For months, Popular Information has documented how thousands of books have been removed from the shelves of Florida school libraries or have otherwise been made unavailable to Florida students.
I'm hoping that some teacher somewhere finally says ENOUGH! and complies with Rhonda Santis' book ban as follows. Leave all the banned books on the shelf organized by offensive subject matter. Cover the shelves with chicken wire to prevent access to the books. Atop the shelf place a sign "Books Governor DeSantis is afraid of". Put small cards on each subject group that in one word labels the offense. The law will have been complied with, the books are no longer available to students. But every middle and high schooler who sees that shelf will be rushing to Amazon to get copies. I think the ACLU would take the teacher's case.
No... on YouTube awhile ago during a Bulwark video, they were discussing Ron Desantis, and the YouTube auto subtitle translated it as Rhonda Santus. It was hilarious! The AI did it. But since it's funny... a lot of people are using it now. Because the gov of florida is a joke!
You prefer Meatball? He's a fascist authoritarian thug. There are not enough insults in the dictionary to define him properly. Why do you choose to defend his honor? He has none.
I simply borrowed the nickname from Keith Olberman. It is intended as an insult directed at an authoritarian bully, not a comment on women. It is unfortunate that you and MaryCat interpret it as such. As for defending women, I learned a long time ago that mansplaining was pointless. Women do not need me to defend them unless they ask for my help, at which point I will immediately agree. Perhaps you might direct your fire at the members of Congress from Colorado like Lamborn and Buck who really do hate women. Or the Federalist Cabal at SCOTUS who are trying to turn the clock back to the 15th century. Or to the leaders of Texas or any of the other states that believe that 11 year old rape victims should carry the fetus to term. Need I go on?
So you have a woman tell you that your comment offended her, and you go about mansplaining why she shouldn't be? Bullshit. Who are you to tell me that I shouldn't be offended by a sexist and ignorant "nickname"?
Hey man... don't engage with any on-line irate posts. They might just be russian trolls; or emulating russian trolls. Or just having a bad day and want to pick a fight online.
I'm a woman. And I didn't find anything you said offensive or inappropriate. 👍🏽 (But I do recommend just keeping silent when trolled. It's hard. But it's best)
As a woman who also hates all the sexist misogynist men in this world I had to re-read that name twice to get the joke. LOL. I don't follow Keith closely on Twitter so that's a new name to me for the bully, thug, fascist, authoritarian Death Santis (my fave nickname). Although I kinda like Meatball Ron too.
Death Santis is a name I can get behind, it actually fits him best based on the consequences of his disastrous rule. I like meatballs too much to connect them to Ronnie D. PS - Check out Keith's podcast. He channels all of our righteous anger towards our minoritarian fascist overlord wannabes.
True. Lets not tar the good name of wonderful Italian Meatballs :) I already listen to too many podcasts - Mary Trump, Michael Cohen, The Meiselas Brothers, Andy Levy, Molly Jong Fast, Jon Stewart & Danielle Moody channel more than enough rage against the fascist overlords to satisfy me!
If you have ever associated closely with a narcissist and been burned by one, which you eventually will be, you are quite intense as you attempt to explain the experience. Nothing quite like it.
Oy oy oy!!! Calling him by a woman's name isn't an insult. But HE thinks it is, and that's good enough for me. It can be his Trans name, his Drag Queen name!
The man is a joke and is begging to be trolled and laughed at.
It isn't a gender thing.
I'm a woman and I think it's funny that the YouTube AI transcribed a Bulwark conversation by writing desantis' name as Rhonda Santus. It was pretty funny... Even AI wants to troll the wanna be king of florida!
So, by calling him by a woman's name, inferring that he is not deserving of a man's name, you think that's wonderful and witty, and you think by calling you out on it, it's somehow defending his honor?
Illiterate misogynists like you don't deserve any further discourse from me.
Insults are unbecoming. You want to have a discussion over my choice of words to refer to Governor DeSantis, I'm happy to have that discussion. If you simply want to engage in name calling, that's a waste of everyone's time. I think he is, as I said, a thug and a bully, and the way to deal with bullies is to push back. Why do you take such offense on his behalf?
Fwiw, when I saw the "Rhonda Santus" moniker I did not know it was created by an AI translator, but thought it was created to mock his strange, fetishistic obsession with drag shows. Drag performers that I know thought so too. Anyway, our takeaway definitely had nothing to do with the idea of one sex being lesser than another.
