they have seen managers walked to the door or disappear and they rarely see this happening with disgraced union officials. American unions are the problem-they are not the solution. After 40 years of management at 4 major corporations, I can definitely say that the ONLY reason an employee chooses a union is that frontline management has radically failed. (there is a group that needs to organize)No union succeeds unless management invites them in with their failing behavior. I believe American is a third rate country in the promotion and regulation of Corporate business practices. I think it is amazing that some companies even open on a daily basis. This failure to address corporate culture and corporate norms starts right at the top of each corporation. A union cannot fix this. We need to learn to start voting with our dollar to support American workers. when we as consumers take action-the corporate culture in America will change. All through COVID I never ordered an item from Amazon. and I already tall you I never darken the entrance of a Starbucks. We have 2 Amazons facilities in my town and we are always hearing of problems. Amazon does not deserve to be in business and we can pull them under. I never said any of this was going to be easy. But at least this this approach gives the employee better choices. How does an employee benefit from a company approaching-I can guarantee that when sales/orders start to slump and then get close to crashing, the CEO is going to fired and the Company reorganized and the employees would be rid of the problem child. The employee still has a job and can probably look forward to enhaunced work rules. Again employees are not stupid and there is no such thing as a bad employee. This does not mean I have never fired anyone, I have. I had an employee who continued to make inappropriate work life choices after I exhausted everything I knew to assist her in the modification of her behavior. This does not mean I was a bad person or a she was a bad employee or that a union was necessary. It also does not mean that it was easy for me, but it was the right thing to do. At the arbitration, the arbitrator asked her if she felt she was singled out or mistreated and her response was that had she listened to me she would still have her job. When the arbitrator asked me if I would have a problem with her coming back and my response was "absolutely not-she is an excellent flight attendant when I could get her to the airplane, but that I feared that we would be back in this same place in 6-8 months. When you generalize and say that all corporations manage badly-that is not going to fix the problem and gives the employee no assistance. Just as the are bad manager, bad ceo's, there is a plethora of bad actors in unions. Does that mean that there should or shouldn't be unions-again no but the union is not fixing the outstanding issues eitherand they are far less successful than frontline management. It means that both sides have lost the trust of the average worker which is a sad statement to make about about our treatment and how we value our labor. It may surprise you but I rarely discussed unions in my 40 year career-the unions themselves made the case against themselves. I only worked at one company that was unionized, but the other 3 companies all had union drives and I have considerable training in how to respond to a union organization attempt. We need to take a whole life approach where the employees are at the center of the plan and the solution is geared to benefit and protect them it is only in this way that our labor problems will de definitively resolved. The chief thing taught is that the front line manager do what is necessary to build and retain trust with the employee-this is not give them what they want, it means establishing open and frank communication with the employee group, management above frontline must take frank and open frontline management recommendations in opportunities for improvement and if they cannot they deserve to be fired and for frontline management to walk out. they must commit to fair and eguitable treatment for all employees-again this does not mean treat all the employees the same, and finally outside supervision must be brought in that can monitor committments and ensure that timelines are met. You will be surprised how many financial details the employee can absorb and when you involve them in the decision making process you finally enabled them to take charge of their career positively. you have assisted in the creation of a great employee and a great citizen. I have seen this happen down to aircraft cleaner to the person who empties the trash. And this process supports and gives the employee choices and better control. I would venture to guess that the Amazon board has had serious conversation with Bezos even if he is CEO. And I know he has a sick feeling in the pit of his stomach because the Board was probably very blunt and said fix this or you will be out. Working this

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This is no surprise but good to know the players. Unions are the best power not just in their workplace but against the power of lobbyists and donors—essential to a democracy, especially when corporations and money have captured control.

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