Something I’ve been wanting to point out for a long time now regarding the “News” branch of Fox is that it is only a “branch” of the larger Fox empire. How can we really hope to encourage change in the network while feeding the other heads of the beast? Fox Sports, the entertainment division, movies, the broadcasting empire is huge! If we hope to really make them sit up and take notice, targeting only the “News” head of this beast is not the most effective strategy. Multi-headed beasts are felled by targeting the heart. Until we successfully take out the heart, this beat will continue to destroy us.

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Ugh… beast not beat

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Personally, I’d be happy to replace the white nationalists and neo-Nazis with immigrants of any color. America would be great then.

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We really cannot move forward in this country without putting an end to the relentless lies that are being allowed to be aired daily. This is damaging and acts as recruitment for the Trumplican fringe groups.

Your articles are so important to expose the companies that are displaying such hypocrisy. What has to be done to get the media to fact check, challenge and counter this dangerous lunacy? This is a threat to the US. Do we not have ANY laws that are applicable to republican domestic terrorists and people inciting this? I laugh when they point to CNN (owned by AT&T).

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Thank you for making Tucker Carlson's agenda more apparent. I find a contrary argument: It is the far right who want to change the make-up of our voting population. We have a diversified group of people eligible to vote. The extreme right wants to change the make-up by eliminating many of the places where voters who are people of color can vote...those without cars, those who don't live near a place to vote will find it more arduous and challenging to actually vote. So Tucker et. al. are trying to replace what we have and what we are.

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Why would Carlson and Fox News hide their open bigotry? As you noted, it generates lots $$ for the company (and him). And the fact of the matters is that Fox is very well aware that even if it did fire Carlson (which we all know that it won't do), he would simply go to Newsmax or OANN and draw ratings there. Like it or not, there is a HUGE section of this country that completely buys into his bigotry and fearmongering and as the past 5+ years have shown, that section of the country is not going to agree to share the country without a fight.

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Obviously, I meant to write "the fact of the matter" (n "s"). I'm too tired this morning!

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Not sure it’s all that “HUGE”, if one takes away the Fox News sector. Which, granted, will be difficult, but perhaps not impossible.

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My amazement is ever challenged by the sheer ignorance of the 3 million (your estimate) daily viewers that can look at this idiotic, apparently permanent, (mother said 'keep making that face and it'll stay that way') quizzical expression TC seems to be permanently scarred with and say, yep, that's my guy... Scary.

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The idea of "race" is just that, an Idea and a bad one at that.

Race is a biological myth. Once we stop using the systemic vocabulary of someone being of a certain race we begin to view humans as humans, not representatives of a particular set of physical features. Race connotes physical features and does not describe humans any further than that. We could also classify humans as Diabetics, or tall people. Now what kind of country would try to keep out anyone over 5'10"? Sorry, you are too tall to live here. We know your kind. You tall people want to take over the world. So is the myth of race. Not a biological scientific term at all. It will take a major shift in consciousness to overcome this. A quick tutorial https://www.pbs.org/race/000_About/002_04-background-01-07.htm

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Absolutely. And to add to that, anybody who is racist etc is just plain wrong. It's completely illogical to think people are inherently different based on skin color, where they are born, what religion they practice. But it's not just a human thing to be scared of 'differences' - I've known horses who freak out at the sight of a miniature horse LOL

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My doggie freaks out whenever she sees someone carrying a child on their shoulders. She thinks maybe 'yikes! a two headed person!' is all I can figure. I have to apologize regularly for her.

We are hardwired to have some suspicion of "the other." Maybe it's how our ancestors learned to tell friend or foe when meeting other tribes in their journeys. And that hardwiring can be overcome clearly, or there would never have been any trade at all.

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Haters gonna hate. Tucker is a hater, a snob and a pathetic bully with a big audience. Thanks for the report, Judd.

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My first question - and I’m just working my way through comments but want to bring up this question before I forget it, as I am wont to do even stone cold sober on a Monday morning - is how does TC think all these immigrants (from far off places yet!) are going to get registered/organized to vote in time to save the hysterical Democratic Party against the clearly superior well oiled machine of Djt’s Republican Party?

My second comment is to echo whoever it was on MSNBC two nights ago cautioning viewers not to make the mistake (again) of treating DJT as entertainment, as tempting as that is. I’ll point the finger at myself this time - and say that I don’t mean my first comment about the excesses of TC/Fox as a joke. So, I take very seriously TC’s “f**k the ADL,” and if that’s not anti Semitic what in g-d’s name is left?

Thank you Judd & co, and fellow readers, for taking the TC/Fox threats to intelligent democratic governance & American values and ideals seriously. “If not now when” must be our watchword.

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I find it incredible that Fox News is such a strong supporter of Racism. Tucker Carlson is a full on racist. He's not even trying to hide it and he would have been fired 10 times over by any credible news organization. Tucker is the face of hate and discrimination so it makes sense that he's also the face of Fox News.

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AND Tucker is a mass murderer based on his misinformation about the Covid vaccines. I'm just praying somebody (class action lawsuit preferably) sues him and Fox for their Covid misinformation causing deaths

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Well Josephine, if you can find a lawyer, you can probably serve as a class representative (plaintiff). But civil litigation is slow and unpredictable; my money is on public outcry, early and often. Donate to ADL, write letters, participate in group boycotts & keep the heat on TC. I honestly think that’s a fight worth joining.

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Progressive Insurance? I can remember when they were a big supporter of, yes, progressive politics. What happened?

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This relationship map shows the values four advertisers on FOX claim they have publicly while they advertise on Tucker Carlson. And the connections FOX directors have with The Nature Conservancy, Stanford, and Georgetown University. https://embed.kumu.io/2f2c4a14e9c7ff3c88509daf5f6da434

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