I didn't know, either. I'm sorry for that and I apologize.
And yes, DeSantis definitely has obsessions. A gay friend told me it almost always means there's some latent sexual attraction to the same sex that these bigots are grappling with.
Mary, when I read your first post that’s causing all the hubbub, I thought you were saying “ Hey hey hey! Don’t call that creep by a woman’s name. We don’t want him either.”
Ron DeSantis is offering a fact sheet. Unfortunately, his facts are alternative facts. In the modern political landscape where policy positions seem to be valued for their contribution to theater above all else, stunts like this are key to DeSantis's popularity in Republican circles. This showmanship, however, overshadows the real damage he and his cronies can do. Revolting stuff.
For those interested, here’s a link to an article by PEN (an association of poets,playwrights,novelists,essayists,editors & publishers) that lists all 176 books that have been removed from the shelves of schools in Duvall County, FL.
I made a quick list of some of the books that stood out to me:
A book about Roberto Clemente called “Pride of the Pittsburgh Pirates”
A book about Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor
“The Life of Rosa Parks”
“Henry Aaron’s Dream”
“Celia Cruz, Queen of Salsa”
“Thank you Jackie Robinson”
A book about rock legend Carlos Santana, “When Angels Sing”
A book about Harriet Tubman, “Before She Was Harriet”
These are all books about people from minority communities who made major contributions to our country. Why does Florida not want students to learn about them?
That list shows absolutely that most of the banning is racist. Really, banning books about immigration, Native American customs, books featuring Black characters etc., just jump out. Books about Ramadan, oh noes, we can't let kids learn about Islam!
I've never seen censorship on such a huge scale. How on earth can this be happening?
I suggest that any teachers who get fired or charged with crimes in Florida pack up their families and move to Michigan We have a teacher shortage. And we won’t judge what you want to teach.
Aren't these ideologues (Abbott, DeSantis) hiring people without certification to teach in public schools? I read this is what is happening, and some of the people they're hiring are ex-military.
I think I read somewhere that in 4 counties, after a full year, they could only get maybe 10 former service members willing to teach the children!!! And unless they are proto-christian, fascist warriors, probably even less by now.
Banning black and gay people here but allowing the literal Nazis to display hate on downtown buildings is now Ron DeSantis Florida and I HATE IT HERE NOW
I had this discussion over the week-end with a friend who just finished serving on the school board in a conservative NY community. The sentiment there now runs against public schools, or "government" schools as their opponents like to call them. It was her perception that conservatives who may be racist or GLBT-aversive tend to be more "polite" to others in public than liberals who are running out of patience. They will tell you how nice and friendly people are in Florida, she says, and when you bring up the censorship and other discrimination, they accuse you of "going political." Looking at the list of books shared here, none of them should be controversial, much less supportive of "critical race theory." In my school, the "media specialist" was the person who decided how many films teachers could order but never the content. DeSantis is dangerous.
I am reminded every time I hear what new authoritarian stance that deSantis and his ilk undertakes, that mental health really is the third rail in human health discussions. We need widespread Public Service Announcements (at a very minimum) to educate the public about personality disorders and dangers to any society that fails to address them. Toxic Narcissism, for example, has been front and center with Trump, Putin, Erdogan, KimJung Un, deSantis, Netanyahu, and many, many others who want to not only be THE center of attention, but to wield power, unconditionally. These are ruthless, and dishonorable dictators who must be recognized and retired
What jumps out at me when reading about DeSantis' book ban is that the man probably grew up getting the crap beaten out of him by his parents for masturbating while reading books that may have had sexual references in them. DeSantis possibly had no normal childhood experiences of learning about sexuality and exercising his natural impulses and curiosity. Instead, he learned to associate sexuality with evil, sin, guilt and shame.
Common enough even nowadays, and the entire book banning, LGBTQ hating and misogynistic movement is made up of people just like him.
We know he has been having goosebumps since he was well received in Iowa. DeSantis hears bells ringing for him. IMHO he will get worse with lies and behaviors including over use of the word Woke and banning more books and a host of other reprehensible facist activities
He sees himself as a Savior to the far right. One scary scenario is this monster could be president.
