Thank you for doing the work to follow the money. Keep the pressure on! It is the only way to consistently show the hypocrisy.

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Facebook double standard rises again. I am calling Bull Sh*t on the statement none of this money was used for the purpose of voter supression. We all know they haven't asked to look at a financial statement on where it goes. And if they did you can durn well bet, it is discretionary. Even if goes to salaries, it is furthering the cause of that group and their attempts at voter supression.

FB executives were with the GOP if I recall your earlier newsletters prior to FB employment and the head weasel Zuckerberg goes to Federalist Society dinners.

Typical Republican double speak with alternate facts as their truth.

Thank you for this article.


AstraZeneca Covid Vaccine appears faulty. Perhaps they should keep their money for research instead of politics.

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Last numbers I saw on AstraZeneca Covid vaccine were 18 deaths out of 30 million vaccinations, or 1 in 600,000. You have a better chance (1 in 500,000) of being struck by lightning. If I wasn't already vaccinated, I believe I'd take that chance.

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It's efficacy isn't that of the others, though. If not already vaccinated I would have gone with Johnson and Johnson. LoL. Of course not manufactured in Baltimore recently.

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J&J is only 66.3% effective against the virus. Pfizer and Moderna are 90%

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In T Cell building against the virus it is 99% effective.

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That's it for me. I'm done with Facebook. Deactivating my account today. Zuckerberg is the smallest man in the world. Small in stature and everything that matters. He is an unapologetic coward. A massive hypocrite and a child. He created facebook through nefarious means and he's a terrible human being.

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The best message we can send Facebook is to close our accounts. That, will be understood! Judd, thank you for the updates and keep outing the hypocrite.

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I feel like you could replace Facebook's name in the headline with another big corporation and it would still be valid. At least with Facebook, you can presumably use its own services to spread the word about its two-faced dealings.

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Facebook is a joke. If it wasn't the best was to keep in touch with family and friends from my hometown, I'd have signed off from the site long ago.

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Remember what your cell is for. “Reach out and touch someone” maybe should mean a whole new thing?

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