Apologies to the sun and all the hummingbirds.

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Anyone with a Twitter account, F Book account should share and tag the appropriate people/groups with it. I have tweeted and tagged Zuckerberg/ FaceBook..I can’t do this with F B because I have shared articles from Popular Info along with other political views, liberal, and I’ve been reported and booted until the 18th of November. I didn’t post anything offensive, I’m careful, however when I tried to post an Actblue donation, the message said it was *offensive* and wouldn’t allow me to post.

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Facebook is a Republican platform. Period.

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I can't unsee that ad with Trump as the sun and hummingbird, so um, thanks for the nightmare fuel?

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he looks like a floating turd in that still frame. I couldn't agree more.

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Zuckerberg is a 1%er and will do anything to help Trump win. That ad reminds me of the Teletubbies when my kids were young. How appropriately childish featuring Trump.

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My little nonprofit community chorus did a video to get out the vote. We posted on the 26th. We aren’t allowed to boost the video because of these restrictions from FB. Why are we restricted but Trump isn’t? Gross. https://www.facebook.com/684012795279314/posts/1311530499194204/?vh=e&extid=0&d=n

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I shared this one. You have normal people commenting - haven't attracted bots and MAGAts yet?

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Our group, Get Money Out - Maryland, has successfully run an ad asking people to contact Gov. Hogan (a prominent Republican who did not vote for Trump) and urge him to sign a pledge that he would insist that every lawful vote be counted. On 10/27, I tried to extend the ad for several days and increase the amount, but Facebook keeps rejecting it.


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Wow, lots of MAGAts attracted to your group!

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Trolls, yes.

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Thank you so much, Judd, for your on-going thorough investigative work! Your exposure has made a difference before, and we will await Zuckerberg's response with an open mind. I know in my bones (and spirit) that Biden will win, but we have enormous work to do the combat the deep racism, selfish heartless greed, and "deaf-dumb-and-blindness." Although this is a global problem we don't get to aquiesce to darkness.

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I took a picture of that ugly sun ad and posted it with the comment that it was one of the ads that FB allowed in direct conflict with its own so-called decision. It’s still there and I’m not in jail yet for the comment.

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Judd, you are doing a wonderful job and I can't thank you enough! This Facebook things is truly appalling and I am angry that it is the best and easiest platform for much of what I want to do. Darn. Thinking about how to get more proactive about this issue. Your readers have led the way as well. Thanks to all of you.

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Facebook and Twitter have shown who they really are. And they're the reason ourwhirl.com was started -- to cut through the nonsense. The past 3-years have been spent reacting to a consummate fraud and his abetters, while nothing is being done, and while we have scientists, engineers, educators, media, entertainers and more on our side. Even more twisted, billions on Facebook and Twitter, but very few noticing that #badgradestrump hasn't done anything since January 2020 except enrich himself and blame others for HIS irresponsible pandemic response.

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The strongest message we can send Facebook right now is to shut down or temporarily close our FB accounts. Spread the word!

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you're welcome to join us at https://www.ourwhirl.com -- we're still developing front end, but all else is working. I'm rarely on Facebook, stopped going to Twitter completely after my copyrighted content was used to target harass me, and Twitter won't remove it. So litigation it is, as Dorsey will be up against US Copyright office, and all my evidence of Jack Dorsey promoting, aiding, abetting "obey N obey" tweets.

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