Time to cut your losses, and get more creative on where to attract new reader. Dump Twitter. Ghost Musk. Even if we succeed in muzzling Murdoch, we'll still have his spiritually demonic spawn Musk. We need to ALL do our part and sacrifice whatever it takes to muzzle and stop them. Every tweet you make is tacit support for that unstable white supremacist. Cancel twitter, go through your withdrawal, and emerge stronger, better, and more broadly appreciated. Do not engage the wealthy troll... on his own turf no less! What are you thinking?
I have 3 sons, one with several disabilities. Having him in my life for 40 years, as well as choosing to work with children, adults and their families has given me a certain perspective.
I try to act with compassion to all people, unless they show themselves, repeatedly, to be unkind or worse.
Using a woman's name for DeSantis, no matter who did it first, or how it's only meant as a joke, feels too close to what I've experienced from male Dr's who didn't explain, overrode our wishes, or lied. From those who did not treat my son like a person. Instead, less than a person who has feelings and can discern contempt when it's aimed at him.
Yes, I care about children sexually or physically brutalized by adults. I also care about women who must almost die before the recommended procedure, a D&C is performed to remove a fetus that cannot survive birth or endangers the mother's life.
We are lucky enough to have President Joe Biden, a man who lost those he loved and acts from that loss, grief and compassion.
If we don't try to understand people who are not quite like us, don't try to be kind to people who we don't know, then how do we progress as a people? And I admit I loathe R. deS. because his worst crime, in my mind is hampering the education of children, who will be unprepared for the world as it is instead of the world he wishes it to be.
I carry a heavy burden daily, alone, no respite. Please don't respond if you are going to be unkind to me. And if you have that impulse, read my words again and imagine yourself in my place. THAT'S what grows our compassion toward each other.
I too have a grown child with several disabilities who is 40. I am her caregiver, always have been, I've never had help, there's never been grandparents that have offered help, no aunts and uncle's that have offered either. It's only me. We have no other children. Friends, where? They come and they leave as quickly because they have no time for what is our life. Her daddy (my husband) works 5 days a week, sometimes more.
I understand part of what you're saying, however, I do disagree that children are the only ones being hurt. Don't say Gay? These books he's banning? They're hurting so many different groups of people, LGBTQ+, different races, different religion's, not only children. He's hurting a LOT of people. Remember, the children grow up to be adults. He's trying to rewrite history. Within the groups of children are different races with different religions and I'm sure, many have same sex parents. Some have parents that are transgender, some may have relatives that are. If only we could poll the children and ask them about book reading. How many were and still are so very traumatized because Drag Queens came and read to them.
Sometimes, people should be called a name. DeSantass is my choice. Because he is, after all, an ass.
I admit that this is really radical and easy for me to key from my cushy confines, but...
Perhaps one or more brave teachers can leave the books on the shelves and get arrested. Let's see if a jury of peers will go along with this fascist law after the defense lawyer reads the Penguin story aloud. I'd donate to the defense fund.
I got this idea from those brave men in Texas who purposely got caught doing the deed leading to the elimination of anti-gay laws.
So a book with two men marrying elicits sexual excitement but a man and a woman marrying doesn't? Be consistent. Ban Jane Austen. Ban any reference to the Marriage at Cana. Ban Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty and any fairy tale where folks marry and live happily ever after.
I'm hoping that some teacher somewhere finally says ENOUGH! and complies with Rhonda Santis' book ban as follows. Leave all the banned books on the shelf organized by offensive subject matter. Cover the shelves with chicken wire to prevent access to the books. Atop the shelf place a sign "Books Governor DeSantis is afraid of". Put small cards on each subject group that in one word labels the offense. The law will have been complied with, the books are no longer available to students. But every middle and high schooler who sees that shelf will be rushing to Amazon to get copies. I think the ACLU would take the teacher's case.
Call him DeSantos. That sums him up nicely.
So, calling DeSantis by a woman's name is a way to insult him? What's the matter with you? It's International Women's Day. Please remove it.
No... on YouTube awhile ago during a Bulwark video, they were discussing Ron Desantis, and the YouTube auto subtitle translated it as Rhonda Santus. It was hilarious! The AI did it. But since it's funny... a lot of people are using it now. Because the gov of florida is a joke!
You prefer Meatball? He's a fascist authoritarian thug. There are not enough insults in the dictionary to define him properly. Why do you choose to defend his honor? He has none.
Agree he's a fascist authoritarian thug. He's not a woman. Being a woman is not a slur. Accusing him of being a woman is not defending his honor.
