Understated for sure. Behind the scenes, can you imagine the mind bending fury RK Sr would feel at what an utter ********* his son has chosen to become?
Immediate emotional reaction--this Kennedy is a kook, Bannon is a poison, as is Fox "news", throw TFG's poison into that mix, along with the apparent lack of intelligence of Americans anymore and you get this kind of mess.
He’s a disgrace. It’s one thing that he’s an off the wall conspiracy theorist. It’s way worse that he’s the darling of criminal traitors like Bannon and Flynn. Bannon throws chaos agents at us like IEDs. We have got to defeat this insanity
Yeah I'm struggling a little bit to figure out how this helps Fox News, or its corporate overlords. Maybe applying logic to anything they do is my first mistake, but he's pretty toxic at this point to the vast majority of Democrats and has no actual chance of beating Biden in a primary.
Robert Kennedy, Sr. is flipping in his grave, as is the rest of the Kennedy family. I have no idea what happened to Jr., but he must have had a serious accident where he damaged his brain or something. He’s turned into a disgrace to the entire Kennedy family.
Thank you for reminding us what a danger RFK Jr. presents to our country. Information like you presented here needs to be widely disseminated so that it is clear to all that he is wholly unfit to assume any political position.
“Conspiracies do happen,” he said. “It’s not that everybody is involved in promoting what they know to be a lie. It is that there are orthodoxies that become institutionalized that have their own gravity that pull people in.” - Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (sited in WAPO, 06/05/2023). No doubt Kennedy supports Critical Conspiracism Theory in all of its systemic and intersectional paranoia. His claptrap theories cater to the “I want to believe” anti-enlightenment U.S.A. electorate.
Anyone targeted by Bannon as an ally to his quest for chaos is suspect for what their quest for power must be. Posing with the likes of Flynn and Stone confirms.
RFK,Jr has chosen the Darkside. Too many Dems are cozing up to him just as Bannon figured they would.
Echoing what I have read. He is polling well. I read an interesting thread on Twitter about it. Judd is on Twitter. His big presense is there. The Resistance on Twitter does not believe anything Musk has to say from what I can tell.
I googled just now. There are articles not from Fox or Musk.
Check them out.
Bannon said in Time magazine in 2017 he wanted to create havoc and change the world order. He is still trying it, 6 years later.
Except at this point in 2019, Bloomberg is polling at 27%.
Think about it this way.
Let's say his polling is based on name recognition and the desire of Fox et al to cut away at Biden's support.
Do you think listening to him is going to win converts or turn people off? Do you think town halls & non Fox interviews is going to show him to be charming and effective?
I think he'll be another Tulsi -- a nut job Republicans really want to promote as a Democrat, that no sensible person will vote for.
There are always those who want to drain off votes from the leader, just for the hell of it. Dems need everybody on board, considering the many voter suppression laws passed all over the land. Fox evil knows exactly what they are doing.
I never thought a sensible voter would vote for Trump but 74 million did. Not all of them were MAGA but businessmen, my highly educated brother, my doctor friend were among them. Don't take any challenger too lightly. We are one health crisis away in an 80 year old man and RFK. Jr will be the only guy with a D by his name on the voter machine.
But believe what you will. You seem to know a lot and listen little.
So Kennedy is one of the MAGA Republicans ways of splintering the Dems and trying to gain election control. They are such snakes! The manipulation of those with psychopathology never ceases to amaze me.
Kennedy would be a Trump spoiler, not a Biden threat! Any thinking Dem would see through his appalling and unhinged (Trump) rantings, wild lies and disinformation; if they are thinking "the Kennedy name" - that's history. This guy is just "Trump lite". He'll never get anywhere. We need Steady Joe, not more alienated, lying Bannon types and FOX lovers running. He's TOAST before he gets into the oven. Even his family disowns his crazy!
What was this man before he suddenly switched parties, out of the blue, and declared he was running for president as a Democrat? A Republican.
