His strategy is clear: Scare older, Caucasian voters in the suburbs and in rural areas with the threat that those bad people from the inner cities are coming to get them. This is part and parcel of that strategy.

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Our country is being destroyed by a demented (like in Alzheimer's), narcissistic sociopath! What a wonderful combination of neurologic disease merged with horrible personality traits!

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I'm always so impressed by how you're able to dig this stuff up, Judd! Now I'm wondering how we in the public can put pressure on consulting firms like Deloitte, McKinsey, & Booz Allen. ?

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Having dealt with a narcissistic psychopath in RL (and knowing that they all use the same playbook), this is Trump flexing muscle, in this case, militaristic muscle. It's a test run, a Putin-esque show of force. We need press all over this. We also need OR's Atty Gen (who presents like a relative weakling) to come down HARD on it). And massive public response. There's a reason this happened in OR. The little dictator needs backlash. No excuses.

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Please don’t refer to these thugs and body snatchers as “police.” They are not and they do not belong on our streets.

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Amen! There is nothing even remotely close to enforcing any law here. Disgusting strong-arming of our citizens.

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As best as I could tell then, and my memory serves now, back in 1999 at the WTO Protests in Seattle, Feds had Goon Squads deployed. Full military camo-garb, and plains cloth. I was on the streets for nearly four days and nights. Public exposure is the only way to offer some accountability now and in the future. For that I thank you as always Judd!

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These pictures of federal troops on the streets of an American city is shocking to the system. That greedy corporations are spinning their narrative is confusing. How do any of these public relations and management consultant companies dare to put out these BLM messages while they take money to oppress BLs?

It is imperative that those troops leave Portland and go back to their own private hells. Write, call, text your congressperson. Tell them NO

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That Executive order thing Trump does has befuddled the hell out of Congress. They are powerless

Worse yet this distraction takes away from Covid-19 mishandling, the Epstein lady friend Ghislane in jail and the murder of the judge's son. Trump isn't smart enough to.pull this off. Look to Moscow Mitch, Barr and Stephen Miller here and Putin, too, the 1% is backing it, for the planners are many in this treasonous scheme.

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What his niece Mary said about her not speaking up before now: "he" has enablers around him all the time to destroy people he doesn't like and "he" just shits somewhere and everybody is horrified until a few days later, there he is, shitting over there and that other shit is left to fester. She did not want to be a pile of shit, trolled, vilified and left to fester.* She is an interesting person. Youtube interview with Stephanopolis.

*All paraphrased.

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Is Pete Buttigieg available for a word salad on McKinsey's involvement with the CBP?

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I never got a trusty, warm feeling for Mayor Pete. I tried hard, too. But he seemed a bit not who he wanted me to think he was. Hoped I was wrong. Maybe still I am.

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A Twitter friend was roughed up by this group Sat night in Portland. Damaged the nerves in her hands scared her dog immensely. This the Gestapo.

This group of militarized thugs has waited their whole life to be able to attack American citizens in the streets. May they rot in hell with Trump and his minions. I just hope we get to vote in Nov. This bunch of companies makes me sick supporting this and benefitting from it.

Thank you Judd for exposing them.

What do we next?

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