Ron deSantis has no honor. No one here is defending him.
What is in question is why you deferred from supporting women?
I simply borrowed the nickname from Keith Olberman. It is intended as an insult directed at an authoritarian bully, not a comment on women. It is unfortunate that you and MaryCat interpret it as such. As for defending women, I learned a long time ago that mansplaining was pointless. Women do not need me to defend them unless they ask for my help, at which point I will immediately agree. Perhaps you might direct your fire at the members of Congress from Colorado like Lamborn and Buck who really do hate women. Or the Federalist Cabal at SCOTUS who are trying to turn the clock back to the 15th century. Or to the leaders of Texas or any of the other states that believe that 11 year old rape victims should carry the fetus to term. Need I go on?
So you have a woman tell you that your comment offended her, and you go about mansplaining why she shouldn't be? Bullshit. Who are you to tell me that I shouldn't be offended by a sexist and ignorant "nickname"?
Hey man... don't engage with any on-line irate posts. They might just be russian trolls; or emulating russian trolls. Or just having a bad day and want to pick a fight online.
I'm a woman. And I didn't find anything you said offensive or inappropriate. 👍🏽 (But I do recommend just keeping silent when trolled. It's hard. But it's best)
As a woman who also hates all the sexist misogynist men in this world I had to re-read that name twice to get the joke. LOL. I don't follow Keith closely on Twitter so that's a new name to me for the bully, thug, fascist, authoritarian Death Santis (my fave nickname). Although I kinda like Meatball Ron too.
Death Santis is a name I can get behind, it actually fits him best based on the consequences of his disastrous rule. I like meatballs too much to connect them to Ronnie D. PS - Check out Keith's podcast. He channels all of our righteous anger towards our minoritarian fascist overlord wannabes.
True. Lets not tar the good name of wonderful Italian Meatballs :) I already listen to too many podcasts - Mary Trump, Michael Cohen, The Meiselas Brothers, Andy Levy, Molly Jong Fast, Jon Stewart & Danielle Moody channel more than enough rage against the fascist overlords to satisfy me!
I tried Mary Trump and Michael Cohen, they were kind of overkill for me.
They’re intense for sure!!
Kind of like Gaslit Nation.
But seriously, do try Skyline Drive. It's an 8 episode podcast about astrology.
If you have ever associated closely with a narcissist and been burned by one, which you eventually will be, you are quite intense as you attempt to explain the experience. Nothing quite like it.
Oh Ron Disaster is very appropriate! Calling people names is one of Donnie Dotards few skills but DeSanctimonious is a little long for my liking 😁
Oy oy oy!!! Calling him by a woman's name isn't an insult. But HE thinks it is, and that's good enough for me. It can be his Trans name, his Drag Queen name!
The man is a joke and is begging to be trolled and laughed at.
It isn't a gender thing.
I'm a woman and I think it's funny that the YouTube AI transcribed a Bulwark conversation by writing desantis' name as Rhonda Santus. It was pretty funny... Even AI wants to troll the wanna be king of florida!
So, by calling him by a woman's name, inferring that he is not deserving of a man's name, you think that's wonderful and witty, and you think by calling you out on it, it's somehow defending his honor?
Illiterate misogynists like you don't deserve any further discourse from me.
Insults are unbecoming. You want to have a discussion over my choice of words to refer to Governor DeSantis, I'm happy to have that discussion. If you simply want to engage in name calling, that's a waste of everyone's time. I think he is, as I said, a thug and a bully, and the way to deal with bullies is to push back. Why do you take such offense on his behalf?
It's on MY behalf.
You really aren't listening, are you?
Nope, not anymore Ronnie D thanks you for your support. I bet Trump does too.
Fwiw, when I saw the "Rhonda Santus" moniker I did not know it was created by an AI translator, but thought it was created to mock his strange, fetishistic obsession with drag shows. Drag performers that I know thought so too. Anyway, our takeaway definitely had nothing to do with the idea of one sex being lesser than another.
I didn't know, either. I'm sorry for that and I apologize.
And yes, DeSantis definitely has obsessions. A gay friend told me it almost always means there's some latent sexual attraction to the same sex that these bigots are grappling with.
Exactly! A friend of mine said "That man's so far in the closet he can see Narnia!"
Mary, when I read your first post that’s causing all the hubbub, I thought you were saying “ Hey hey hey! Don’t call that creep by a woman’s name. We don’t want him either.”
