
Thank you for continuing to expose Elon Musk, a clear and present danger to any society he lives in. Regardless of his wealth and scientific knowhow, his values prevent him from being a help to mankind. Similar to Trump in his disregard for others in his need to fill his inner emptiness with falsely algorithmed affirmation. What a pity! because he really could be helpful (e.g., Starlink).

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Wow. A White South African ex-pat coming out as fully racist. Who'da thought?

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If I never read another word about Elon Musk, I'll be happier.

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Musk is not a scientific genius or anything close to it. He hires the scientists then takes credit for their work. Musk is a cancer on the earth.

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It's probably not great that a different company Musk runs (Well, "runs") has millions of dollars in government contracts making his continued success important to the US government.

So glad we learned so much about regulation and making things too big to fail in 2008!

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This is not "free" speech. This is irresponsible speech. Perhaps all users on X should start calling for Musk to face some form of violence for his "free" speech and see how he responds?

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I hope Judd's information about what Musk is doing goes viral too. I think the only way to fix the problem of X (formerly Twitter) is for everyone who currently uses it to stop doing so. If you use this "service," you are only contributing to Musk's ability to get his garbage out there.

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Apr 4·edited Apr 4

Would that Elon M get sucked down a Boring Tunnel and whisked into a dimension inimical to life.

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I’ve shared this to my X (formerly Twitter) account and I think everybody who has an account there should share it too with the possibility that we can at least offset some of Elon’s lies.

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As long as we continue to allow billionaires to purchase and own our media, in all forms, we will be more poorly informed, but more likely maliciously ill-informed. It's happening all over America. The Baltimore Sun has gone down just recently and has gone from struggling and weak to rubbish, thanks to the owner of Sinclair Broadcasting, who is also spending $$$ to affect local elections. There should be minimum requirements for news organizations regarding truth and transparency. Our major newspapers have become over politicized and outright propagandized, and I now prefer the Guardian for actual news of the world. Also, somewhat more professional are PBS, NPR, BBC, and even Al Jazeera, which does a huge amount of mini documentary style reports covering the entire world. All we hear about in the US is Trump, MAGA, and the associated hateful us against them rubbish.

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Any explanation of why states keep submitting the same SSNs over and over again? Sounds like people are trying to use a stolen or hacked number.

Interesting enough, this week a Republican voter just got prosecuted for fraudulently submitting 55 ballots of other people that she filled out herself. Got innocent Vietnamese speakers to sign things without understanding. Almost every documented instance of voting fraud is by GOP voters.

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Non-citizen voting is “very rare,” but Repugs voting more than once is not.

In Nebraska, the Repugs are seeking to cancel out the Democrats’ votes by changing the state constitution so that electoral votes aren’t split. That means, the western, rural areas, largely owned by millionaires (ranchers, the Mormon Church, Gov. Jim Pillen, Microsoft, etc. (https://investigatemidwest.org/2023/11/20/whos-buying-nebraska-corporations-investors-grabbing-giant-chunks-of-nebraska-farmland/) will have more political influence at polls than the two, most heavily populated cities of Nebraska (Omaha, Lincoln).

If that isn’t vote stealing, I don’t know what is.

In fact, the Electoral Process was originally designed to steal power, a concession inserted by slave owners of the South.

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No surprise here, but a great report, Judd!

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Please, please, please if at all possible, everyone with a brain, quit Twitter! It's already a right wing garbage pile and needs to be relegated to inconsequential status, like Trump's sleezy cult platform.

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The day Elon Musk bought twitter I blocked him. I never see his tweets. Yay!

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Anything coming out of the mouths of Trump, GOP, Musk, et. al. are fabrications. Who doesn’t know this?

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