Every national teacher and educational organization needs to disqualify Bagget as a teacher loudly. Would be great if a Florida org had the courage. She is a scourge on our educational system.

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Interesting that these folks only worry about the "discomfort" of White, straight students. Actually, they project their own discomfort onto the students who look like them.

Why would a student be "uncomfortable" about reading about racism in the past? It's really these racist teachers who are uncomfortable being confronted with their own beliefs under scrutiny. No one feels uncomfortable about something they personally had nothing to do with. They can feel empathy for the victims of past actions.

Baggett is a sorry excuse for a teacher. Can her license be revoked?

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She sounds like Governor Ron DeSantis' "ideal" teacher.

If she was teaching my kids, I'd want them out of her class pronto.

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What a haughty, horrid, harridan. Imagine what we could be like if more people were to treat others in the manner they themselves wish to be treated. That one simple act, performed by everyone would change everything. All of human existance. Why is it so difficult to do this? Little children know how. Well, until it's learned out of them.

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This is the kind of reporting that will make a difference. Judd, you and the team have done outstanding work with this. You said you were working on something in Florida ... keep it up. Great work.

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If only she would “know her role” as a woman and stay at home. 🙄

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Without her "nurturing", how would Florida stay racist?

I bet she doesn't like to talk about Rosewood much.

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After all, reality makes white people uncomfortable.

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Some white people.

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Good Grief. It has been my understanding from various readings that teachers qualifications in Florida have been downgraded due to new DeSantis regulations.

Looks like for 30 years this has been going on. How does her teaching not fit the Federal guidelines against Discrimination?

As for Flanery O'Connor perhaps the relevance of such gems are part of the history of the reconstructed south and the myth of The Lost Cause of which grew the United Daughter's of the Confederacy, a group that raised funds for monuments and grave decorations. The group still exists here where I live and basically older ladies that I would not consider Neo Nazi, some of whom I think might also be in the Daughter's of the American Revolution. We always run a fine line on the Civil War in my state finally getting the Generals off Monument Ave in Richmond was a good thing. To ignore the past is Trumpian, America hasn't always been great. Just like the 1% today, that Planter Society convinced the rest of the south they needed to defend their way of life even though the bulk did not own slaves. And basically, today the SCOTUS trying to send everything back to States is just a repeat performance of what the Confederacy wanted to hide behind, States Rights, instead of the issue of protecting slavery as an investment for the Planter Society.

Different Century. Same old America. Money rules.

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Clearly this racist homophobe has the backing of the school administration and the school board otherwise, even in Floriduh, she'd be fired for this crap. And if the people of the school district can't or won't replace the school board in order to fire this KKKLan Mom, they back her too. This is why Floriduh elects monsters like DeSantis and harbors criminals like Trump.

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Floriduh. lol

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I liked the article. It thoroughly covered the situation. Once again, Florida shows its covert racism. The only thing that keeps it from being like Alabama or Mississippi is all the out-of-staters who aren't racist and want a better society. Ronboy DeSantis is a grand example of what's just under the surface in Florida. Industry is allowed to rip off ordinary people because it hands out the kind of money a candidate needs to run for office and expects from him or her to vote in industry's favor, Disney being an exception to the rule. Ronboy is going after Disney simply to show his power and for no other reason. The state legislature met three times to do something about the chaotic housing insurance market. On the final time, it awarded the industry some real protections and allowed it to charge whatever it wants of home and business owners.

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Stanley, I understand that this is clearly overt, but there are many things done in Florida with the idea that straight white, conservative "Christian" people will be taken care of first and that black people will be treated with suspicion. (For instance, the two women in Georgia who Trump kept naming as vote destroyers and vote changers and destroyed their lives.)

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This kind of crap needs to be stopped. Our children need to learn the truth about things so they grow up able to think for themselves about what's going on and be motivated to stand for and do better things.

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This is wrong on so many levels. Thanks again for all the good reporting. Perhaps every book promoting Florida’s glorification of all things Confederate and every book promoting any religious life style or the patriarchy should be challenged. This will expose the weakness of her argument and put governing bodies on notice that banning books opens up challenges from a multitude of points of view.

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This is the best solution yet!!!

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Where are the Orgs that can fund legal action to force the School Board to do their job and investigate / term her or minimally cease her bigoted actions?

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Of course we come to find out that Ms. Baggett is an unabashed racist. Now it all makes perfect sense. And of course the district is OK with racism and anti-LGBTQ things that she promotes. But inclusion and showing that love is love no matter what is wrong. Got it. What a putrid, awful human being.

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I think it's well past time to keep DANDY BIGOT OUT OF THE CLASSROOM! Why this bigot keeps getting so much ink spilled is more than ridiculous. People like her are tools of the MAGAts, not someone who should be "teaching" in a classroom. I'm guessing that she hardly has any classroom time because she's so busy throwing out books and getting publicity. She is a shameless tool of the far right nannies of destruction!

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Imagine having a child in this woman's class? Bagget is clearly a Biggot and does not deserve to be teaching. Banning books that make "white" students uncomfortable is why Florida is just falling in the steps of its racial Jim Crow past. I have two school age children in Florida Public Schools and should any of this nonsense come to my doorstep (which is highly possible) it will be my clue to finally leave this red state!

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Baggett...Bigot... just seems to go together!

It is on all our doorsteps NOW whether we have kids in school or not!

Don’t leave the state! Stay and make this right!

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Someone demanded their child be removed from her classroom and nothing was done? So the parent let it drop? Wth?! School board? Lawyer? Lawsuit? Another school in another district with proof of what this teacher says and does, would surely guarantee free tuition in another district! This lady is beyond off her rocker and needs serious help. I'm guessing she isn't married, has no children. If she is, God help them. I'm so sorry for what these students went through, but for Pete's sake, their parents need to grow a pair and help the children!!

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