He still is a Republican covering himself with a cloak of blue, because otherwise, he would have to join the long line forming to run against Trump or DeSantis.
I can almost bet, if he were to
win the presidency, within a ery short period of time, he would declare he was returning to the Republican party and they would have
What happened to him and when? He has a distinguished history on the correct side of the environment, and even his early litigation about vaccines focused on harm to people in specific circumstances, not overall. At some point, or maybe over time, something shifted with him. It’s sad, but it’s also disturbing and harmful. We can’t sleep on his candidacy. Bet he’ll soon have a CNN town hall.
It would seem that Robert Kennedy Jr. needs so desperately to live up to his family name that he's willing to pursue paths to which his late, and far more justifiably famous family members would have been diametrically opposed. He seems to see the value of his father and his uncle only in terms of fame, fortune, and electoral victory, and, having been seduced into believing his father and his uncle would still be alive if not for the Democrats' failure to protect them or even that Democratic powers-that-be conspired to take them out, seems to have a desire to punish the Democratic Party for the deaths of John F. Kennedy and Robert Kennedy Sr.
It's quite likely that he is stuck at the emotional/intellectual/spiritual level of surface understanding of the average 14 year old: easy to manipulate, anxious to prove himself, prone to jumping to premature conclusions based on whatever incomplete bits of information are put in front of him, and very stubbornly unable to change his mind even when presented with new information which clearly contradicts his perspective. (I can't help be wonder who is manipulating him by making him feel victimized and smarter than eveyone else.)
Just as a side note, Jr's psychological dysfunctions bear a striking resemblance to those of Trump's most ardent followers, but that's because the age of 14 is also that age when the average adolescent child begins to naturally try to create their own path by demonstrating independence of thought and action, which in overly-rigid, "conservative" families, communities, and communities of faith is beaten out of them (verbally or physically) by those who are raising them. The death of Kennedy's father at the same age seems to have had the same effect.
RFK Jr. would, therefore, be quite attractive to the Trumpites except that, for "conservatives," believing that all things Democratic are nasty, horrible, evil, and never to be trusted, is part of what was beaten into them as part of their need to constantly demonstrate loyalty to their abusers, which means they'd rather stay home on Election day than vote for ANY Democrat.
Jr. is, however, attractive to the weasels at Fox news because he agrees with them on so much, operates out of the same dysfunctions which give him the same warped perspectives and similar blind spots and deafness, and that "D" behind his name lets them falsely claim that they are not the propaganda wing seeking to brainwash their audience on behalf of the Republican's controlling oligarch class.
It's sad, really, to see someone arising from such an excellent family become the shill being used to act against everything his family once stood for.
Today, on the 55th anniversary of the death of Bobby Kennedy, it is especially painful to read about his son's long spiral into darkness. One terrible fact we can't overlook is that he is taking many people with him - who believe him - because of his name and the idealism once associated with the Kennedys.
dog-whistle dog-whistle dog-whistle I guess this article makes what PopInfo's agenda pretty clear. People - get over this left/right red/blue stuff and recognize that it is all a way to keep the population controlled. "Conspiracy Theory" is just a smear, like "liberal" is used in certain circles. Look beyond the propaganda, maybe listen to what Bobby is saying for yourself.
I think that Robert Kennedy, Sr., would be completely embarrassed by what his son has become.
Bobby, Jr. is a democrat in the same way that Velveeta is actual cheese.
Understated for sure. Behind the scenes, can you imagine the mind bending fury RK Sr would feel at what an utter ********* his son has chosen to become?
Immediate emotional reaction--this Kennedy is a kook, Bannon is a poison, as is Fox "news", throw TFG's poison into that mix, along with the apparent lack of intelligence of Americans anymore and you get this kind of mess.
He’s a disgrace. It’s one thing that he’s an off the wall conspiracy theorist. It’s way worse that he’s the darling of criminal traitors like Bannon and Flynn. Bannon throws chaos agents at us like IEDs. We have got to defeat this insanity
The good news is that he has no support from the democratic voters…just the republican ones…happy to see them dilute their votes further.
