There's a saying among those of us who have been writing code since the days of FORTRAN: For every problem blamed on a computer there are actually two problems, one of which is blaming it on the computer. Here as in so much of the problem of inflation the fault lies with simple human greed.
There's a saying among those of us who have been writing code since the days of FORTRAN: For every problem blamed on a computer there are actually two problems, one of which is blaming it on the computer. Here as in so much of the problem of inflation the fault lies with simple human greed.
A computer does only what a human instructs it to do. That may change with true AI. For now, blaming illegal acts on software, um, er, doesn't compute.
Glad you noted this. I have noticed in many systems, people appear eager to blame or pass the buck rather than do what one can to solve. Service is not inherent in our expectations of ourselves as a society.
There's a saying among those of us who have been writing code since the days of FORTRAN: For every problem blamed on a computer there are actually two problems, one of which is blaming it on the computer. Here as in so much of the problem of inflation the fault lies with simple human greed.
A computer does only what a human instructs it to do. That may change with true AI. For now, blaming illegal acts on software, um, er, doesn't compute.
Book em Dano.
Glad you noted this. I have noticed in many systems, people appear eager to blame or pass the buck rather than do what one can to solve. Service is not inherent in our expectations of ourselves as a society.