I think Zuckerberg is an ASPD and authoritarian, and as he founded the company and its culture, all the dehumanization traits of an authoritarian show up in the company, including hierarchical otherization, populist-style conservatism, sexism, greed, exploitation, resource-hoarding, and self denial/delusion. This company, in it's current iteration, is as dangerous to a democratic world order as Vladimir Putin is.

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I hope that Judd's very important point about the pharmaceutical industry doesn't get buried by everyone's outrage at Facebook: "Moreover, a substantial portion of the most innovative research is 'conducted in government-funded labs,' with drug companies engaging in the process much later."

Government funded labs = National Institutes of Health. Taxpayers are already paying for much new medical research. Yes, bringing a new drug to market can be costly but never buy the argument that drug prices reflect the investments of drug companies. Drug prices are more likely to reflect the inflated compensation of their executives.

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To be fair, I kind of wish I had never heard of Ted Cruz, but yeah, that's pretty bad.

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"In a popular government, so far from according an entire immunity from penalties to the press, its abuses are those which society is required, by its very safety, to visit w/ its heaviest punishments. In a democracy, misleading the publick [sic] mind, as regards facts, characters, or principles, is corrupting all that is dear to society at its source, opinion being the fountain whence justice, honors, & the laws, equally flow. It is a misfortune that necessity has induced men to accord greater license to this formidable engine, in order to obtain liberty, than can be borne w/ less important objects in view; for the press, like fire, is an excellent servant, but a terrible master." -James Fenimore Cooper

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Like Trump, nothing you could, or ever can, say about Zuckerberg or his nasty arm of the Republican Party’s play to overthrow our Constitutional system of government, would surprise me any more. The question now is, what can, if anything, be done about either entity? All the major pieces are in play now;Trump, Barr, McConnell, a thoroughly riddled court system-you name it, in a little under 3 years, an awful lot of damage has been done to this, our country. The time for apathy, complacency or anything close to that is long past over or we may wake up next November after the election to find ourselves seriously screwed.

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Seriously screwed now. We could be in a North Korea bound family dynasty if we don't watch out. Ivanka has a patent on voting machines from China. Read @jennycohn1 on Twitter. She gives details on compromised voting machines.

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Zuck is on the right wing team. Nothing surprises me about him. He is sniveling in his response to any hard question.

Awww. The 1% no matter what breed, from FB to Mass Media Corps to Farm Corps to Military contractors, with Big Daddy Bucks, on and on...are ruining democracy. Big Biz is enjoying their conquests and their president.

As for drug prices and Politico. Hmmm. Politico is one of my least fav digital rags. Suck up journalism comes to mind. They won't ditch the Pharma ad. I hope they answer you, Judd. I would like to see them have some stones.

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