Yeah I'm struggling a little bit to figure out how this helps Fox News, or its corporate overlords. Maybe applying logic to anything they do is my first mistake, but he's pretty toxic at this point to the vast majority of Democrats and has no actual chance of beating Biden in a primary.
You applied logic to something FN did. Don't you know better yet? Hahaha!
Seriously, I think it's about sowing chaos and adding grist to their alternate fact mill. Got to keep those eyeballs watching FN ya know!
They think Democrats are like Republicans and the name will be more important than the policies.
I think they're wrong but we'll see.
He provides a permission structure for Fox and the Republican cranks in general to point at and say this is a Democrat we can tolerate.
It is shitty, shady, and alas, it will work.
that's a good point, thanks for the optimism
Robert Kennedy, Sr. is flipping in his grave, as is the rest of the Kennedy family. I have no idea what happened to Jr., but he must have had a serious accident where he damaged his brain or something. He’s turned into a disgrace to the entire Kennedy family.
Thank you for reminding us what a danger RFK Jr. presents to our country. Information like you presented here needs to be widely disseminated so that it is clear to all that he is wholly unfit to assume any political position.
“Conspiracies do happen,” he said. “It’s not that everybody is involved in promoting what they know to be a lie. It is that there are orthodoxies that become institutionalized that have their own gravity that pull people in.” - Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (sited in WAPO, 06/05/2023). No doubt Kennedy supports Critical Conspiracism Theory in all of its systemic and intersectional paranoia. His claptrap theories cater to the “I want to believe” anti-enlightenment U.S.A. electorate.
Anyone targeted by Bannon as an ally to his quest for chaos is suspect for what their quest for power must be. Posing with the likes of Flynn and Stone confirms.
RFK,Jr has chosen the Darkside. Too many Dems are cozing up to him just as Bannon figured they would.
Which Democrats?
Because Fox and Musk aren't speaking for Democrats.
Echoing what I have read. He is polling well. I read an interesting thread on Twitter about it. Judd is on Twitter. His big presense is there. The Resistance on Twitter does not believe anything Musk has to say from what I can tell.
I googled just now. There are articles not from Fox or Musk.
Check them out.
Bannon said in Time magazine in 2017 he wanted to create havoc and change the world order. He is still trying it, 6 years later.
Has him polling at 16%
Except at this point in 2019, Bloomberg is polling at 27%.
Think about it this way.
Let's say his polling is based on name recognition and the desire of Fox et al to cut away at Biden's support.
Do you think listening to him is going to win converts or turn people off? Do you think town halls & non Fox interviews is going to show him to be charming and effective?
I think he'll be another Tulsi -- a nut job Republicans really want to promote as a Democrat, that no sensible person will vote for.
There are always those who want to drain off votes from the leader, just for the hell of it. Dems need everybody on board, considering the many voter suppression laws passed all over the land. Fox evil knows exactly what they are doing.
I never thought a sensible voter would vote for Trump but 74 million did. Not all of them were MAGA but businessmen, my highly educated brother, my doctor friend were among them. Don't take any challenger too lightly. We are one health crisis away in an 80 year old man and RFK. Jr will be the only guy with a D by his name on the voter machine.
But believe what you will. You seem to know a lot and listen little.
That would be your opinion and you're welcome to it.
But Trump got airtime because the media thought he made a better story and gave his antics a microphone.
I try not to make the same mistake twice but if it works for you, have at it.
So Kennedy is one of the MAGA Republicans ways of splintering the Dems and trying to gain election control. They are such snakes! The manipulation of those with psychopathology never ceases to amaze me.
Kennedy would be a Trump spoiler, not a Biden threat! Any thinking Dem would see through his appalling and unhinged (Trump) rantings, wild lies and disinformation; if they are thinking "the Kennedy name" - that's history. This guy is just "Trump lite". He'll never get anywhere. We need Steady Joe, not more alienated, lying Bannon types and FOX lovers running. He's TOAST before he gets into the oven. Even his family disowns his crazy!
