The Democrats need to take this timeline & broadcast it loud & clear. They need to play it on every TV channel, including FOX, & on every radio station. It should be written up in every newspaper & online political opinion piece. It should reach every American. Some will discount it, but others need to understand the truth before they vote for our next President. When I was born, FDR was our President. I grew up proud to be an American. I am afraid I will see the end of our Republic, but hope I am wrong.

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Yes. This will be the Trump campaign's next big lie, that Democrats are somehow responsible for his reprehensible failure. All easily disproved as you've done excellently here, providing a solid timeline.

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Yes! He lived up to the Tweet of himself playing the fiddle, but it was really a golf club. There is so much info out there that supports his foolishness and more.

The first people sent from the government to assess the passengers on the ship brought into US were mostly not even gloved, masked and worse yet trained, according the whistleblowers.

Oh and more, Mar A Lago!

Birthday Party time for Junior's Squeeze back in mid-March. I think Covid-19 infected at least 17 people who were there. Hell. The Trump family is made of cement not to have caught it.

John Bolton in MHO is likely the worst scallywag ever stuck in a responsible position in our nation. The bulk of this rests in his lap.

Except not.

Trump and the GOP Congress after passing that tax cut for the 1% both in human and corporations in 2017, went hunting for places to cut spending which screwed and continues to screw, the average citizen in this country. Bolton was the Toadie for Trump and the Republicans when he dismantled the pandemic team.

It's is going to cost the tax payer 2.2 trillion in this emergency stimulus. On top of the trillions that have built-up from the loss of revenue in the tax cut.

Trump has made a career out of bankruptcy. We are on the verge. All for $1,200 checks. We sit watching the coffins being put in refrigerator trucks in NYC on the CBS Evening News. While each of us have watched that fool Trump yammer into the mic until our local channel cuts to the news of day, in our minds listening for a hack of a cough, a temperature hike or the sound of a bell.

"Ask not for whom that Bell tolls, it tolls thee."

Indeed. My Country tis of thee, it tolls for thee.

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This is excellent and needs to be blasted everywhere. Additionally, the following was reported by Reuters on March 22, 2020: “Several months before the coronavirus pandemic began, the Trump administration eliminated a key American public health position in Beijing intended to help detect disease outbreaks in China, Reuters has learned.”

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Judd, your timeline is on point, as always. You do need to add one other very critical point on the timeline: on Jan. 28, just a week after the first case in the US, the WSJ published an op-ed from former FDA commissioner Scott Gottlieb and former pandemic response coordinator Luciano Borio, urging the administration to get going on a testing program, and other recommendations that were ignored. These were former members of his administration, posting in a conservative publication.

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We already knew Mitch McConnell was full of it, but having the entire timeline here just helps illustrate the depths of Trump's negligence. It's unfortunate that his supporters probably won't get it until they or someone close to them is directly impacted by COVID-19.

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Joe Twitter has a timeline circulating, that I retweet as often as possible. It should be retweeted every day from now until the election. And that photo of him okay ng the fiddle, he tweeted. Crazy SOB.

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Playing. The Google phone drives me crazy in it's attempt to speak for me.

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Trump has blood on his hands, plain and simple, but again, his supporters don't care. His approval numbers have gone UP during this crisis. I guess that I shouldn't be shocked anymore when stuff like this happens. After all, this is a guy who openly mocked the disabled, has called bigots "very fine people" (okay, that was post-election, but still..........), cheated on his spouse publicly, and who has conclusively proven that he is both a charlatan and failed businessman, and yet he got elected. Worse yet, he's going to get reelected. The Coronavirus crisis is actually going to work in his favour because it is going to suppress votes, and that always works for the Republicans, not the Democrats.

This country is sooooooooooo screwed.

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I get sick every time I think of the devastation this virus is causing all around the country. It is gutting every part of our society and it was all so avoidable by any president with two working brain cells firing together. But no, as Judd has so vividly written, THIS president was far too busy preening his own cock’s tail to bother with all of us, the “little people”.

I’m almost 74 years old and I hate the division that we have lived in for almost 30 years. Granted, there were signs prior to 1992 that things weren’t all sweetness and light but for the most part, we were pretty safe from events that would totally upset the national applecart. Maybe I was oblivious. There were events that happened, yes but I never felt physically threatened by rampant disease. The Joker’s in charge of Gotham now but where is Batman when we need him?

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He is in a hospital on a ventilator because Trump Adm screwed up. Now the fool is blabbing about the Drug War. I despise him and his toadies.

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Thank you, Judd! The absolute best, concise time-line out there. Leaves zero room for arguments and excuses.

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I created a thread from your post. I hope it will result in additional subscribers for you https://twitter.com/liberalfenix/status/1245451860431048706?s=21

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George T Conway is saying almost the same thing: https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2020/03/31/impeachment-didnt-distract-coronavirus-preparations-trump-did/

Never saw this happening when I first started subscribing to Judd’s newsletter—but what else is new in the world we now live in? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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Take what George Conway says with a grain of salt, remember his wife Kelly Anne works for Trump

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