This isn't a surprise (or it shouldn't be, anyway). Texas' law is going to be copied in red state after red state, and if you live in a blue state and think that you're "safe", may I remind you that the Orange Asscactus appointed hundreds of federal judges in your states as well. You can be entirely certain that they will be looking for a way to apply these laws in your states, regardless of whether your state's legislators support these draconian laws or not. Oh, and it won't end here, either. Next up for these clowns: Contraceptive devices.

P.S. Once the baby is born, however, it's on its own. That is the "pro-life" movement for you..............

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Once the baby is born, and the Mother needs help supporting that baby through Social Services, she is labeled a welfare whore and shunned. These are disgusting hypocrites , who need to be called out, and voted out.

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Orange Asscactus. That’s a new one. I like it. Isn’t there a Koch funded group behind all these draconian bills Rs have introduced lately? Anti-democracy and anti-choice bills?

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The hypocrisy of DeSantis to say he is pro-life is beyond belief. The Federal government offered up to $820 million in food aid for children over the summer, no strings attached, & he said it was not needed. He finally applied this week after being pressured by Nikki Fried & many children’s advocacy groups. He could have expanded Medicaid, which includes children’s coverage, but he refused to do it. Against science’s advice to vaccinate, mask, & distance, DeSantis says it is an individual’s decision. This ignorance is why the COVID-19 is spreading, & death among children is rising.

DeSantis is not pro-life. He is anti-choice. If you want to limit abortions, then offer factual sex education in schools to females & males (because females don’t get pregnant by themselves), free birth control to all who request it, & free healthcare to females. This has been proven to decrease abortions.

The Texas law does not allow an abortion for rape or incest. It advocates private citizens to be bounty hunters. This is not about abortion. This is about control of women.

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It's not hipocracy, it's strategy.

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Absolutely correct.

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Sep 23, 2021
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Penny, I’m sorry to learn of your harsh experience. I hope you are seeking/finding support outside this newsletter. Don’t let the bad guys win. Sending you light, courage and hope.

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Notice how many political figures who are “pro-life” are men? If women felt like their lives and their pregnancies were supported and babies would be welcome when they arrived in our Country, there would be little reason for abortion. The US offers such a fake moralistic view of life- on the one hand these male legislators point the finger at women for wanting an abortion, and these are the same legislators who also tend to devalue the lives of people, especially women.

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The "men" are the problem. They should start making soliciting Prostitution a Felony for the Men. If they want to play, let's play!

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That and child pornography, sex slavery, and domestic violence. Start charging & prosecuting & see who falls.

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Every time you think we've hit the bottom of the barrel with the GOP—you find it goes lower and includes the Webster Barnabies of the world.

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Maybe New York could come up with an end run around gun Constitutionality and sue anyone within an arms length of a gun fatality. Let's play with the Constitution and peoples lives since that seems to be the only language the Vile and Disgusting Right Wing speaks.

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I've been warning about this new age-dark ages and now we see it in real-time. I'd say I told you so but none of the ones that need to see it are on this thread.

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After reading all the comments, we know this must be stopped but how are WE going to do it? I was too busy to read yesterday. From VA: Since then I have read the right wing school board candidates missives that are so far right I can't imagine them in a position of power.

Read today that all three GOP candidates for Gov. Lt Gov and Attny General are 4 points ahead or more.

We are a bastion of progressives in Tidewater and NOVA but here we sit.

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Pleased to report tHat IL is now using our (relative) freedom of choice to market our state as a good place to do business.

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