Trump's racist, hate filled lies are going to get someone killed. It's pure stochastic terrorism and needs to be dealt with. Lock him up seems to trite after the phrase has been so abused by the MAGAs, but it does seem the only solution at this point.

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And gag him (figuratively) so that he personally cannot communicate to his cult members. It won’t stop the lies, but at least we won’t have to listen to his whiny voice.

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Trump is wrong about everything. Trump lies about everything. Unfortunately, this is NO exaggeration. If Trump were ever to regain the reins to power in our country, we'd have more chaos than our recent hurricanes have wreaked upon us. Thank you, Rebecca and Noel for verifying what we've been learning about the benefits we've gained from having such hard-working, family-loving immigrants. Let us all find ways to broadcast these truths about our immigrants who deserve our gratitude.

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Does anyone else feel like they are living through an historical moment? This election is akin to the crises of World War II Great Britain. Knowing the stakes of failure but trying to hang onto hope.

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I have been feeling this way for along time, or at least it feels like a long time because I am so exhausted by the loss of integrity and leadership in our political system by the GOP., and the lack of intelligence in a good number of our voters. DeSantos threatening to punish the press for speaking the truth feels like we are in a country I no longer recognize. Ditto a presidential candidate, and his minions, spreading lie after hateful lie with no regard for how they harm human beings. I am very sad, but nothing, nothing, will keep me from voting.

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You feel that way because we are. We're living thru a pivitol moment in our nation's history.

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A pure racist and a facist and he needs to be shut up at the ballot box. I am so sick of him peddling his trash and lies.

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There’s an ad playing repeatedly in OH. Not a border state. “Democrats cheat to win elections by letting in illegal immigrants”. The ad avoids saying illegal immigrants vote, because that would be a lie, but it’s certainly implied.

There’s no evidence Democrats cheat. The cheating done in 20 was done by Trump supporters.

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Yes, saying it without saying it because there is no other way for immigrants to influence an election. Not unlike a large mailer we received from our GOP state rep candidate. It didn’t mention immigrants or Haitians but it photos of many dogs and cats. It listed only her support bills that were pet related.

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I live in a red area. Truth doesn't matter. He speaks to their anger. Their anger is voting for him.

I early voted at my voter registrar Friday. According to a regional online publication the Republicans are turning out in a larger rate in early voting in our "purple" state.

You better believe I worry about this. I am doing what I can to get the Blue vote out.

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Hazel, I share your perception. And faced with all the changes on our planet, it is understandable that people are scared and want something to blame. Scared activated is anger.

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So where's the caravan? Can't be too much longer before the grifters on Fox "News" start showing those videos, can it?

No shame, no decency.

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I had been thinking that once Trump is gone, there would be no one who could fill his shoes because he had a unique "gift" of being able to gather diversity of groups under his tent. I am increasingly afraid that his grooming of people, stoking their fear and anger and hatred, might be enough to cause them to accept any demagogue, like Vance or Musk. I would like to know if the Republicans Against Trump are also against Vance and Musk. I think this is an important question to ask. We must look further than November. We have to consider that this psycho/socio-pathic style of leadership is with us, and will Repubs who don't like Trump be willing to transfer that political sentiment to others who speak the same evil and destructive language. (Yes, I am aware Musk can't run for prez at this time, but we have to be prepared for anything.)

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I think that is the goal. Because the Constitution doesn’t allow immigrants to be president he is in the same boat as Schwarzenegger who thought he’d be a great prez. So far, the GOP competitors have challenged any of its own who were born outside the US - even though they had a US parent. (EX: McCain and Cruz) I guess it would depend on the condition of our country and whether any of our institutions are still standing by then.

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The GOP has been captured by fraudsters & power by any means authoritarians. The projection propaganda never stops.

Trump & Vance can’t handle the truth threatening fact checkers, whistleblowers & truth tellers with retribution. https://wapo.st/3XXgHPt

Trump & MAGA whine about booming Bidenomics: 98% of jobs created since 1989 were created during Democratic administrations. Republicans have lost jobs while ballooning the deficit. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rbPBuk5QoV8

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The problem isn't Trump. Or, at least isn't only Trump. It's too many people who are racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, whatever, or just angry at their lot in life. MAGA and the greater GOP give these people license to hate; to complain, to threaten violence. To allow them to blame "others" for their misery. There are too many low information voters (who should be allowed to vote, as should all citizens 18 and over). Just too many people willing to turn their lives over to the lying, corrupt RW; to our oligarch overseers. For 40 years these people have voted for Republicans who have made their lives markedly worse. But they somehow still believe the ads that say others are to blame.

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"To allow them to blame "others" for their misery." I think this is a huge part of this. But there are also people who put money ahead of everything. The GOP voters are a mixed bag. But misplaced anger, depression, and hatred are definitely prominent I believe.

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Send this to every MAGA friend and relative! (Not that it will do any good. But you’ll feel better.)

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“Trump’s claim is false. FEMA is not out of money, and no money was diverted to undocumented immigrants”.

Couldn’t you just say the lying convicted felon, rapist & thief, Old dementia Don - LIED again about FEMA & we may include more violence with his violent rhetoric?

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Thank you for putting all of this together in one place. I’m a retired immigration attorney and have just about given up explaining to people that everything he says about immigrants is false. Now everything he highlights as a problem for our country is tied to immigration in such a hateful

way, it breaks my heart. And makes me exhausted.

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Trump and his handlers take their strategy directly from Joseph Goebbels, intentionally or not. Tell a lie enough times and people start to believe it. America is being destroyed from inside (as predicted by Lincoln) by a weaponized First Amendment. That is highly ironic but true.

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I get people have to report on it, but it just ends up amplifying the orange felon's words. It's truly a sad and pathetic stain on our country's history that we ever had to endure this obese orange felon in the White House

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If we can go after Russia, China, and Iran for interfering with our elections by spreading misinformation, and there is something of an oath, to do with protection against "foreign and domestic enemies"...how is it that Trump and associates can daily get away with spreading misinformation, slandering individuals, lies, and incitement of violence across the nation with impunity? They have been setting an example for everyone. The laws don't seem to matter when... certain persons and organizations, most likely working the text book definitions of conspiracies, collusion, unlicensed foreign agents, are breaking those laws, local, state, federal, and international.

If Biden doesn't act to address these while SCOTUS has provided immunity for official acts and Trump forces his way into the White House, you can be damn sure Trump will.

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