What was this man before he suddenly switched parties, out of the blue, and declared he was running for president as a Democrat? A Republican.
He still is a Republican covering himself with a cloak of blue, because otherwise, he would have to join the long line forming to run against Trump or DeSantis.
I can almost bet, if he were to
win the presidency, within a ery short period of time, he would declare he was returning to the Republican party and they would have
achieved their goal.
Think outside of the box.
Look what happened in NC
when 1 Democrat woman
crossed over to Republican
and gave them the state
What happened to him and when? He has a distinguished history on the correct side of the environment, and even his early litigation about vaccines focused on harm to people in specific circumstances, not overall. At some point, or maybe over time, something shifted with him. It’s sad, but it’s also disturbing and harmful. We can’t sleep on his candidacy. Bet he’ll soon have a CNN town hall.
It would seem that Robert Kennedy Jr. needs so desperately to live up to his family name that he's willing to pursue paths to which his late, and far more justifiably famous family members would have been diametrically opposed. He seems to see the value of his father and his uncle only in terms of fame, fortune, and electoral victory, and, having been seduced into believing his father and his uncle would still be alive if not for the Democrats' failure to protect them or even that Democratic powers-that-be conspired to take them out, seems to have a desire to punish the Democratic Party for the deaths of John F. Kennedy and Robert Kennedy Sr.
It's quite likely that he is stuck at the emotional/intellectual/spiritual level of surface understanding of the average 14 year old: easy to manipulate, anxious to prove himself, prone to jumping to premature conclusions based on whatever incomplete bits of information are put in front of him, and very stubbornly unable to change his mind even when presented with new information which clearly contradicts his perspective. (I can't help be wonder who is manipulating him by making him feel victimized and smarter than eveyone else.)
Just as a side note, Jr's psychological dysfunctions bear a striking resemblance to those of Trump's most ardent followers, but that's because the age of 14 is also that age when the average adolescent child begins to naturally try to create their own path by demonstrating independence of thought and action, which in overly-rigid, "conservative" families, communities, and communities of faith is beaten out of them (verbally or physically) by those who are raising them. The death of Kennedy's father at the same age seems to have had the same effect.
RFK Jr. would, therefore, be quite attractive to the Trumpites except that, for "conservatives," believing that all things Democratic are nasty, horrible, evil, and never to be trusted, is part of what was beaten into them as part of their need to constantly demonstrate loyalty to their abusers, which means they'd rather stay home on Election day than vote for ANY Democrat.
Jr. is, however, attractive to the weasels at Fox news because he agrees with them on so much, operates out of the same dysfunctions which give him the same warped perspectives and similar blind spots and deafness, and that "D" behind his name lets them falsely claim that they are not the propaganda wing seeking to brainwash their audience on behalf of the Republican's controlling oligarch class.
It's sad, really, to see someone arising from such an excellent family become the shill being used to act against everything his family once stood for.
Today, on the 55th anniversary of the death of Bobby Kennedy, it is especially painful to read about his son's long spiral into darkness. One terrible fact we can't overlook is that he is taking many people with him - who believe him - because of his name and the idealism once associated with the Kennedys.
This is everything everyone needs to know about this chaos candidate. Thank you, Judd!
Every family’s got one, Robert jr. Is the Kennedy’s one. Sad for such a great family. Maybe he could get some help?
dog-whistle dog-whistle dog-whistle I guess this article makes what PopInfo's agenda pretty clear. People - get over this left/right red/blue stuff and recognize that it is all a way to keep the population controlled. "Conspiracy Theory" is just a smear, like "liberal" is used in certain circles. Look beyond the propaganda, maybe listen to what Bobby is saying for yourself.
Yesterday, you introduced yourself as a troll.
We believed you then. No need to advertise now.