Good point.
Naw... keep it up. It perfectly illustrates the fantastic character of the left.
Again, I would remind everyone that this is what a GOVERNOR DeSantis is doing.
Can you imagine what a PRESIDENT DeSantis would do?
Excuse my ignorance, but why can't GOVERNOR DeathSantis have his ridiculous book banning laws superceded by an executive order from PRESIDENT Biden?
Maybe he can but just wants DeathSantis to carry on making himself look ridiculous?
Ron DeSantis is offering a fact sheet. Unfortunately, his facts are alternative facts. In the modern political landscape where policy positions seem to be valued for their contribution to theater above all else, stunts like this are key to DeSantis's popularity in Republican circles. This showmanship, however, overshadows the real damage he and his cronies can do. Revolting stuff.
Those pesky "alternative facts" keep tripping us up!!!
For those interested, here’s a link to an article by PEN (an association of poets,playwrights,novelists,essayists,editors & publishers) that lists all 176 books that have been removed from the shelves of schools in Duvall County, FL.
I made a quick list of some of the books that stood out to me:
A book about Roberto Clemente called “Pride of the Pittsburgh Pirates”
A book about Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor
“The Life of Rosa Parks”
“Henry Aaron’s Dream”
“Celia Cruz, Queen of Salsa”
“Thank you Jackie Robinson”
A book about rock legend Carlos Santana, “When Angels Sing”
A book about Harriet Tubman, “Before She Was Harriet”
These are all books about people from minority communities who made major contributions to our country. Why does Florida not want students to learn about them?
That list shows absolutely that most of the banning is racist. Really, banning books about immigration, Native American customs, books featuring Black characters etc., just jump out. Books about Ramadan, oh noes, we can't let kids learn about Islam!
I've never seen censorship on such a huge scale. How on earth can this be happening?
Republican cynical fear-mongering and scape-goating tribalism is exactly how this is happening, sans loud protests from enough Americans and teachers.
Because the white men don’t want their knee-on-the-neck position to be not okay?
Thank you for this list
Can no one demand that these censors show cause to ban these books?
Thank you for this
Well said!
I suggest that any teachers who get fired or charged with crimes in Florida pack up their families and move to Michigan We have a teacher shortage. And we won’t judge what you want to teach.
Amen, JaBier!! We would welcome Mr. Covey with wide-open arms.
I recently read of 182 teacher vacancies somewhere in Florida. Other than Florida ideologues, who will actually teach the children and young adults?
Judd, you and your crew are saving the nation one fact at a time.
To be fully informed is to be fully armed!
Aren't these ideologues (Abbott, DeSantis) hiring people without certification to teach in public schools? I read this is what is happening, and some of the people they're hiring are ex-military.
I think I read somewhere that in 4 counties, after a full year, they could only get maybe 10 former service members willing to teach the children!!! And unless they are proto-christian, fascist warriors, probably even less by now.
Banning black and gay people here but allowing the literal Nazis to display hate on downtown buildings is now Ron DeSantis Florida and I HATE IT HERE NOW
I just wish people outside Florida would quit going there. The only thing that might get to him is a big downturn in tourism.
I had this discussion over the week-end with a friend who just finished serving on the school board in a conservative NY community. The sentiment there now runs against public schools, or "government" schools as their opponents like to call them. It was her perception that conservatives who may be racist or GLBT-aversive tend to be more "polite" to others in public than liberals who are running out of patience. They will tell you how nice and friendly people are in Florida, she says, and when you bring up the censorship and other discrimination, they accuse you of "going political." Looking at the list of books shared here, none of them should be controversial, much less supportive of "critical race theory." In my school, the "media specialist" was the person who decided how many films teachers could order but never the content. DeSantis is dangerous.
Me, too. I am going to move out of state (before it’s too late).
I am reminded every time I hear what new authoritarian stance that deSantis and his ilk undertakes, that mental health really is the third rail in human health discussions. We need widespread Public Service Announcements (at a very minimum) to educate the public about personality disorders and dangers to any society that fails to address them. Toxic Narcissism, for example, has been front and center with Trump, Putin, Erdogan, KimJung Un, deSantis, Netanyahu, and many, many others who want to not only be THE center of attention, but to wield power, unconditionally. These are ruthless, and dishonorable dictators who must be recognized and retired
Indeed. Recognized and retired!!!
