Last time I checked, federal judges, heck even Trump appointed hacks, take a dim view of being lied to by lawyers in their courtrooms. If they keep it up, and to serve Emperor Dumbass and Pam the Sham, they must, a whole lot of them are going to find themselves in deep soup with the various Bar Associations with jurisdiction.

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And I, along with a few million others, can't wait to see them sloshing around in the soup.

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Yes, because we've seen so much accountability, to make us optimistic. /s

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It's not like the government has many competent lawyers left after the mass firings and resignations after refusals to follow illegal orders.

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Facts, Facts, and more Facts…along with great writing…hope the judge it’s this information…

Time to start throwing contempt of court and putting in jail. Anyone else would be!

Just saying…time these folks feel some pain looking through bars.

Judd great reporting!

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These people all enjoy the Trump "get out of jail free" card, so where's the threat? That's the damage of unfettered pardon power.

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I agree.

Robert in Vermont

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I'm confused. Do I work? Not work? Go home? Come back? Report to who? Do what? But you said... No, you did say... Well if you change your mind again, could you let...

This cannot hold. Thank God there is one place, a courtroom, where lying is frowned upon because in Trump world, mendacity is gospel.

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"mendacity is gospel." Outstanding description.

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Courts are neutered if they have no enforcement power.

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Hooray for Judge Amy Berman Jackson--we've heard about her before!:

"A federal judge [Jackson] on Wednesday extended an order barring President Trump from firing the head of an office designed to protect government whistleblowers by three days as she weighs further relief." We need well-schooled well-spoken judges at this time in dealing with the lawless Trump, Musk, Vought and all that Project 2025 prescribed.

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rump, Musk & MAGA, in their vision of gangster government & kleptocracy, believe that democracy is for sale & that they've bought control of the US government...that Trump, Musk & their MAGA oligarchs can act with impunity. Threats of retribution & prosecution for those who would uphold the rule of law are intended to silence opposition & compel obedience in advance.

Who has seized control of ~20% of federal payment & employment control systems with his illegal hackers? Musk with tens of billions in government contracts & companies that paid zero taxes...who has promised pain for the middle class & needy while he enriches techno kleptacrats like himself & other uber wealthy authoritarians. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8QXQWHdSMcM

The battles for democracy & the rule of law will require resilient resistance...

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Marc Elias says that we will know we have entered a constitutional crisis when a judge holds a Trump official in contempt of court.

Is there a reason to keep delaying that moment? Who does that serve?

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I think we are looking at a few years. It is hard to wait.

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This country doesn't have a few years. Delay is deadly. Pardon power obliterates accountability.

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Thank you for your work and... for clarifying the most illegal confusion that has a very clear and obvious objective. Hopefully the courts will recognize this objective and deal with the destructive perpetrators with the levers necessary to get the CFPB securely and permanently back onto the tracks that Congress had originally decreed they should be on. Let's hope that the judicial system has some teeth.

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Be ready to back the courts! These MOFOs pay no heed to the Constitution. Stand up and defend our Constitution…military colleagues, Oaths you have taken!

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overheard again and again at townhalls "Trump won't break the law." Let's be clear, he did it in his first term BEFORE the immunity ruling.

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Of course he won't break the law. He is modifying the law so there is none to break.

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Good point.

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Keep shining your light. it matters.

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As usual, a stunning report, Judd. You are one of the best investigative reporters in the business.

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These are actions that the mob inspired and dumbly elected kriminal kleptocracy currently in office engage in, that will be firmly in the front of my mind while I'm participating in the March for Democracy today at Daley Plaza in Chicago.

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Thank you for marching!

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That's not all. I've been doing email letters and will start phone calls to the WH, Capitol and reps of either party to articulately and vociferously express my displeasure with their short-sighted, foolish, ineptitude and constant criminality.

Why is it that rich folk never seem to have read "The Goose That Laid the Golden Eggs?"

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Thanks for your reporting on this important issue.

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Let's take a higher-level look at this.

By kneecapping all of the government's investigatory processes, the Trump administration is pretty much legalizing most if not all white-collar crime.

While many government investigations are politically motivated (let's not fool ourselves otherwise), many times they are successful in getting bad people out of office(NIxon) and/or sometimes out of society(i.e. Al Capone found guilty of tax evasion when he could not be convicted of other crimes).

Trump defeating these government investigations means they need to be strengthened, not eliminated.

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Doing Putin's bidding. When you do business with the Russian Mob- 2 ways to leave - death by natural causes - out a window of a tall building.

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Sometimes I get ideas that are so out there, many ask "HUH?" Here is one.

Is Trump's kowtowing to autocrats and oligarchs due to his phobic fear of WW3 or nuclear war rather than the aforementioned having something on him?

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Neither. He just wants to be an official member of the thug club.

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So efficient. Not at all corrupt.

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