Bravo on your Facebook story, an important front on the Disinformation front!

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Yes it does seem like an excellent time to wean ourselves off fossil fuels and onto renewables. (Actually past time but for damn sure we don’t need to increase fracking/leasing of federal lands stateside.) I was impressed by BP’s announcement of selling its stake in Rosnest until I started to wonder who would buy it. Anyone know? Kind of a steal rn with rubles depressed.

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I regret to say that most renewable sources (specifically wind and solar, but very much not hydropower) make countries more dependent on natural gas. Electricity must be used within a fraction of a second of it being created, this demand side infrastructure means that power plants that can be turned on and off quickly are needed to back up wind and solar power. These power plants are almost always natural gas plants (although oddly, hydropower can do this quite well too, but hydropower isn't available everywhere since it's geography specific).

Oil goes largely for transportation (see here: https://energyeducation.ca/encyclopedia/Transportation_energy_use) and very little other energy sources go into transportation. Renewables like wind and solar don't go towards powering our vehicles (biofuels do, but that is and will probably remain a very small amount of transportation energy. In order to get off of oil we need massive investments in fuel cell (like hydrogen) vehicles and electric vehicles.

I teach about energy and climate issues at a university and would be happy to have a conversation about this in more depth if that would be helpful. I know that your team values getting the science right about climate change since it's real, it's bad, it's us, it's the fossil fuels and it's time we do something about it. The details about getting off oil and natural gas are trickier than most people realize though.

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I love that your writing is like a giant 'connect-the-dots' for adults....the pictures your stories create are truly amazing!

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..and terrifying! 😩

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Standard Oil (Exxon) had a deal with the Nazis in WWII. Rockefeller, Rothschild, Noble families were all involved in Baku oil fields. The Bush family got involved through banking. WWII has Big Oil thumbprints all over it. https://www.gabyweber.com/dwnld/artikel/eichmann/ingles/secret_pact_standard_oil.pdf

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From the quote from the WSJ article, “Bans on fracking are misguided and neutralize a critical economic and geopolitical advantage. The U.S. should frack more…” Ho, boy, people should ask the residents of Big Spring, Garden City, Big Lake, and San Angelo, TX about what fracking in the Permian Basin has done to their water aquifers. Residents of San Angelo can no longer drink water out of their tap because of pollutants and contamination in their municipal water system. The city’s answer? Boil it first before drinking - which does NOTHING to remove the pollution from fracking. But yeah, let’s INCREASE fracking in the U.S. - one of the worst ways to extract oil!

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