Great report, Judd. We need to call out every one of his prevarications. He is a dangerous man.
What jumps out at me when reading about DeSantis' book ban is that the man probably grew up getting the crap beaten out of him by his parents for masturbating while reading books that may have had sexual references in them. DeSantis possibly had no normal childhood experiences of learning about sexuality and exercising his natural impulses and curiosity. Instead, he learned to associate sexuality with evil, sin, guilt and shame.
Common enough even nowadays, and the entire book banning, LGBTQ hating and misogynistic movement is made up of people just like him.
We know he has been having goosebumps since he was well received in Iowa. DeSantis hears bells ringing for him. IMHO he will get worse with lies and behaviors including over use of the word Woke and banning more books and a host of other reprehensible facist activities
He sees himself as a Savior to the far right. One scary scenario is this monster could be president.
Thanks for keeping the pressure up on DeSantis and his Nazi henchmen/henchwomen.
Time to cut your losses, and get more creative on where to attract new reader. Dump Twitter. Ghost Musk. Even if we succeed in muzzling Murdoch, we'll still have his spiritually demonic spawn Musk. We need to ALL do our part and sacrifice whatever it takes to muzzle and stop them. Every tweet you make is tacit support for that unstable white supremacist. Cancel twitter, go through your withdrawal, and emerge stronger, better, and more broadly appreciated. Do not engage the wealthy troll... on his own turf no less! What are you thinking?
Amen DeeDee, I did that for twitter, and facebook!
Me too. FB got the old heave-ho back in 2014!!!
I have 3 sons, one with several disabilities. Having him in my life for 40 years, as well as choosing to work with children, adults and their families has given me a certain perspective.
I try to act with compassion to all people, unless they show themselves, repeatedly, to be unkind or worse.
Using a woman's name for DeSantis, no matter who did it first, or how it's only meant as a joke, feels too close to what I've experienced from male Dr's who didn't explain, overrode our wishes, or lied. From those who did not treat my son like a person. Instead, less than a person who has feelings and can discern contempt when it's aimed at him.
Yes, I care about children sexually or physically brutalized by adults. I also care about women who must almost die before the recommended procedure, a D&C is performed to remove a fetus that cannot survive birth or endangers the mother's life.
We are lucky enough to have President Joe Biden, a man who lost those he loved and acts from that loss, grief and compassion.
If we don't try to understand people who are not quite like us, don't try to be kind to people who we don't know, then how do we progress as a people? And I admit I loathe R. deS. because his worst crime, in my mind is hampering the education of children, who will be unprepared for the world as it is instead of the world he wishes it to be.
I carry a heavy burden daily, alone, no respite. Please don't respond if you are going to be unkind to me. And if you have that impulse, read my words again and imagine yourself in my place. THAT'S what grows our compassion toward each other.
I too have a grown child with several disabilities who is 40. I am her caregiver, always have been, I've never had help, there's never been grandparents that have offered help, no aunts and uncle's that have offered either. It's only me. We have no other children. Friends, where? They come and they leave as quickly because they have no time for what is our life. Her daddy (my husband) works 5 days a week, sometimes more.
I understand part of what you're saying, however, I do disagree that children are the only ones being hurt. Don't say Gay? These books he's banning? They're hurting so many different groups of people, LGBTQ+, different races, different religion's, not only children. He's hurting a LOT of people. Remember, the children grow up to be adults. He's trying to rewrite history. Within the groups of children are different races with different religions and I'm sure, many have same sex parents. Some have parents that are transgender, some may have relatives that are. If only we could poll the children and ask them about book reading. How many were and still are so very traumatized because Drag Queens came and read to them.
Sometimes, people should be called a name. DeSantass is my choice. Because he is, after all, an ass.
I admit that this is really radical and easy for me to key from my cushy confines, but...
Perhaps one or more brave teachers can leave the books on the shelves and get arrested. Let's see if a jury of peers will go along with this fascist law after the defense lawyer reads the Penguin story aloud. I'd donate to the defense fund.
I got this idea from those brave men in Texas who purposely got caught doing the deed leading to the elimination of anti-gay laws.
So a book with two men marrying elicits sexual excitement but a man and a woman marrying doesn't? Be consistent. Ban Jane Austen. Ban any reference to the Marriage at Cana. Ban Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty and any fairy tale where folks marry and live happily ever after.