I am encourage by this comment from Congressman Adam Smith (D-WA), the chairman of the House Armed Services Committee. Quiting this story, Smith said Nunes' conduct was endemic of a “systematic problem" in the Republican Party "that is a threat to the country.” It is blatantly obvious from the House Republicans' defense of Trump during the Intel hearings, and Senators like Lindsey Graham and John Kennedy, who are pushing the same Russia-created conspiracy theory about Ukraine taking the 2016 election, that the Republican Party is part of Trump's conspiracy to defraud the American people and ensure their election at any and all costs.

Yes, the Republican Party is throughly corrupt. And is, in the words of Congressman Adam Smith "a threat to the country." We will not solve this problem until enough Americans understand that this is not a case of "both sides are the problem," as much of the MSM continues to say it is. Trump AND the Republican Party are pushing for authoritarian, one-party rule by locking in their power by any means necessary.

Wake up, America! The guard rails are no longer in place.

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Good god! What a mess! Both issues about Nunes and Bloomberg. I’m afraid to guess how much more we can get screwed by 2020.

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Devin Nunes and Jim Jordan (followed closely by Trey Gowdy) are the worst of the worst. Absolutely despicable.

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The henchmen usually are.

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